Hormonal failure in men: causes, symptoms, possible consequences and complications. Treatment methods for hormonal failure in men


The human hormonal system provides him with normal growth, development and reproductive function. If this system fails, the patient develops a variety of deviations.

Hormonal failure in women has its own characteristics, in the "stronger sex" - others. Let us consider in more detail the symptoms of hormonal failure in men and methods of treating this phenomenon.

Hormonal failure in men: causes

Contribute to the development of hormonal disruption in men following factors:

1. Chronic physical overwork.

2. Strong psycho-emotional overstrain (stress, frequent unrest, etc.).

3. Constant lack of sleep.

4. The tendency to depression.

5. The genetic predisposition of a person to hormonal failure in the body.

6. Chronic course of various infectious diseases.

7. The defeat of acute viral pathologies.

8. Taking drugs.

9. Smoking.

10. Work in conditions with toxic effects on the body (poisoning with household chemicals, etc.).

11. Improper treatment with hormone-containing drugs.

12. The influence of household chemicals (powders, shampoos, etc.) adversely affects the production of testosterone in men. This inhibits the functioning of the sex glands and increases the likelihood of hormonal failure.

13. Congenital or acquired diseases of the adrenal gland, testes, or pituitary gland.

14. Various diseases of the endocrine system (especially diabetes mellitus).

15. Living in an unfavorable ecological environment.

16. Frequent drinking. This is especially true for regular beer consumption. The fact is that this drink contains analogues of female sex hormones, so they suppress the natural production of testosterone in men, replacing it with female hormones. As a direct consequence of this, a person's fat mass rises, breasts can increase and a general malfunction in the hormonal system occurs.

17. Overweight.

18. The effect of radiation.

19. The development of oncological pathologies.

20. The old age of men. Hormonal imbalance in this case is justified by a natural decrease in androgen production, which occurs due to a decrease in the cells of the gonads.

Moreover, the state of the liver and kidneys is of great importance in the development of hormonal disruption in men, since the exchange of sex hormones and their further excretion from the body depend on their well-coordinated work. If these organs function poorly, then the person becomes more prone to hormonal failure.

It is important to know that hormonal indicators can vary slightly even during the day. This is explained by the purely physiological construction of body systems. This phenomenon does not always indicate possible pathologies.

Hormonal failure in men: symptoms and signs

Allocate the following features of the course of hormonal failure in men:

1. If this condition developed in adolescence, then the patient may experience early sexual development, or vice versa - a delay in the development of the reproductive system.

2. With the appearance of hormonal failure in men aged twenty to forty years, obesity, decreased libido and complete infertility may be observed. All kinds of disturbances in the nervous system (a tendency to depression, irritability, drowsiness, headaches) often develop.

3. Often there is rapid fatigue, lethargy, lethargy, sharp fluctuations in mood.

4. With the appearance of this pathology at a more mature age, the patient's self-esteem may decrease, panic attacks and tearing may occur.

5. Sometimes a sharp change in the hormonal background can affect the functioning of the reproductive system. In this case, the patient will feel pain during urination, urinary incontinence. Also, with a decrease in testosterone production in humans, fat deposition according to the female prototype, and stopping facial hair growth, can be observed.

6. Pain, stiffness in joints, heaviness during movement and osteoporosis may appear in the musculoskeletal system.

The following additional signs of hormonal failure, according to which this pathology can be detected, are also distinguished:

1. Decrease in physical endurance.

2. Dry skin.

3. Increased blood sugar.

4. Brittle hair.

5. Increased sweating.

6. Trembling in the limbs.

7. Constant fatigue.

8. Jumps in blood pressure.

9. Sensation of hoarseness.

10. Increased brittle bones.

11. The appearance of disorders in the cardiovascular system.

Hormonal failure in men: diagnosis and treatment

When the first signs of hormonal failure appear, a man is recommended to consult a doctor as soon as possible and begin to diagnose. Traditionally, the doctor will prescribe general clinical tests of blood and urine, as well as tests for the level of hormones in the body.

In addition, examinations of the cardiovascular system, abdominal ultrasound, ECG, and examination of the reproductive and endocrine systems may be prescribed to the patient. In general, it is desirable to conduct a full examination of the body in order to be able to timely identify any pathologies associated with hormonal failure.

The methods and tactics of general therapy will largely depend on the results of the tests, the age of the patient, the presence of chronic diseases, as well as the root cause that caused the hormonal failure. Thus, the course of treatment is selected for each patient individually.

The traditional treatment of hormonal failure has the following features:

1. If this condition developed in a person at a young age, then therapy should be aimed at normalizing the natural functioning of the sex glands, as well as improving the functioning of the organs that are responsible for the exchange of sex hormones.

In this case, the patient needs to be prescribed special drugs to normalize the liver, thyroid gland, as well as the pituitary gland. Vitamins are also sometimes prescribed as additional support.

2. If a hormonal imbalance developed in the elderly patient, then most likely he will be prescribed a lifelong treatment with drugs with testosterone. In fact, this is not a problem, since these drugs will maintain the optimal level of hormones that a person needs for the normal functioning of the body.

3. If a hormonal failure caused an oncological pathology, then chemotherapy and surgical treatment may be prescribed to the patient. In this case, the general treatment will largely depend on the specific location of the tumor and its neglect.

4. As a drug therapy, hormone-containing drugs (Andriol, Nebido) can be prescribed to the patient.

In addition, it is very important for patients during the treatment period to adhere to such medical recommendations:

1. Follow a diet (refuse fatty, fried, sweet, flour and alcohol).

2. Avoid stress and not worry.

3. For the period of treatment, it is advisable for the patient to stay at home or in the hospital under medical supervision.

4. Minimize physical activity.

After the end of therapy, the patient can also be assigned a sanatorium recovery.

The success of treatment will be determined by test results. Also, with a favorable course of therapy, the patient will begin to gradually notice improvements in his condition: sleep will normalize, strength will increase, mood will improve, etc.

Hormonal failure in men: treatment features, prevention and consequences

In the absence of timely therapy for hormonal failure in men, such complications:

1. Obesity.

2. Diabetes mellitus.

3. Violations of the central nervous system.

4. Infertility.

5. The risk of heart attack.

6. Atherosclerosis.

To reduce the risk of developing this pathology, men are advised to adhere to such tips:

1. Have a good sleep and rest.

2. Avoid strong nervous strain and stress.

3. Eat right. The diet should be well balanced and rich in vitamins.

4. Consult a doctor in a timely manner when the first signs of hormonal failure appear.

5. Avoid severe physical overwork.

6. Timely treat any diseases that can lead to hormonal failure.

7. Quit smoking, drinking and taking drugs.


Watch the video: Chronic kidney disease - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, pathology (June 2024).