Cooking beetroot in a kindergarten in the home kitchen. Tasty as in kindergarten - proven recipes for beetroots


Beetroots and skits are such lightweight versions of borscht, designed for lovers of the corresponding vegetables. But seriously, these are extremely healthy soups. Beetroot soup is practically indispensable for normalizing digestion. This is necessary, because the kids eat both kindergarten and homemade dishes, and the cuisine in each family is different. In order to prevent unusual food from harming the kids, kindergarten diets include vegetable soups and beetroots - one of the most popular.

Beetroot soup as in kindergarten - general principles of preparation

• Kindergarten beetroot cooked in a classic, memorable from childhood style - hot vegetable soup. It can be cooked using meat broth, on water or beetroot broth. If the soup is prepared for children, it is advisable to take lean slices of beef or chicken breast for the broth. The soup cooked on water or broth turns out to be quite good if it is seasoned with medium-sized pieces or rings of cooked sausage.

• The main set of vegetables - beets, onions, potatoes and carrots. Beets in the soup of the same name are never used raw. It is pre-boiled in a significant amount of water or stewed. Carrots and onions must be passaged in butter or vegetable oil. As a rule, tomato is added to such frying. The potatoes are laid in the soup without being subjected to preliminary heat treatment, but dipped only in boiling liquid.

• Often beetroot supplement boiled, chopped in half, eggs and herbs. It is crushed in a couple of minutes before being cooked or directly when serving.

• Soup is hot, with sour cream. The classic recipe involves adding sour cream to the pan, at the end of cooking and brief boiling after that.

The classic recipe for beetroot as in kindergarten (with sour cream)


• dark beets - one large;

• three potatoes;

• one and a half liters of water (any meat broth is possible);

• small onion;

• sunflower, highly refined oil;

• sour cream;

• medium-sized carrot.

Cooking method:

1. Thoroughly rinse the dirt off the beets. Without peeling, place the root crop in a pan and, pouring a large amount of water, boil until fully cooked. Then cool, substituting a bowl under cold water, peel and cut into medium strips.

2. In a pan over low heat, warm two tablespoons of oil, dip half the onion rings and carrots cut into thin strips into it. Sauté the vegetables until soft and a golden color on a large portion of the onion.

3. Boil water or boil the cooked meat broth ahead of time. Dip the boiled potatoes and fried vegetables into a boiling liquid, continue cooking at a moderate boil for 10 minutes.

4. Add beets and continue cooking until the potatoes are soft enough. Five minutes before cooking, salt the soup, be sure to take a sample. At the end, add sour cream and well, but do not boil too long.

Beetroot as in kindergarten on chicken stock with tomato


• chilled chicken breast (fillet) - 350 gr.;

• 400 gr. boiled beets;

• a small onion head;

• potatoes - 450 gr.;

• 40 gr. sour cream, fat content up to 20%;

• a spoonful of thick tomato;

• butter - one and a half teaspoons;

• litere of water;

• small carrots.

Cooking method:

1. Beets cooked in advance and cold-peeled, cut into medium-sized, short sticks. If you are preparing soup for children, figures can be squeezed out of beets using small cuttings for cookies.

2. Prepare the broth. Wash the breast fillet under cold water. Place the chicken in the pan and, pouring water, put on intense heating. Bringing to a boil, remove all the foam from the broth, reduce the temperature to medium and cook for another half hour.

3. Remove the cooked meat, and instead of it, dip the potatoes cut into thin broths into the broth.

4. While boiling potatoes, prepare a vegetable dressing. In the butter melted in a pan, put the onion chopped into quarters of the rings. Immediately put carrots chopped into thin strips and stir it well, fry until soft. Then add the tomato to the vegetables, add a little broth and then dip at a minimum even before a quarter of an hour.

5. When the potato reaches half-cooked, send the vegetable dressing to the pan, lower the fillet disassembled into pieces. Bring the beetroot to readiness under a lid over low heat. The potato should soften well.

6. Five minutes before cooking, adjust the taste of the soup with salt, add sour cream.

The recipe for delicious beetroot as in a kindergarten for a slow cooker


• two liters of finished meat broth;

• boiled beets - 4 medium-sized root crops;

• two onions;

• four potatoes;

• carrots are large and sweet - 1;

• juice from half a large lemon;

• garlic;

• sugar - 1 tbsp. l .;

• three tablespoons of high-quality vegetable oil;

• boiled eggs;

• sour cream;

• finely chopped: dill, onion feather, parsley - a pair of spoons.

Cooking method:

1. Thinly cut the peel from the beets. Rub the flesh with a coarse grater and, shifting to a bowl, set aside.

2. Turn on the slow cooker in frying mode. Pour the oil into the bowl and fry the medium-sized chopped onions until transparent. Add the carrots grated into large chips and fry until it softens.

