Is it possible to treat anorexia at home? What you need to know about anorexia and the features of its treatment at home


A syndrome in which a person’s appetite completely disappears, while his weight is much lower than normal, is called anorexia. The disease is accompanied by a violation of the digestive tract, metabolism, nervous system. You can get rid of the disease in the early stages, when the patient’s body is not very exhausted and the person does not refuse medical care, at home. We will talk about how to recover from anorexia at home, which methods are more effective in this case.

The disease develops gradually. It begins with dissatisfaction with its external reflection, a person is convinced that he needs to lose extra pounds. The desire to lose weight pushes him to very strict diets, refusal to eat.

With the loss of the first kilograms, the anorexia patient feels lightness, joy, but he does not notice negative consequences, such as brittle nails, hair problems and the like.

In addition to malnutrition, the patient begins to actively engage in gyms, from which the body is even more exhausted. If a person has been in this state for more than a year, then he needs medical help.

Statistics show that mortality among anorexia sufferers reaches 20%. Among these, more than half are those who themselves settle scores with life. Mostly these are girls whose life is connected with the fashion industry.

In addition, death occurs due to depletion of the body, after the change in internal organs begins.

Causes of Anorexia

To prevent the development of anorexia, you need to know the causes of this disease. We note 2 reasons why anorexia most often develops.

The first reason. Most often, such a disease is characteristic of the fair half. In pursuit of a slim figure, girls are fond of all kinds of diets, in some cases they refuse food completely.

As a result, the body does not receive the necessary substances necessary for normal functioning: proteins, fats, carbohydrates. And the worst thing is that after losing weight, the girl can no longer stop. All the same, it will seem to her that she is not slim enough, and this is a psychological violation.

The second reason is the prolonged depression, when the body, due to its depressed state, refuses to eat food, because all his life is now in black colors, he loses interest in communicating with friends, has no desire to eat food.

But some people in this case, on the contrary, start to eat food without measure.

It also happens that a woman does not refuse food, trying to lose weight, but at the same time she notes the presence of the disease. The secret is to take medications for weight loss, which are many in pharmacies today, and what’s worst is that they are sold without a prescription.

In fact, such drugs are intended for use in cases with significant obesity, but the fair sex with a slight excess weight does not take this factor into account, subsequently they face a new problem.

The basic rules for the treatment of anorexia at home

Anorexia is far from a simple disease, and to get rid of it at home, it is necessary to adhere to certain requirements during treatment.

1. Since the disease is often accompanied by a nervous state, this cannot be ignored. The pharmacy sells a lot of sedatives, but in addition it’s nice to make tea drinks on your own. In this case, use such herbs as: lemon balm, motherwort, mint.

2. The diet should be agreed with the attending physician, as he will be selected by a nutritionist, respectively, for a particular case. It is necessary to strictly observe the regimen of the day, because it depends on how quickly the patient comes to normal. Recovery will occur when all metabolic and digestive processes come back to normal. If during the treatment process at least one fasting day takes place, this can lead to a worsening of the situation, even to an exacerbation of the disease.

3. People with a similar disease are afraid that in the case of treatment and a change in diet they can rapidly begin to gain weight. They should be invited to eat up to six times a day, then all the substances absorbed from the food by the body will become better, while fatty deposits are not formed.

4. Physical activity should be moderate.

5. It should be remembered that the patient's mood is constantly depressed. It is good if his relatives can arrange a pleasant pastime for him, for example, visiting a creative exhibition, a circus. The main thing is to give a feeling of support, the patient must be helped to find something to distract from thoughts about weight.

6. The immune system in case of illness is weakened. To normalize it, it is worth consuming foods that are rich in vitamins and nutrients.

Important! The main thing to remember when treating anorexia at home is the elimination of the root cause of the disease and the organization of a proper diet.

Products that can help treat anorexia at home

In the case when the appetite is completely lost, it is important to choose products that will not only be tasty, but also healthy. Home remedies for the treatment of anorexia are the best, because thanks to them, you can naturally restore your appetite and enrich the body with the necessary substances.


Besides the fact that oranges increase appetite, they are an excellent way to replenish the body with vitamins. 2-3 oranges consumed daily will help fill the body with beneficial substances.

The apples

Apples perfectly increase appetite, improve digestion. It’s enough for anorexia patients to eat several apple slices daily, washed down with milk and honey.

The next method of cooking apples "Antonovka" will help to quickly gain weight. To do this, take 4 large green apples, add 500 grams of unsalted fat, pre-cut. Place in oven, bake at low temperature.

Mix sugar (200 grams) with 10 yolks of large eggs, add dark chocolate (up to 500 grams), mix everything. Pour this mass on apples with bacon, baked in the oven, mix everything until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Eat with bread.

All products used, in addition to improving appetite, will also help to cope with anemia.


The benefits of ginger are grounded in the fact that it improves appetite and digestion.

In the morning for two weeks you should use this product, prepared as follows: grind several slices of ginger, add a couple of drops of lemon juice, a pinch of chopped black pepper. Mix everything until smooth.


In tomatoes, there is a large amount of nutrients with which it is able to provide the body even with poor nutrition.

Daily on an empty stomach should eat 2 tomatoes.

Herbal Anorexia Treatment at Home

In the case of the treatment of anorexia at home, folk remedies can take place that can increase appetite. These are infusions and decoctions that increase acidity, because in this way they can cause hunger.

Tea Rose Wine

To prepare a delicious healthy rose wine you should take:

· Tea rose flowers - 100 grams;

Sugar or honey - 1 kilogram, 750 grams;

· Water - 3 liters;

· Citric acid - a tablespoon, (you can use the juice of five lemons).

Cooking method:

Citric acid and sugar are added to the water. Rose flowers fall asleep in a bottle, pour syrup. Shake everything and cover with a tight lid. Place a tube through the cork in the bottle, the other end of which is lowered into the water. We put the bottle in a warm place for fermentation, but not in the sun. Shake the bottle periodically.

The fermentation period is from 2 to 2.5 months, after which the wine should be drained, squeezed, bottled and tightly closed, put in a dark, cold place. The wine is ready to drink. Take half an hour before meals. Wine improves digestion and acidity, helps with anemia and fatigue.

Broth from calamus swamp

This plant causes appetite, improves digestion, improves overall well-being.

For cooking, calamus root is crushed, a teaspoon is taken and placed in boiling water and put on a small fire for another 15 minutes. Take 500 ml three times a day before meals. For taste, you can add honey.


Watch the video: Bulimia and Binge Eating in Teens: What We Know and What To Do (June 2024).