What will be the last day of spring for you: the Chinese horoscope for May 31 and your luck index


Today's energy carries an atmosphere of positive and vitality, which are essential for new beginnings. Take all new things in your life with gratitude and inspiration, looking at them through the eyes of a child who has received an interesting and bright toy. Take all the negativity beyond your personal "universe" to regain your inner comfort and balance. Today's efforts will not be easy, but they will become very fruitful and conducive to your progress. At the end of the article, you can check yourself on the luck index for this day.


Interpersonal relationships require attention, because there may be tension in communicating with those around you. Do your best to avoid direct collisions. Listen carefully to people and ask neat and careful questions. In addition, you can streamline your finances a little today - the day is very convenient for this. And at the end of the article, do not forget to see your luck index for this day.


Today your ambitions are overwhelming you, so do not underestimate your abilities. However, bouts of irritation or a desire to find fault with someone should be contained. Unpleasant people will bother you less if you start moving in a new direction. The rapidly changing energy of the day can make you feel that everything in your life has come into active movement. And at the end of the article, do not forget to see your luck index for this day.


Complete today the maximum that you can do to prepare for a new start. You may need to change your schedule or revise your obligations. If you concentrate on the goal as much as possible, you will immediately see a fairly clear and understandable path to it. If it’s hard for you to imagine something that isn’t yet, then imagine that you are an actor who plays a role in new circumstances. And at the end of the article, do not forget to see your luck index for this day.


There is a chance of a very romantic encounter. Today you should communicate as friendly as possible with everyone and not forget about the smile on your face. Keep your troubled character in check. If you get too angry or upset, then you run the risk of losing something or losing something. And at the end of the article, do not forget to see your luck index for this day.

The Dragon

You especially want fame and attention today. Therefore, direct the energy of today to fulfill important tasks and implement major projects. Be careful not to press others unnecessarily, and do not work to exhaustion. Friends and family can help you spend this day in complete peace of mind. And at the end of the article, do not forget to see your luck index for this day.


Now is not the time to put yourself at risk, because a difficult period requires patience and caution. Discuss your concerns with someone you trust, and don't let resentment or envy take hold of you. Pay less attention to the behavior of others and do not judge them, and even better today, generally limit your communication. And at the end of the article, do not forget to see your luck index for this day.


A day can bring a powerful surge of desire to urgently establish everything in your life, although you still do not see how to do it. Perhaps evening chat with friends or a relaxing walk will help you. Do not “heal” your gloomy mood with a lot of work - this will only lead to sadness and self-isolation. And at the end of the article, do not forget to see your luck index for this day.


It's time to voice what worries and excites you, but keep calm and speak confidently. Ask specific requests and look for practical and rational solutions to get rid of your problems as much as possible. And most importantly, do not give up: remember about willpower and be patient. And at the end of the article, do not forget to see your luck index for this day.

A monkey

Do not let grudges influence your decisions today. You may be tempted to take revenge on someone for dishonest and unseemly acts, and this will be a huge mistake. Be careful, but straightforward. Do not ignore important facts, do not trust others and do not let negative thoughts influence your current worldview. And at the end of the article, do not forget to see your luck index for this day.


Your thoughtful actions will be generously rewarded. You may have to deal with conflicting or too demanding people, so remember all the rules of diplomacy and good manners. Skip criticism, otherwise you will lose an objective look at many things. Trust your feelings, not outside opinions. And at the end of the article, do not forget to see your luck index for this day.


Today you may feel too sentimental or emotional. Unresolved problems put a heavy load on you and affect your behavior, so hold back as much as possible. Also, perhaps you need to try to ignore stress and slow down your work pace a little. And at the end of the article, do not forget to see your luck index for this day.


Pay particular attention to the criticism or praise you hear today. Be grateful for any opinion from the outside. You need to take it into account and draw conclusions for yourself or "work on the bugs." Your ideas, which you think are not serious, can impress the right person. Sound them and believe in your abilities and your luck. And at the end of the article, do not forget to see your luck index for this day.

Luck index for all signs on May 30


1-3 points: not the most beautiful day in which it is better to facilitate all plans, but what not to postpone should be done as carefully as possible. But it also happens that at such points he passes brilliantly and all the undertakings are crowned with success. This can be, if you have a very special Destiny, even sometimes correcting the will of the stars.

4-6 points: if you are not sure about the result - do not risk it, because spring does not end on this day. But if something is urgent, and you have ready not only plan A, but also B, C and D - try it.

7-10 points: a luxurious day and it belongs entirely to you. Take advantage of its capabilities wisely and do not allow yourself to be lazy - life may not even give other such chances.

Your mark:

Rat - 7

Bull - 8

Tiger - 5

Rabbit - 7

Dragon - 7

Snake - 3

Horse - 5

Goat - 6

Monkey - 4

Rooster - 8

Dog - 4

Pig - 8


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