Female opinion: sunny beaches in winter seem especially welcome


Not everyone loves seeing off the old and celebrating New Year in snowy Russia. A long weekend at the beginning of the year is a great opportunity to go somewhere to relax, and at the same time and, perhaps, to celebrate the holiday in an original way. The tourism industry is well developed, so if you have the finances, you can go anywhere if there is a plane flying or a train going. The logical choice seems to be in favor of a hotter country such as Egypt, Thailand or exotic islands in the Pacific: it is so nice to declare a break in winter and bask in the sun. Someone chooses a country with a milder, but still winter. There are those who do not have enough domestic frosts, and he is ready to go even to the North Pole. About three thousand Russians were interviewed by the Women's Opinion Internet portal to find out where they would prefer to go in the middle of winter.

As expected, half of the respondents dream of a warm sea and the golden sand of distant beaches - 51.3%. "There, where the heat and the sea are nearby. The ice-goers were tortured already this year, the ice age is direct. I want heat and sun!" - women complain.

And despite the fact that outside the windows is still far from February, generous in frosts.

41.1% prefer holidays in Europe or America. They are attracted not only by moderate winter temperatures and the absence of snow blockages, but also by the opportunity to see how foreigners celebrate Christmas, to take part in seasonal sales.

7.6% would like to go where it is even colder. The creak of snow, the freshness of frosty air and the patterns on the glass - all this looks like a winter fairy tale, just before the New Year. Residents of the southern regions yearn for real winter, because they sometimes do not have the opportunity to practice winter sports - the snow, if it falls, comes off very quickly.

Winter in Russia is very long, until May, so it is not surprising that women tend to the south, recharged with solar energy. Those who are embarrassed by climate change and a long flight rest in Europe, which is also more fortunate with the weather than most of Russia. Only a small percentage of Russians tend to plunge into real winter frosts, of course, provided that the hotel room is well heated and there is no interruption in light.

The survey involved 2750 people from 102 cities of Russia. The age of respondents is from 20 to 45 years.


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