Born in the year of the Monkey: a few words about the friendliest


The Chinese horoscope has 12 animals - totems, each year replacing each other. Each creature has its own unique characteristic, distinctive features. Some of them are well-known, but not everyone knows about others. Possesses its own secrets and the sign of the Monkey, which takes ninth place in a series of Chinese horoscopes. Talking about the features of Monkeys is a must, because this is to some extent the most difficult sign. Indeed, the external, ostentatious in the case of it, can completely contradict the internal.

Monkey soul device

The behavior of the Monkey is always in some way a game, and not at all out of selfish or any other motives. Just representatives of the sign like the process itself, and they can not live without some element of the game.

The Chinese themselves believe that the fundamental energies of Yin and Yang contradict this sign, and there are equal numbers of them - which makes the carriers of this totem either rush to extremes or become duplicitous.

Duplicity is not inherent in all Monkeys, but the duality of nature is relevant literally for everyone.

She is unpredictable - even for herself. And sometimes this quality becomes a real trump card in the sleeve, saves from difficult life ups and downs. A monkey is a serious enemy, despite all its apparent playfulness and furry. Her main weapon is precisely the unpredictability of actions and the inability to understand what is happening in her head.

A monkey is able to rejoice externally and experience somewhere deep inside, and not one of the feelings experienced will be false or false. She just knows how. And the others are not. Perhaps, most of the accusations of the Monkey’s insincerity can be heard from those who are not ready to understand the complexity of her spiritual world, and attribute to the banal misunderstanding of her essence. Yes, she’s funny, but she’s sad. Without a shadow of falsehood in the first and second.

Games and intelligence Monkeys: when one does not interfere with the other

The second contradiction is that the Monkey almost always does not look playful in status, and sometimes it does not even have a hint of seriousness. And even in very serious, critical situations. And therefore looking at the representatives of this sign superficially often ascribe to the Monkeys stupidity, inability to count events at least a step, near.

Are Monkeys Stupid? - Of course not. On the contrary, they are classified as intellectually developed characters.

Maybe the monkey is having fun in a stalemate because she has calculated all the steps 10 ahead, and knows that success is just around the corner. Representatives of this sign have a lively, constantly evolving intelligence that does not fail them until the end of life. Yes, excessive emotionality sometimes leads them to ridiculous actions, however, clever Monkeys learn from their mistakes from childhood, and by adulthood they know how to get out of the water.

In childhood, they play simple games, but with age, monkey hobbies become complicated at times, which simultaneously stimulates the development of intelligence.

Remembering the habits of animals, it can be noted that cubs of literally all species develop and master the basic skills in the game. And the Monkeys play their strange at first glance games all their lives, and therefore they develop endlessly!

Diplomat and businessman in everything

The third monkey contradiction is that in reality they are very rational. Any maneuver of an adult, mature monkey is designed for some kind of result, and external playfulness, talkativeness, which seems not rational at all, is also aimed at this.

Representatives of this sign are hyper-energetic, but wasting their energy on chatter, intrigue and other fuss? “Fine, but why, then, are so successful businessmen, politicians, public figures made of them?”

A monkey is considered a lucky sign - and in China it is a direct symbol of good luck, along with cunning. However, the success of the sign is not in most cases a spontaneous whim of fate. Its representatives communicate a lot, try to please everyone, and therefore gain a lot of supporters and fans. A wide circle of friends does not tear energy into parts, does not drain the Monkey, but rather strengthens its position. These are active people who just need to invest their energy somewhere, and they generously share it with others, forming a kind of network. And, being dualistic natures themselves, they perfectly distinguish the external from the internal in other people.

It is extremely difficult to lie to an adult, experienced Monkey - she will understand a lie, and even more than that.

She will be able to analyze and understand why she was lied to, find the origins of the problem, and without showing that the lie was noticed, take countermeasures in a timely manner. This is just an ideal diplomat, and of international order! After all, she will do it all instantly, and without losing a smile.

Friendliness or intrigue?

The duality of monkey nature creates big problems with its assessment. Is it a friendly sign, or is it an intriguer who should stay away from? What forces direct the actions of this strange creature?

In fact, the actions of the Monkey usually do not contain malicious intent. She does not seek to harm others, and this is completely sincere. However, with external altruism, this sign is extremely selfish. To understand the Monkey, you must first realize that it acts primarily for its own interests. She can give them up in very rare cases - for example, when it comes to her own children, whom she usually loves.

A monkey is not bad, no matter what she does, she just thinks about herself first of all.

However, over time, becoming wiser, representatives of the sign understand that such an approach is also fraught, and gradually learn to take care of others.

After all, to remain in old age all alone is such a prospect does not appeal to anyone, and for those Monkeys who have not learned how to live for others, it is quite realistic.


Watch the video: Emotional Reunion with Chimpanzees (June 2024).