Hummus pasta - the benefits of chickpea, olive oil, lemon and tahini. How to cook, what to eat and whether there can be harm from hummus


Chickpea puree is a simple dish, but hummus is something more, it belongs to the food that is easy to fall in love with from the first test. Easy, fun to cook. And it is difficult to overestimate its health benefits.

How are the composition and benefits of hummus interconnected and what is special about it

Hummus, a varied seasoned pasta made from boiled chickpeas, was known in the cuisines of the Middle East region in the most ancient times of the Mesopotamian kingdom, and a little later in the Mediterranean, where, besides chickpeas, there were other basic ingredients - olive oil, lemon juice and sesame paste ( tahini).

Interestingly, in Arabic, "hummus" means both the dish itself and one of the names of chickpeas.

Boiled chickpeas in salted water, mashed and while hot - add everything else.

But hummus itself can be served both warm and chilled.

There are many recipes for this yellowish tasty mashed potatoes, consistency from sauce to thick porridge, from uniform, delicate as silk, to a coarse gritty.

You can add natural or soy meat, boiled eggs, fried mushrooms and onions, tomato and eggplant, pumpkin puree, nuts, goat or sheep’s cheese, as well as tofu, honey, cocoa, aromatic herbs and spices, in particular, it is very good in hummus with seasoning zaatar.

Sometimes it is served as an appetizer in bowls, along with bread, tortillas, corn chips.

Sometimes added to second courses. Hummus is highly regarded by fans of the vegetarian table.

Ready-made hummus according to the recipe only from chickpea, oil, tahini, lemon juice and salt can be stored in the refrigerator for up to three days, if you send a plastic container with pasta to the freezer for a month, moreover, neither taste nor nutritional properties will suffer. If after storage the paste seems a little dry, add a little olive oil and mix it.

The energy value of hummus can be very different, but if you again focus on the basic option, then it equals 185 kcal per 100 g.

For the same 100 g, it is possible to count 12 g of easily digestible, nutritious protein and the same amount of fat, as well as 16 g of slow carbohydrates, almost half of which is in partially digested fiber, which contributes to a long-lasting feeling of satiety.

The insoluble fibers of legumes are known to establish, stimulate the functions of the gastrointestinal tract and promote the removal of toxins and toxins.

During digestion, from a certain mass of chickpea fibers a specific gel-like mixture arises that performs the functions of:

· Improving the local microflora of the gastrointestinal tract;

· Collection of bile and cholesterol, followed by their removal from the body.

Note that hummus not only lowers cholesterol, but also does not contain it a drop.

Recent studies have confirmed scientists' earlier assumptions that hummus in a sense is able to replace bread products in the diet, and this can be of great importance for those who are forced to adjust it for gluten intolerance.

The mineral complex of hummus is represented, for the most part, by potassium, sodium and magnesium, which is a serious support for metabolic processes, the production of hormones, as well as mental activity.

Separately, it is worth noting the trace element molybdenum - thanks to it, a special enzyme is synthesized that can neutralize harmful substances, in particular preservatives, which are so plentifully supplied to the human body with ready-made products from stores.

How individual ingredients affect the benefits of hummus

It is simply impossible to consider the benefits of hummus in isolation from its ingredients, because then it is just chickpeas, albeit very useful.

Only in combination with them does it acquire useful properties and, of course, they can vary greatly with additives, but it’s worth looking at least at the main ones.

Lemon is known as a source of vitamin C, although it is far from a record for the content of ascorbic acid. Citrus essential oils are much more interesting:

· Have a local disinfecting effect (therefore, with seasonal diseases with a sore throat, lemon tea gives temporary relief);

· Act as antioxidants that slow down the aging process;

· Stimulate metabolic processes;

· Stimulate appetite and improve digestion.

Tahini, or sesame paste, in general resembles peanut paste, including the benefits:

Due to its high zinc content it removes inflammatory processes on the skin (so it can help with acne);

· Again, due to zinc, it prevents hair loss;

· Cleanses the liver;

· Supplies the body with mineral substances that promote weight loss (and this partially compensates for the high calorie content of hummus).

Cold-pressed olive oil saturates the body with fats and vitamin "beauty" E - without it it is impossible to fight wrinkles and other signs of withering skin.

Also, this type of oil speeds up the process of creating new cells and positively affects the muscles, allowing you to forget about the pain in them after sports, fitness training.

When is Hummus Beneficial?

Regular consumption of hummus, and, according to any recipe (but in any case - it is very advisable not to forget about the basic ingredients mentioned above), helps to strengthen the body in many plans, which include:

· Stronger immunity;

· Resistance to emotional stress and stress;

· Increased endurance, starting from the ability to stay awake for a long time without a decrease in concentration of attention, to a purely bodily fortress, important, for example, during physical labor.

Great value of this paste from chickpeas and for the cardiovascular system, including:

· Normalization of heart rhythms;

· Improvement of coronary circulation;

· Increasing the strength and elasticity of the walls of all vessels;

· Prevention of heart disorders, including coronary artery disease.

For women's health, the use of hummus has a separate benefit:

· The alignment of the hormonal background, upset due to age-related changes or taking medication;

Normalization of the menstrual cycle;

Relief of symptoms of PMS;

· Improvement of reproductive abilities.

Also, for both sexes, paste from chickpeas can serve as a means of preventing rheumatoid arthritis, disorders of the pancreas and spleen.

Could there be harm from hummus?

If there is no allergy to the ingredients of a certain recipe, there are only two main tips on how to eat hummus without harm:

· Boil chickpeas until cooked, because legumes on their own are quite difficult for digestion, and raw ones are just a disaster;

· Know the measure and not eat hummus for more than a few spoons at a time, so that again - there is no strong load on the stomach and intestines, and flatulence was not provoked. The harm of hummus is inevitable with its long-term abundant use - then it manifests itself as a set of excess weight.

In order not to extract harm from the hummus instead of benefit, you should limit its use (or completely abandon chickpea) in case of such health disorders as:

Inflammatory processes in the stomach or intestines;


Thrombophlebitis and others similar to it in the severity of circulatory disorders.


Watch the video: Can I Eat Hummus on a Ketogenic Diet? (July 2024).