Egg diet for 2 weeks: description, list of allowed products. 2-week egg diet ration: how to lose weight effectively


A real find for people waging an eternal struggle with extra pounds can be an egg diet for 2 weeks.

For some, it can be a good start and impetus for the further elimination of excess weight, while other slightly plump people can completely eliminate excess kilograms.

General principles of an egg diet for 2 weeks

There are several varieties of egg diet. They may differ in duration or in products included in the diet, but all their main ingredient - ordinary eggs - combines them. This chicken product was chosen for a reason, because its composition is high in nutrients, minerals and vitamins. More specifically, along with the eggs, micro and macro elements, such as potassium, manganese, phosphorus, iron, folic and nicotinic acids, vitamins of group B (B1, B2), D, E, A, enter the body.

In addition to these substances, in the composition of eggs you can find niacin - an element that is responsible for the nutrition of the brain, as well as choline, which helps cleanse the liver of poisons and improve memory functions. Thanks to the vitamin K included in the composition, blood coagulation is normalized.

Calorie content of the product is not too high - 100 kcal per 1 pc. When eating eggs in the mornings, those who lose weight are guaranteed to have no hunger during the day. The egg diet is considered by nutritionists to be not only correct, but also highly effective, as it allows you to get rid of 5-7 kg in 2 weeks without much labor and infringement on the diet. The first few days will be the most difficult in the diet, during which time the body will get used to the appropriate diet and rebuild. Therefore, those who have no contraindications to the use of eggs, you can safely begin to lose weight along with the egg diet.

Like any other diet, the egg has its own rules and restrictions on food:

• it is allowed to eat any vegetables except beans, potatoes and fruits, with the exception of too sweet ones - bananas, mangoes, grapes, figs;

• Of all kinds of cereals, only buckwheat is allowed;

• bakery products are strictly contraindicated, they should be completely abandoned whenever possible;

• for the duration of the diet, you should also forget about sweets, sugar, smoked and canned foods, any kind of oil;

• The main sources of protein should be products such as fish, chicken and beef, which need to be cooked without various additives;

• in unlimited quantities you can drink water, green tea, decoctions of herbs and even black coffee, the daily rate of fluid should reach 2 liters;

• it is allowed to consume fermented milk products, low-fat cottage cheese, cheese, milk with 1% fat content;

• during breakfast, you should primarily eat half the citrus on an empty stomach, and only after that proceed to the main dish;

• if the diet is violated, the efficiency instantly decreases, it is better to start it again so that you don’t waste time in vain, and it’s even better not to break the rules.

The list of prohibited products also includes:

• any kind of broth, including vegetable;

• fatty types of meat - such are pork and lamb;

• vegetables with a high starch content;

• pasta;

• foods rich in cholesterol;

• chocolate.

The result of an egg diet can be weight loss from 5 to 7 kg. But the effectiveness of the diet will appear only in the case of strict compliance with all regulations and rules. It will be useful to abandon bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol), including drinking coffee. Each organism has its own special structure and characteristics, depending on them, the effect of the diet can manifest itself in different ways - for some, weight loss will be more noticeable, for others less. But inevitably, each person is able to lose at least 5 kg with good faith in compliance with the methodology.

A detailed menu of an egg diet for 2 weeks

With any combination of products for the next two weeks of losing weight, breakfast should always remain unchanged. The morning meal will be 1-2 soft-boiled eggs and ½ of any citrus, it is best to take oranges or grapefruits. For the other two day meals, you can use the developed menu plan:

1 day:

• lunch will be fruit, you can choose 1 kind of fruit and eat it in any quantity;

• dinner consists of steamed or cooked meat (200g.).

2 day:

• lunch - a piece of chicken without skin, the bird should only be boiled;

• dinner - a mix of vegetables for salad (it should not be seasoned with oil), toast, which has become dietary as a result of cooking, a breakfast set.

3 day:

• lunch - chopped tomatoes, can be in the form of a salad, cottage cheese (should be as lean as possible) and toast;

• dinner - you need to cook 200 g of meat in any available way from the permissible.

4th day:

• fruit lunch;

• dinner - vegetable salad and meat, which can be baked without oil or boiled.

