September 2014 lunar haircut calendar


No one knows what laws are at the forefront of fashion for a particular hairstyle, color or hair length. Sometimes fashion changes at lightning speed, and just as quickly disappears, sometimes from month to month, from year to year, and even decades, changes are in no hurry to touch a particular hairstyle. But, one way or another, at all times and with any manners, those for whom the beauty of hair is important, use the lunar calendar of hairstyles. After all, this is not only hair growth, but also the energy that connects us with the cosmos and the inanimate world, but intelligent, presented to us by nature itself.

Confirming these facts, during the Inquisition, suspicious women had their hair cut off before being burned at the stake. The Middle Ages have passed, but now the magic of hair is closely connected with the lunar calendar. Since hair grows more intensively on the growing moon and slower growth on the waning moon, two main points must be distinguished each month - the full moon and the new moon, it is also important at some point and the influence of the constellation the zodiac.

In September 2014, the new moon is expected on the 24th, and the full moon is 9. The first half of the month is subject to the growth of the moon, and therefore the hair will grow more actively. However, the constellations of Libra and Scorpio, with which the month begins, are not very suitable for creating a hairstyle. Plan major changes after September 5th. A good period will be at the end of the month after the new moon.

September 2014 haircut lunar calendar - hair waving

French women are joking - finding a good ladies' master is more difficult than getting married. This joke is justified, since the hairdresser must not only cut and curl hair, but also take care of them, be a doctor and psychologist. The work of a hairdresser is a real art, having a solid professional background. Especially when it comes to perm.

Therefore, pay great attention to the search for "your" master. In September, the very beginning of the month passes under the sign of a scorpion, not suitable for curls, so wait a few days. The most favorable days are September 6, 8, 14, 15-18. Leo constellation has to home curls, stock up on a variety of devices. These days, hair can curl on its own, if you wind it on curlers, curl it with papillots and help with a corrugated iron.

Haircuts lunar calendar for September 2014 - hair coloring

Hair coloring in September will follow the same rules - the ideal days of Taurus (14, 15, 16), at the end of the month of Virgo (25, 26 27), you can add the days of Capricorn (6) to this list. It often happens that a girl, even with the help of the lunar calendar, is unhappy with her hair. If you do not want to expose your hair to chemicals, consider the alternatives that nature has prepared, and people have been using for 4 millennia.

• Accelerate hair growth and strengthen their structure using vegetable dyes for hair (henna and basma). You will get a natural color, firmness, gentle courtship, hair becomes more elastic and beautiful.

• Walnut shells can also serve well. The shell of a green nut is boiled in water for 3-4 hours, then evaporated. Pure extract gives a brown dye, you need to pour in it a little vegetable oil and apply to the hair, a temperature of 40-50 degrees.

• Nettle paint gives a chestnut light. For one dose of dye, boil 400 grams of dried nettle for 4 hours. In the cooled solution (2 liters) vinegar is added (4: 1), applied to the hair. The tint is brownish, hair can be refreshed at least every day.

• In the same way, you can get a golden color from the birch bark and a dark brown color from the buckthorn bark.

If your hair is very sensitive to hydrogen peroxide, use ammonia-free paints. They are 92% natural, contain the right essential oils. The hair after them is amazingly shiny.

Haircuts lunar calendar for September 2014 - auspicious days for hair cutting

Creating a September hairstyle is a quite feasible procedure, first of all, because there are much more favorable days than in other months. The moon grows in the middle of the month, closer to the end of favorable days even more due to favorable signs: September 2, 4, 7-10, 11, 16-19, 22, 24, 26, 28, 29, 30.

September 2014 haircut lunar calendar - adverse days for haircuts

September has many auspicious days, but some dates are not quite suitable for trips to hairdressers - these are the new moon and full moon (9, 24), as well as the signs of Aries and Scorpions. According to the advice of astrologers these days, it is better to restore hair with masks or balms. You can simply rub the oil into the roots of the hair, burdock is well suited for these purposes.

A person loses 50 to 120 hairs per day, and this is normal. If we begin to live in a state of stress or constantly tense at work, hair begins to fall out more. Hormonal disorders that occur after abortions, the use of inappropriate contraceptives, and a strict diet also negatively affect.

Stopping hair loss is not so easy - you need a set of measures related not only to hair care, but also to a balanced diet, daily routine and exercise. Vitamins D, B and C, preparations containing sulfur, zinc, and iron are needed.

Prescription mask at home for hair loss

Recipe number 1. Castor oil (1 spoon), vitamin D (1 ampoule) - mix everything, rub into the scalp until redness. Apply within 3 days. The next day, wash your hair with 2 yolks. The hair becomes thicker, sleeping hair follicles wake up and new hairs grow.

Recipe number 2. Tools such as onion juice and decoction of the roots of burdock, tested for centuries. Use them separately or together, rub onion juice or burdock broth into the hair roots once or twice a week.

Haircuts lunar calendar for September 2014 - conclusion

The moon and its location in the sky affects hair growth and our mood. Who did not feel the delight or obscure languor of love under the moon. Under the moon, we dream, keep secrets and experience many feelings. That is why so much attention is paid to the lunar hairstyle calendar. The lunar calendar provides an opportunity to realize in the world their plans for hope and aspirations regarding hairstyles.

Hairdressing Museums

Hairdressing has been formed since the time of the ancient Egyptians, with their iron devices (Kalamis) for styling hair. Since that time, a large amount of information has been processed, which is adopted by modern hairdressers.

In the world there are several museums of hairdressing, and the most famous of them is located in Barcelona. There you can see more than 3,000 exhibits collected by Barcelona hairdresser Rafael Pages. The pride of the museum is the sketches of drawings of false nails by Salvador Dali. These are so extravagant drawings that it was a pity for the customer to let them out. Exhibits of various types - medallions for storing curls, hair paintings, old books, prints and much more. Interesting nail clippers made in the Stone Age.

Few people know that in Moscow on the 4th Syromyatnichesky Lane there is also the Russian museum of hairdressing of the school of stylists Persona, there are about 500 exhibits. There is a razor of Leo Tolstoy, German “Spitzgirls” for curling hair, etc. In the Moscow Museum you can trace the history of the development of hairdressing in Russia and Europe in China.

The lunar horoscope of hairstyles together with hairdressing is exactly the combination that will help to be always on top!


Katerina 09.09.2016
A very interesting article, not just a calculation by dates, but a short excursion into history and links to museums. Thank!


Watch the video: How to Read the Lunar Hair Chart. Tutorial (June 2024).