Why can’t you put shoes on the table and kill gulls? About ridiculous and strange superstitions


Many peoples have their own tales and legends that make up that unique and unique culture or, in another way, folklore. Since ancient times, people worshiped something inexplicable, believed in different legends of their ancestors, which became signs and superstitions. Each culture has sometimes very funny, and at times terrible legends.

Strange beliefs

For example, it is not customary for the Kyrgyz to have the girl eat the neck of the ram and tongue at the festive table. According to popular beliefs, this can lead to the fact that she will marry without a dowry and become a bad daughter-in-law.

An unusual belief is considered to be the peculiar use of milk among Russians. If quarrels constantly occur in the family, then should be poured out of milk not cat cat near the threshold of neighbors. Thus, misfortune is taken away from home.
The British were very superstitious people. These people will never become:

  • Cross the road where the black cat is walking.
  • Pass under the stairs. According to the residents of Misty Albion, this can lead to a desecration of the soul, since the staircase, wall and earth are a symbol of the Trinity of God. So, passing through this triangle, a person destroys it and causes disaster.
  • Put new shoes on the table. Such an action can attract death to the house.

Ridiculous signs

The inhabitants of France went even further. What is considered normal for Russians is forbidden for them almost under the threat of the death penalty.

People never open a wet umbrella in a room, so that it dries. Why? In their opinion, the Anglo-Saxons who invented it were to blame for everything. Unfortunately, the first design of the umbrella was very dangerous, and when opened, it could kill a person. Although it is impossible to find genuine information about such cases, the French still believe in the insidiousness of this subject.
And also there is a sign that you cannot light cigarettes with the same match 3 times in a row - it will lead to death.

This popular belief, although it seems ridiculous and stupid, however, has a logical explanation. During the First World War, soldiers set fire to cigarettes with only one match, which was very much appreciated in the conditions of military operations. If this happened at night, people became visible to opponents. So, the first time he informed the enemy about the location of the soldier, the second - set a goal for the sniper, and the third - it became fatal for a smoke lover.
In Italy they believe that a candle extinguished during the ceremony is necessarily fraught with misfortune. And also it testifies that there are a lot of evil spirits around the person, and they do not want his life to be fun and happy. The candle was extinguished by Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin during a wedding with his beloved Natalia Goncharova. His marriage was happy, but, unfortunately, ended prematurely and very sadly. The poet died from a mortal wound as a result of a duel for the honor of his wife.
An unusual belief is considered killing gulls.

The inhabitants of such a sunny country will never kill this bird, because its death carries in itself a human demise.

Funny signs

Turks are pious people, being followers of Islam, and this significantly affects their attitude to chewing gum.

They never chew her after sunset, because it is believed that she becomes carrion. Of course, there is no scientific damage to this phenomenon, but fearful Turks, even in the 21st century, will not risk their taste buds and faith for the sake of simple chewing gum.


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