Stewed apples for the winter - we will prepare the summer in jars! Recipes for different stewed apples for the winter with and without sterilization


The apple compote in the jars is just amazing!

He is not standing next to the drink that is boiled in a saucepan.

Summer aroma, unique taste, army of vitamins.

It’s time to take care of the drink for the winter!

Stewed apples for the winter - general principles of preparation

Apples are stacked in jars in sliced ​​form or whole. For compote from pieces, it is not recommended to use early varieties, soft fruits. After pouring boiling water, the pieces should not fall apart. If the drink is prepared from whole apples, then small fruits are chosen, often runetki are used. The second main ingredient in the workpiece is sugar.

What can be added to compote:

• other fruits;

• berries;

• spices;

• zest fresh or dry.

Compotes are prepared with and without sterilization. In the second case, the double pouring method is most often used; citric acid is often added. In any case, it is important to observe the sterility of the workpiece. The dishes are treated with steam or any other method. For tight sealing use a special key or screw caps, if the neck of the jar is suitable.

Stewed apples for the winter slices (with citric acid)

The recipe for the simplest apple compote for the winter. This drink is always obtained, it is excellent all winter even at room temperature, but it does not require sterilization. Compote with other fruits and berries is prepared according to the same principle. Calculation of products for one three-liter jar.


• 0.5-0.7 kg of apples;

• 250 g of sugar;

• 1 tsp citric acid.


1. Immediately put water on the stove to boil, it will take about 2.5 liters in total, but boil a little more to have a supply.

2. While the water is boiling, you need to rinse the apples, wipe with clean napkins, cut into slices. Grind is not necessary.

3. Put the apple slices in a jar.

4. Pour cool boiling water, cover with a lid. Let the fruits warm for a quarter of an hour.

5. Drain all the liquid into the pan, add sugar according to the recipe. Put on the stove, boil for three minutes.

6. Add citric acid to the jar.

7. Pour the compote into boiling syrup, roll the lid.

8. Turn the jar over, cover with something warm, such as a blanket. Keep until cool.

Stewed apples for the winter (with whole fruits)

Another compote recipe without sterilization, but with whole apples. For this drink you will need small fruits of the Antonovka variety. For one three-liter jar goes from 8 to 10 pieces.


• 8-10 apples;

• 2 l of water;

• 300 g of sugar.


1. Rinse the apples thoroughly, pull out the stalks. There should be no damage to the fruit.

2. Fold the prepared fruits in a sterile jar of 3 liters. No need to fill the jar with apples above the coat hanger. If the fruits are large, then put not 8 pieces, but less.

3. Pour jars with boiling water, close with nylon covers, cover with a blanket.

4. Leave the jars to cool for 12 hours, longer, but do not hold for more than a day.

5. Drain the water into the pan, leaving the steamed fruits in jars. The liquid will turn yellow during this time, imbued with the aroma of apples.

6. Boil the drained water by adding granulated sugar according to the recipe. Boil the syrup for at least five minutes to ensure its purity.

7. Pour apples. Cork jars, hold up with the bottom to cool, covering with a blanket.

Stewed apples for the winter with sterilization

A reliable recipe for apple compote for the winter, which will definitely last until spring. If it remains, then it will calmly survive until the next year. For more than two years, such drinks should not be stored, since apples are used whole and with seeds.


• 300 g of sugar;

• 600-800 g of small apples;

• 2.5 liters of water.


1. Choose small apples without damage, wormholes, traces of mold and rot. Rinse well, dry.

2. Sterilize a three-liter jar, process the lid for seaming.

3. Put the apples in a jar.

4. Boil the syrup from sugar and water.

5. Fill the jar with apples, cover with a lid, but do not twist.

6. Reposition the jar in a high saucepan with a cloth on the bottom.

7. Pour so much boiling water into the pan so that it reaches the jar to the shoulders. Turn on the stove. The countdown of sterilization begins with the moment of boiling water in a pan, not stewed fruit in a jar.

8. Sterilize the applesauce compote for 20 minutes. If you twist two-liter jars, then sterilize for 15 minutes, do not forget to reduce the amount of sugar. Liter banks are enough ten minutes.

Stewed apples for the winter with vanilla (ranetki)

A variant of a very beautiful compote, for which Ranetki are used. Preparing a drink in liter jars, they are stuffed on the shoulders. Calculation of three liter jars, blank with sterilization.


• 1.5 liters of water;

• 400 g of sugar;

• 1 g of natural vanilla;

• Ranetki.


