Proper nutrition of the child at 10 months is the key to health. Learn all the essentials about baby nutrition at the age of 10 months


The first year of a child’s life is an amazing time when parents of important news can wait every day. But among them it is worth giving importance to the most important.

Among them is the expansion of the food menu of a ten-month-old baby, when the mother should think that it’s not far off when it is necessary to wean the baby from the breast.

Place of breast milk in the diet of a ten-month-old baby

The usual amount of breast milk for a baby at the age of 10 months ceases to satisfy his needs. Then the moment comes when mom should think about whether to continue breastfeeding or think about weaning the baby.

When it comes to continuing breastfeeding, she should take care of increasing lactation. Also, such feeding before bedtime morning and evening will be most useful.

When the mother intends to excommunicate, it must be done as gently as possible, trying not to injure the baby. It is necessary to reduce the number of feedings, as well as the amount of milk consumed by the baby per feed. Also, the child's use of breast milk must be shifted so as not to interrupt the appetite before eating.

Important! According to pediatricians, one should try to maintain at least one breastfeeding during the day until the child reaches the age of one year. The most useful will be morning feeding.

How, by introducing complementary foods to a baby’s diet, doesn’t harm him

Among mothers, there is an opinion that juices and fruit purees are not the best option for complementary foods. There are very few vitamins that the body can absorb from those few spoons. But this often causes problems with the baby’s stomach, such as:

• colic;

• pain;

• bloating;

• rare stools;

• allergy.

So what dishes can you pamper the baby?

1. Pasta. First of all, it is milk soup with vermicelli.

2. Pudding based on fish, meat, cottage cheese, berries, rice.

3. if the baby tolerates the use of compotes, juices, you can accustom him to such a dessert as jelly.

4. Treat it with almost all vegetables, excluding only legumes and soybeans, the use of which is best to start from the second year of life.

5. Meat can be consumed not only in the form of mashed potatoes. It will be nice to make meatballs or meatballs for a couple, and then knead them;

6. Porridge can be prepared from one type of cereal, or it is possible from a mixture of cereals. It is not bad if cereals as a side dish and cereals boiled in milk are introduced into the diet. It’s nice to add mashed fruits.

General recommendations:

• eating at this age is better than five meals a day;

• it is best to forget about night feeding or try to reduce it to the maximum;

• The first and last feeding should consist of breast milk or a mixture;

• at each meal, you should try to give the child those foods that you can eat with your hands. It can be chopped vegetables, fruits, bread, cookies. So he will quickly get used to self-eating;

• Do not grind the products too finely, as the baby must be taught to chew on their own. Teach your child to eat on their own already from this age, so later you will be able to avoid the insistent: "Mom, feed!" At this age, children often already have several full teeth;

• it’s nice to diversify milk porridges by offering vermicelli with milk;

• distractions during feeding should be avoided so that the baby is focused only on food;

• use separate dishes for feeding the baby, and for drinking it should have a personal small cup;

Is an allergy possible with changes in the baby's diet at 10 months

If allergies are observed with the introduction of products into the baby’s diet, then don’t rush with the introduction of fish and chicken until 1 - 1.5 years. More calmly, their body will tolerate rabbit meat, turkey, beef, lean pork.

Be careful with such products:

• tomatoes;

• Garnet;

• shrimp;

• Strawberry;

• honey;

• citrus fruits;

• chocolate;

• persimmon;

• nuts;

• mango;

• raspberries;

• a pineapple.

Vitamin menu in the diet of a 10-month-old baby

Both the mother and baby need constant replenishment of vitamins. They are mainly obtained from fruits and vegetables, as they retain their properties well in the winter. The most affordable and useful for children is carrots. In order for the body to fully receive all the vitamins from it, carrots must be consumed raw.

The first time the child is better to give grated carrots. After a couple of days, you can add an apple to this dish.

Recipes for children 10 months

Nutrition for a baby of 10 months is not fraught with anything complicated, but for now they will have to cook separately. You can offer soups, a variety of cereals, puddings, casseroles, vegetables, meat and fish delicacies.

Drinks for a ten month old baby

Good drinks for the baby are:

• fruit drink;

• jelly;

• compote.

If the child has poor appetite, you can make juice for him from cranberry juice (you can not use it undiluted).

How to cook jelly

Fruits and berries for a drink must be boiled, filtered, the pulp passed through a sieve separately. After the broth has cooled, add starch (100 ml 1 tsp) to it, put on fire, stirring, bring to a boil, add the pulp and bring it back to a boil. Kissel is ready.

Dairy dishes

Pediatricians do not recommend giving cow milk to a child up to one year old; in extreme cases, it should be diluted with water one to one. Instead, it is better to use ready-made mixtures.

Porridge can be prepared as follows:

• buckwheat;

• manna;

• millet;

• oatmeal;

• rice.

Add sugar to cereal is not worth it.

You can also cook cottage cheese from skim milk, mash a little banana in it. Serving should not be more than 50 grams.

Vegetable Dishes

In the diet of a child of 10 months, an important place is occupied by dishes from vegetables. Vegetable stew at this age will be quite normally absorbed by the child's body, it is nice to give it instead of mashed potatoes. You can cook by finely chopping all the vegetables with a knife.

Meat Dishes

Instead of mashed potatoes, you can cook meatballs from meat.

To do this, pass the meat through a meat grinder, add white bread, onion, yolk. Meatballs can be added to the pan when cooking soup.

Chicken pudding


• chicken fillet - 100 g;

• White bread;

• half a chicken egg;

• 1/3 cup of milk;

• butter.

Chicken fillet is crushed using a meat grinder, pre-soak the bread in milk or water, add. Now grind the minced meat through a sieve, add half the egg, milk, put everything in the prepared form, bake for 20-30 minutes.

Pumpkin for baby

Boil the pumpkin until cooked, add to the main dish. A good dessert will turn out if you mix pumpkin with grated apple. You can also cook porridge of corn, millet, rice with pumpkin. In this case, the diced vegetable is thrown into the water along with the cereal, boiled until tender.

Whatever new dish you give your child, you need to be careful about how his body transfers such food. In case of any violations, it is necessary to review both the set of products used by him, and the process of cooking the dish itself.


Watch the video: Feeding Babies: Starting Solid Foods. Kaiser Permanente (June 2024).