Jam biscuit - a fragrant miracle! Recipes of bright and juicy biscuits with jam and sour cream, kefir, eggs, cream


Jam biscuit is a great way to spot leftover goodies and make a chic homemade dessert. Baking is not only tasty and sweet, but also very fragrant. It's time to cook!

Jam biscuit - general principles of preparation

In most recipes, the biscuit dough is kneaded according to the classical scheme: beating eggs with sugar until fluffy, adding additional liquid ingredients, then introducing flour. But there are simplified recipes without long beating, splendor of baking is achieved by adding baking powder, this is an ordinary baking soda or baking powder from a bag.

Jam can be added to the dough, there are a lot of such recipes, but sometimes it is used to smear biscuit. In this case, it can be combined with different creams, whipped cream, fresh fruits, nuts.

What kind of jam is usually used:

• black currant;

• cherry;

• raspberries, blackberries.

You can take apricot. Peach, pear jam, but these species are not so popular because of the content of the slices. But if desired, they can be chopped.

Jam biscuits in the dough are baked in the same way as the usual classic options. The dough is poured into a greased form, you can use a slow cooker, then placed in a preheated oven. The cooking temperature ranges from 180-200 degrees. The exact time is determined individually, the readiness is checked with a wooden speck.

The easiest sponge cake with jam

This jam biscuit recipe will help if there are no standard baking ingredients at home. Cakes can be sprinkled with powdered sugar or used as a base for a cake.


• 4 eggs;

• 320 grams of jam;

• 1.7 cups flour;

• 1 tbsp. Sahara;

• 0.3 cups of oil;

• 1 tsp with tubercle ripper.


1. If there are large berries or pieces of fruit in the jam, it is better to cut them into several parts.

2. Beat the eggs together with granulated sugar until lush foam.

3. Combine the jam with the eggs, gently stir, pour in the vegetable refined oil.

4. Combine the flour and baking powder. You can use a teaspoon of soda, but then you need to add it immediately to the jam. Stir well, leave for a couple of minutes to extinguish.

5. Fill the dough with flour, stir, pour into the prepared form.

6. We put in the oven, bake to a dry hole on an average mode of 180-190 degrees.

7. Or pour the prepared dough with jam into the greased cup of the multicooker, bake it for about an hour on the baking program. If the appliance does not cook well, then increase the time by another fifteen minutes.

Sponge cake with kefir jam

Kefir version of sponge cake with jam, also very simple and unpretentious. It turns out a very juicy and tender cake. For him, you can also take diluted sour cream or ryazhenka.


• two eggs;

• a glass of currant jam;

• a glass of sugar;

• a glass of kefir (preferably high fat content);

• 1 tsp soda;

• 2.5 cups flour;

• a spoonful of oil.


1. If there is no time to remove kefir in advance. So that it warms up, we just put the bowl in warm water. Add soda, stir, let it be extinguished in a fermented milk product.

2. Mix the recipe eggs and sand, shake with a whisk or beat with a mixer until smooth.

3. Add kefir. Next, spread the currant jam. You can take any other kind, but with it it turns out the most delicious.

4. After thorough mixing, we add the flour and the dough is almost ready.

5. Lubricate the form and sprinkle with flour. Or we first cut a piece of parchment corresponding to the size to the bottom, then grease it and the sides.

6. Currant biscuit from jam is baked at 180 for about 35-40 minutes.

7. Remove from the oven, leave for about ten minutes in shape, then remove. After cooling, sprinkle with powder or coat. By the way, you can use the same currant jam.

Classic sponge cake with jam

A variant of the classic sponge cake with a layer of jam. It can be absolutely anything, liquid, thick, from fruits or berries.


• four eggs;

• one glass of flour;

• two glasses of jam;

• 0.5 tsp cultivator;

• a glass of sugar.


1. We take fresh eggs, whipping will depend on it. We break it into a clean bowl, turn on the mixer, whisk for a couple of minutes.

2. Add granulated sugar in parts. It is necessary to beat the biscuit mass until then, until it is completely dissolved, a lush white foam should appear.

3. Add flour to the eggs and immediately pour the cultivator. Stir the dough, pour into a mold, bake at 180 degrees until fully cooked.

4. Cool the cake for at least two hours.

5. Stir the jam. If necessary, it can be interrupted by a blender so that the mass is homogeneous.

6. Cut the cake into three parts. It is convenient to use a long bread knife for this. If the shape was large, then you can make a cake of two cakes by cutting a biscuit in half.

