Create a unique image: 8 simple rules


Blogs, websites, video channels are devoted to modern fashion trends. On the web and on the pages of glossy magazines, designers vie with each other to give advice on how to create your own style. These recommendations are so diverse that it is simply impossible to distinguish something capacious, useful, informative and constructive in them. However, there are ways. The brightest and most stylish women of the planet shared several principles, adhering to which, you can always remain bright and stylish, regardless of whether you are going to a social event or to a parent meeting.

Clothing - a way of non-verbal communication

It is believed that even just by your presence you tell others about yourself some information. Not only psychologists specializing in body language, but also stylists practice this theory. In general, they rightly believe that clothes demonstrate not only taste, but also personality traits. This is one of the most powerful means of expression. And therefore, whether you want to or not, clothing can tell a lot about its owner. Tip: choosing clothes, approach this consciously.

And in the light, and in good people

Clothing not only informs those around you with a brief information about your personality, it is also a kind of response to social situations in which you find yourself. Agree that in the office and to visit friends you dress differently. Clothing signals how you show yourself in this situation, says that you are ready for anything.

The main thing - landing

No matter how fashionable or expensive your outfit is, if it doesn’t fit well, all your attempts to look elegant and stylish will go to ashes. According to stylists, one of the main women's mistakes is wearing ridiculously sitting clothes, the choice on which falls because ladies do not want to accept their body as it is. A woman should really appreciate what things are sitting on her perfectly, and which - no. Remember: the main female accessory is self-confidence. Wear it every time and it will make you beautiful in any situation.

Do not save on jeans

Vogue marketing editor Kelly Connor is convinced that a quality pair of jeans is a great investment. Jeans are an integral part of any modern wardrobe. Having correctly picked up these trousers and not stinting on quality, you will be able to wear them for years, diversifying your image.

When choosing clothes, think about surrounding

It is necessary to realize that clothes are not only a way of self-expression. It is important to think about what impression you make on people in the environment in which you find yourself. In a bright avant-garde outfit, even if it reflects your taste, it is hardly worth coming for the meeting. Therefore, without ignoring your desires, still remember the specifics of the current situation.

Following the trends, do not forget about intuition

You can follow as many fashionable trends in the choice of clothes, but it is important to understand that there are suitable and inappropriate places for this. It is unlikely that a state-of-the-art slippers will be appropriate at the social events. Move the experiments with trends in an informal setting, for example, to go to a nightclub.

God is in the details

The style is formed from trifles: how you fill the belt, what beads you have, whether tights fit shoes. It can not be argued that every little thing affects the harmony of the image, but the way you wear a shirt or how your trousers are crooked can seriously change you.

The original style can be your "business card card"

Any feature of the image that can make you unique, in the end, will become your "calling card". This may be bangs that you wear over the years, or successful bright accessories, matched to any outfit. Think what exactly can individualize your style, make it recognizable. Having found this detail, you may not only attract attention, but also get imitators willing to try on your successful and thoughtful style.


Watch the video: S1 Episode 7 Trick or Treehouse (June 2024).