1. Rinetki wash, remove the ponytails. Pierce each little thing with a toothpick. This technique will save a thin skin on the fetus.

2. Fold the ribbons in sterile jars.

3. Make syrup from prescription water and sugar, do not forget to add vanilla. Boil for two minutes, this is enough.

4. Pour boiling syrup on the ranetki to the very neck. Cover the jars with sterile lids.

5. Transfer to a pan for sterilization. There must be fabric at the bottom so that the glass does not burst in the process.

6. Pour boiling water into the pan.

7. After boiling water in a pan, sterilize the jars for ten minutes.

8. Remove, roll up the covers with a key, leave them to cool completely under the covers and upside down.

Fragrant apple compote for the winter (with grapes)

A variant of mixed compote, which is prepared with the addition of grapes. If the berries are dark, then the drink will turn out bright and beautiful.


• 300 g of apples;

• 300 g of grapes;

• 1 tsp lemons;

• 300 g of sugar;

• 2.5 liters of water.


1. Rinse grapes and apples. Dry it.

2. Separate the grapes from the brushes, put them in a three-liter jar. Cut the apples into slices, add to the grapes.

3. Pour everything with boiling water, leave for twenty minutes.

4. Now put a lid with holes on the jar, drain all the liquid into an empty saucepan.

5. Add sugar, boil after boiling for at least three minutes.

6. Add citric acid directly to the jar.

7. Pour the future compote into boiling syrup.

8. Immediately roll the cover with a key, leave the workpiece upside down under the covers until it cools completely. This may take up to two days. Then the jar can be turned into its natural position, put away for storage.

Stewed apples for the winter with orange "Fanta in Russian"

Apple compote recipe with orange. To prevent the drink from starting to become bitter during storage, be sure to remove all seeds from the citrus. Similarly, you can prepare a drink with lemon, but in this case you need to remove dry acid from the recipe. There will be enough fresh juice from sour citrus.


• 5-6 apples;

• 1 orange;

• 1 tsp citric acid;

• 250 g of sugar.


1. Cut apples into slices, put them in a clean jar, pour boiling water over it. Leave for a quarter of an hour.

2. During this time, you need to peel the orange, put the crusts in a saucepan. It must be empty. Crusts do not need to be crushed, the larger they are, the better.

3. Squeeze juice from citrus, also pour into a saucepan. When squeezing the juice, make sure that no seeds fall, let the pulp be.

4. Pour the water from the jar of apples into the pan, put on the stove.

5. Boil orange peels for ten minutes, then remove with a slotted spoon.

6. Add sugar to the pan, boil for a couple of minutes.

7. Add acid to the jar of steamed apples.

8. Pour boiling syrup, cork. Cool down "Russian phantom" also need to be upside down under a warm blanket.

Spicy apple compote for the winter with cinnamon and cloves

A variant of fragrant compote, in which it is desirable to add natural cinnamon. If the spice is pulverized, it is likely to lay the product of poor quality or synthetic origin.


• 0.3 cinnamon sticks;

• 2 cloves;

• 7-8 small apples;

• 300 g of sugar;

• 2.3 liters of water.


1. The apples must be washed, dried, processed jar.

2. Pierce each fruit with a toothpick to preserve the integrity of the skin. Fold in a sterile jar.

3. Immediately add cloves and cinnamon, if desired, you can also throw some vanilla or a slice of ginger. The aroma will be amazing.

4. Cook the syrup, fill the prepared filling of the can.

5. Cover, transfer to a pan for sterilization, pour boiling water.

6. Once the water begins to simmer in the pan, detect 15 minutes.

7. After this time, the tank must be carefully removed, with the key rolled up the lid. Cool, store.

Stewed apples for the winter - useful tips and tricks

• From the temperature difference when pouring boiling water, the bank may burst. To prevent this from happening, lower a large spoon inside, but only a clean one.

• Did not get the syrup into the jar and stayed? Dilute it with water, add some chopped apples, you can throw other fruits, berries, spices. Cook regular compote.

• Jars with compote need to be kept under the covers until they cool completely, sometimes it takes two days. In the heat, further sterilization of the drink occurs, which ensures its safety.

• You can add not only berries and fruits to apples. Amazing compotes are obtained with mint leaves or lemon balm.

• Sugar is not always clean. That is why it is recommended to boil the syrup for at least three minutes, you can boil for longer. In no case do not use sand from the sugar bowl, which may contain crumbs and other litter.


Watch the video: Apple Storing and Processing, the Easy Way (July 2024).