7. We collect the cake, spreading the layers of jam, lay on top of each other. For decoration, you can sprinkle jam on top with almond petals, nuts, coconut.

Sponge cake "Black Prince" with sour cream

For such a biscuit, it is also better to use blackcurrant jam, but blackberry and honeysuckle are also suitable. We use sour cream with an average fat content of about 20%.


• a pair of eggs;

• a glass of jam;

• a glass of sour cream;

• 7 grams of soda;

• two glasses of flour.


1. Eggs for this biscuit should be beaten well with sugar until a dense foam appears.

2. Mix sour cream with jam, add baking soda to them, pay off.

3. Transfer this mixture to the eggs, mix gently.

4. Add wheat flour; sift it first.

5. Stir the dough, pour into a greased form or just on a baking sheet. The baking time will depend on the height of the cake, but the temperature does not change.

6. We put in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees. Bring to readiness.

Sponge cake with jam and cream

A recipe for a delicious biscuit, for the layer you can use any jam. It turns out very tasty with apricot, strawberries, plums.


• five eggs;

• 1.5 cups of jam;

• 1.2 cups flour;

• 300 ml cream;

• a glass of sugar;

• 5 tablespoons of powder;

• vanilla, a pinch of salt;

• bag (10 grams) of the cultivator


1. Biscuit for this cake can be baked in advance or use purchased cakes. A great option if there is not enough time. In other cases, beat eggs to a dense foam, add a bag of ripper along with flour, stir and pour the classic biscuit dough into a mold. We send to bake.

2. After cooling, the biscuit must be cut into three equal thickness layers.

3. Beat the cream into a dense foam, slightly sweeten with icing sugar. It’s not worth adding a lot, as jam will still be used. Do not forget to add vanillin to the cream.

4. Lubricate one cake with jam, half of the prescription norm should go.

5. On top, apply a layer of cream. About a third of it should go. We repeat all this with the second cake.

6. Cover with the last layer of biscuit, coat it with the remaining cream, decorate to your liking.

Sponge cake with jam on milk

Another variant of sponge cake with jam. Dough in milk with vegetable oil, jam is used for the layer, you can choose any taste or jam.


• a glass of milk;

• 90 grams of oil;

• three eggs;

• 1.5 tsp cultivator;

• 2 tablespoons of powder;

• 200 grams of sugar;

• 400 grams of sifted flour;

• 1.5 cups of jam.


1. We measure the right amount of products. Beat the eggs with sand until a good foam, add butter, milk, add flour and a baking cultivator.

2. Pour the finished dough into the mold, bake the usual cake in the oven. After cooling, cut into three layers.

3. Spread biscuit with any jam to taste. Sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Condensed Jam Biscuit

A variant of a very tender and tasty biscuit, the dough for which is kneaded on an ordinary white condensed milk. Jam for the layer we take any to your taste.


• 200 grams of condensed milk;

• three eggs;

• two glasses of flour;

• 2 glasses of jam;

• a glass of sour cream;

• 10 g of ripper.


1. Beat the eggs. Slowly introduce granulated sugar into the mass.

2. After dissolving all the grains and double the egg mixture, add the condensed milk, then gradually add the sour cream. Bring to uniformity.

3. Pour in flour and stir the cultivator. Pour the finished dough into a greased form.

4. Bake the cake at 180 degrees.

5. Cool the biscuit well, then cut into shortcakes as it turns out.

6. Stir the jam so that the berries are evenly distributed, grease the cakes, lay on top of each other. Leave the biscuit for a couple of hours to soak well.

Jam biscuit - useful tips and tricks

• Flour and other loose ingredients will be better distributed in a fluffy biscuit dough if they are pre-combined together and then sieved. You can sift immediately into beaten eggs.

• In order not to precipitate beaten eggs when adding flour, the dough should be mixed with a spatula with gentle movements from the bottom up.

• If the jam is not very aromatic or tasteless, you can improve it by adding grated zest, cinnamon, cloves or vanilla.

• A crisp will appear on the biscuit and it will not stick to the mold if you sprinkle dry semolina on the surface after oiling.

• If baking with jam is prepared in silicone form, then do not leave it for a long time in it. The bottom will become wet, it will be wet.
