Why dream of vomiting


When a person dreams of nausea and stomach cramps, most of all he wants to wake up and forget this unpleasant dream. However, it is still worth remembering some of the details of sleep, to look into the dream book and find out the correct interpretation.

Perhaps timely warning will help to avoid danger and many troubles. But do not immediately prepare for all the worst things, because even such an unpleasant dream can have good values.

I dreamed vomiting in a dream what does it mean

If you dream of vomiting in a dream, you need to prepare for such events in reality:

  • you have had nausea and vomiting in a public place - soon you will feel unwell, which will not pose a serious health hazard;
  • cause a seizure in yourself - you are confused and depressed, most of all you want to find harmony and find yourself;
  • to experience strong nausea in a dream - your friends have a bad influence on you, look at your inner circle and you will see that it consists of worthless, mean and unprincipled people;
  • to see people on the street who suffer from sharp stomach cramps - soon you will have to look after an elderly person;
  • if a woman has a nausea dream - soon there will be numerous worries due to the sudden illness of an old relative, but Wang argues that such a dream may be a harbinger of a quick pregnancy;
  • if a sharp and unpleasant stomach spasm dreams of a pregnant woman - perhaps she really doesn’t feel very comfortable with the “interesting position”, it will soon pass.

What dreams of vomiting in

Modern dream book says - if I had a vomiting dream, pay attention to every detail and draw the appropriate conclusions:

  • Miller asserts that if a person sees his own vomit in a dream, it means that soon he will get rich unexpectedly;
  • if you dream of vomiting yourself to see it is a humiliating experience, which may mean that you will soon be dragged into a serious scandal, it will happen unexpectedly for you;
  • a man deliberately provokes bouts of vomiting - you are too lost and do not know how to find harmony;
  • if you feel nauseous in your sleep and run to cover to hide from others - you are still trying to find your own place in life, you are hiding your real aspirations from people and are afraid to open their souls to them;
  • if you are sick of something strange and unknown - you will soon be diagnosed with a serious illness, do not delay the visit to the doctor so that you can start treatment on time;
  • dirty your own vomit of a stranger - you have the talent to involve other people in your own life, putting the burden of your worries and problems on them;
  • you feel emptiness and fear after severe stomach cramps - you expect a major loss, perhaps you will part with your soulmate.

Why dream of vomiting another person

If another person is vomiting, the dream book offers the following interpretations:

  • to see many people suffering from severe stomach cramps - soon you will become a member of a grand feast;
  • dreams that you see another person who is tormented by nausea in a public place - many modern interpreters suggest that such a dream may portend too close attention to your person, so be careful and avoid scandals;
  • I dreamed of a situation in which you help another person put himself in order after an attack of nausea — a close friend who asks for help will turn to you in reality;
  • to see that the bride at the wedding is stained after an attack of nausea - such a dream to a man foreshadows the betrayal of his second half.

What dreams of vomiting in a child

  • If in a dream you calm down a small child after a nausea attack, it means that you are trying to give more attention to your own inner self and your spiritual needs. You seek harmony with yourself, but life circumstances interfere with this.
  • If in a dream you observe how acute stomach cramps torment a child - this is a symbol of serious trials and difficulties that will soon fall to your lot.

It can also be a warning to the dreamer - keep your life under control and do not make unforgivable mistakes.

Vomiting blood

  • Such a dream almost always foreshadows serious conflict situations and troubles that will have to be fought alone. You need to get rid of all the negative that is present in your life, as well as overestimate some of their views and principles.
  • To dream of vomiting with blood and bile - pay attention to your health, you may have hidden diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • To experience a big nausea attack, after which everything around you is soiled with your blood - a tragedy that is very difficult to prevent.


Watch the video: What does vomiting dreams mean? - Dream Meaning (June 2024).