3. Cut the potatoes into cubes or small cubes, transfer them to the bowl to the fried vegetables and pour the meat broth slightly cooled after boiling.

4. When the potatoes are almost ready, after about twenty minutes, salt, add sugar, pour in lemon juice. Add the beets and continue cooking, without changing the mode, until done.

5. At the end, push three garlic cloves into the soup through a press, add fresh herbs, and let the beetroot infuse for ten minutes.

6. When serving, put half of the boiled egg in each serving, season with sour cream.

Beetroot meat as in kindergarten with eggs


• beef pulp - 300 gr.;

• 250 gr. beets;

• half of onion;

• a small carrot;

• two tablespoons of non-aromatic oil;

• fresh dill greens - several branches;

• two hard-boiled eggs.

Cooking method:

1. Water-washed beef, cut medium-sized and set to boil in two liters of water. After boiling, boil the meat for ten minutes, then drain the broth. Pour clean water into a pot with beef and boil the meat, for 40 minutes from boiling.

2. Cut the carrots and beets into thin sticks of approximately the same size, the potatoes into cubes, and the onions into small pieces.

3. While preparing the broth, in vegetable oil, fry the beets for 2 minutes, cover and simmer for 20 minutes. Be sure to mix regularly. Ideally, the beets should languish exclusively in their own juice, but if it is not enough, add a little broth.

4. After that, put the onions with carrots and fry at high temperature for about two minutes. Put the lid on the pan again, continue heating at a minimum, about ten minutes.

5. Put the potatoes in the boiling broth, and, after 20 minutes, add the stewed vegetables. Salt the soup, add finely chopped eggs, boil until soft potatoes and remove from heat.

6. Serve the beetroot meat with fresh herbs, seasoned with sour cream.

Lean beetroot recipe as in kindergarten (with vinegar)


• five medium-sized beets;

• potatoes - two small tubers;

• two teaspoons of table vinegar;

• a small carrot;

• half the onion;

• refined oil - 2 tbsp. l .;

• rafinated sugar;

• sprigs of young green dill or parsley;

• one boiled egg.

Cooking method:

1. Boil the peeled beets until cooked in two liters of good filtered water. Cool the root crops without taking out the broth. It is best to do this in the evening, then the broth will become a brighter color.

2. Grind the cooled beets on a coarse grater, sprinkle with vinegar, mix and temporarily set aside.

3. Bring the beetroot to a boil and put the diced potatoes in it.

4. Fry the onion slices in vegetable oil until smooth golden. Add coarsely grated carrot to the pan and heat until it is soft enough and the onion is browned. Put the frying in the pan

5. When the potatoes become noticeably soft, add the beets. Do not lay the beets before the potatoes are cooked. Under the influence of vinegar, it can become rougher and not fall apart.

6. Bring the beetroot to a boil. Adjust the taste of the soup with salt and sugar, cover and remove from the stove.

7. Serve after a quarter of an hour, supplemented with chopped egg, herbs and sour cream.

Beetroot soup as in kindergarten with sausage


• 200 gr. cooked sausage without fat and bacon;

• kilogram of sweet beets;

• a liter of water or meat broth;

• one carrot;

• a small onion;

• 20 gr. butter homemade butter;

• sugar;

• table, 9% vinegar - an incomplete spoon;

• flour;

• two tablespoons of thick tomato paste.

Cooking method:

1. Boil the beet washed from dirt in a sufficient volume of water, cool. Then peel and cut into thin, noodle-like strips.

2. Fry until softened in butter with chopped carrots with half onion rings. Add the tomato, stir well, warm the mass for about a minute and set it off the stove.

3. On an intense fire, bring the pre-cooked underwire broth to a boil. Dip the vegetables fried with tomato into it, add the sausage, cut into strips or cubes.

4. In a dry frying pan until creamy, warm the flour. Dilute it with hot broth and pour the mixture into the pan.

5. Add the vinegar, lightly salt the soup and, removing the sample, sweeten the soup. After boiling, at a minimum heat, darken the beetroot for 10-12 minutes, remove from the stove and let stand a little.

Beetroot soup as in kindergarten - cooking tricks and useful tips

• Try to get beets of the Bordeaux variety; it has a darker color and a pleasant sweet taste.

• If you do not need beetroot decoction for cooking the soup, bake the root crop by wrapping it tightly in foil in the oven or place it in the microwave for a quarter of an hour after packing in a bag. This will not only reduce time, but also allow you to save a little more trace elements.

• Instead of vinegar, you can use freshly squeezed lemon juice. Its acid has the same properties.

• There are recipes and transparent beetroots. For them choose light beets, and boil it with meat, from the very beginning of the preparation of the broth.


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