5 day:

• lunch consists of a vegetable marrow, which is previously boiled and 1-2 soft-boiled eggs;

• dinner - 1 grapefruit, vegetable mixture, fish.

6 day:

• again you need to repeat the fruit lunch;

• for dinner, a standard set of meat and salad.

7 day:

• lunch - a rich meal that includes chicken meat and vegetables - all this is steamed, 1 pc. orange and tomato;

• for dinner, steam again.

The second week should continue with a similar morning meal, but the rest of the menu needs to be changed by increasing the egg dose:

1 and 2 days:

• lunch consists of any meat dish and fresh vegetables;

• dinner is similar to breakfast, but with the whole fruit, and you also need to prepare a vegetable salad without salt and oil.

3 day:

• lunch - 200-250 g of meat cooked in any permitted way and a cucumber;

• for 1-2 eggs for dinner - such a meal should be repeated in the next 2 days, only this time it can be supplemented with vegetable salad and citrus.

4th day:

• lunch - boiled vegetables to choose from, low-fat cheese, an egg.

5 day:

• lunch - you need to choose fish of low-fat varieties and cook a dish for a couple.

6 day:

• for lunch, meat + citrus + 2 tomatoes;

• fruit dinner.

7 day:

• lunch - chicken breast with tomatoes 2 pcs.;

• dinner - boiled carrots or beets of your choice, 1 orange.

The main subtleties and rules of the egg diet for 2 weeks

The main rules of the egg diet:

1. It is necessary to strictly observe the regime of three meals a day daily - this is the basis of the whole diet. At the same time, additional meals and any snacks should be excluded.

2. It is forbidden to replace products or to include new additional food in the diet.

3. The main meal is breakfast, in no case should you skip this meal.

4. Experienced nutritionists advise you to completely forget about caffeine and also give up any fats, at least for the duration of the diet.

5. When choosing a drink, it is best to give preference to herbal and green teas, freshly squeezed juices, purified or filtered water without gas.

6. Cook all dishes and products by boiling, stewing, baking without using oil or fat, for a couple. The priority for vegetables is raw or boiled.

7. If you can’t live without bread, you should choose varieties of coarse grinding. Slices should be turned into toasts or crackers, and after that eat.

8. During the diet, the body will not need to be equipped with additional vitamins, so there is no need to purchase multivitamin complexes. All the elements necessary for the body are already in the protein and yolk.

9. Eggs need to be boiled soft-boiled - this is the state of the product that allows it to be fully absorbed in the body.

The benefits of the diet:

• a strict diet allows you to avoid overeating, which cause the accumulation of excess weight, especially night gluttony;

• allowed to eat fruits give the body satiety, nourish it with useful minerals and vitamins, and also serve as a good substitute for desserts and pastries;

• any daily meal is a satisfying meal that will give the body a long satiety and prevent the onset of sudden attacks of hunger;

• Egg diet is a great impetus for changing your diet for the better. After its completion, many people easily refuse harmful seasonings and sauces, oils, fats, mayonnaise and prefer healthy and simple food;

• cravings for sweets are reduced, blood sugar levels are normalized, which has a beneficial effect on most vital processes.

Another important point of the diet is the way out of it, half the success depends on the correctness of which. After two weeks of abstinence, there will be too high a temptation to attack sweets, chocolate, baking. But after such actions, the results achieved will quickly disappear, and the hands of the scales will return to their previous position. So that the half-month efforts are not wasted, you should pre-tune in to proper nutrition for a long period.

After two weeks, you can gradually add one or more products to the egg diet that belong to the list of the right ones. For two weeks of the diet, the stomach is significantly reduced in size, so after its completion you should not lean on large portions or eat too often. It is allowed to eat more often only if the portion sizes are further reduced.

Doctors also recommend that you do not forget to continue to drink more liquid, spend considerable time in the fresh air, lead an active and active lifestyle, avoid overeating, and do not eat at night before bedtime.

Do not get involved in a diet for people with intolerance to the main product, as well as for pregnant women and nursing mothers.


Watch the video: The Egg Diet: Is it Safe to Eat ONLY Eggs on a Keto Diet? - Thomas DeLauer (June 2024).