December 16: what are the holidays, events, name days, birthdays today


Holidays December 16

Independence Day of Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan remained loyal to the Soviet Union longer than other republics. The law on independence was adopted last in the post-Soviet space. Today it is officially a non-working day for a country that is a leader among the former Soviet republics in Central Asia. Independence and state sovereignty led to the restructuring of all economic and political systems of a sovereign state, the republic’s authority in the international arena has grown significantly. Mass festivities on the day of the holiday are held with the awarding of cultural and art workers, politicians, athletes and other areas for their contribution to the development of the state. The holiday ends with evening fireworks.

Day of the Ministry of Emergencies of the Republic of Azerbaijan

The Ministry of Emergency Situations was created in Azerbaijan to solve important tasks. The seismic situation in the region is very alarming, underground plateaus are often subjected to earthquakes, there is a threat of eruption of mud volcanoes, landslides, avalanches. The life of people and property of the country is often endangered due to possible natural disasters. Great complications are also created by the spills of the Kura River, the rise of the Caspian Sea level for agricultural land. In the mountains of the Caucasus, fires and other natural disasters are possible, and much attention should be paid to the safety of explosive oil pipelines passing through Azerbaijan. The Ministry of Emergency Situations, which is organized on the principle of the Russian rescue service, is called upon to cope with a huge amount of work. Today, on the professional holiday of the Ministry of Emergencies, the best employees will be awarded with commemorative badges. Many of them celebrate their holiday at a military post.

Folk calendar December 16

John the Silent

Rev. Ivan the Silent is famous for serving people for 66 years and healing them. For 9 years he was a hermit, took a vow of silence, ate herbs and did not communicate with anyone. On this day, it is advisable not to use unnecessary words, you even need to pray "to yourself." Words and thoughts can be conveyed through writing. Standing in front of the icon of Ivan the Silent, you should think about life and comprehend your actions. Silence not only relieves adversity, but also brings good luck. To remain silent all day on the Silent means to be eloquent the rest of the year. Even in the forest this day is quiet, only trees crackle from frost. It is believed that calm time lasts as long as the chipmunks begin to collect nuts, and squirrels hide mushrooms on the branches.

Significant historical events on December 16

December 16, 1899 - Foundation of the Madrid Football Club Milan

Today, the most titled club in the world celebrates the day of its foundation and its form - red and black. As conceived by its creator, a Briton in the past, Alfred Edwards, the devil was the patron saint of the team. Red color symbolized his patronage, and black - a danger to rival teams. The club emblem shows a shield with a red English cross. The first match brought “Milan” a victory over another Milan team “Mediolanum”, which inspired the team to join the Italian Football Federation. Over the years, such famous football players have written their names in gold letters to the club: José Altafi, Pierino Prati, Filippo Inzaghi, Giuseppe Santagostino, Louis van Heg, Aldo Boffi, Marco van Basten.

December 16, 1641 - Giulio Mazarini became a cardinal

Mazarin was a protege of the Duke of Richelieu, who at that time served as Prime Minister of France. The goal that Cardinal Mazarini served his whole life is to end the rivalry and disunity between the various factions of the Catholic Church. After the death of King Louis XIII, Mazarin becomes regent under the new king, who at that time was still a child. Mazarin's contribution to the history of France is enormous - it is the conclusion of the Westphalian peace, a trade agreement with England, the Iberian world. Thanks to her hero, France has become the leading country in Europe. He paid much attention to the development of art in the country: he invited the Italian opera company to the country, laid the foundation for a collection of books for the National Library.

December 16, 1931 - opening of the gypsy theater "Romen"

At first, a small theater studio was called "Indo-Romen." The theater’s activity was devoted to the “education” of the Roma people of the ability to settle down, to promote labor activity. Later, classical works were staged at the theater. Today's actors and directors of the theater have a higher theater education, many of them graduated from GITIS. On the basis of the music school. The Gnesins in Moscow organized a theater studio. For more than 40 years, the director of the theater has been Nikolai Slichenko, People's Artist of the USSR.

December 16, 1946 - Christian Dior fashion house opened in Paris

The first and most famous collection of the ingenious couturier was presented by 86 employees of the fashion house. Charming fashion models showed puffy dresses with a high bust and a pronounced waist. The ascetic fashion of the war years is a thing of the past, replaced by the “Image of a Beautiful Lady”, which was enthusiastically accepted by rich and famous clients. His dresses were bought by members of European surnames and Hollywood stars. This was followed by a perfume from Dior, named "Miss Dior" in honor of her sister. Dior is also known for creating a licensing system, with the help of which the promotion of his brand has become much easier in the US and world markets.

December 16 were born:

Anton Ivanovich Denikin (1872 - 1947), hero of tsarist Russia, leader of the White movement in the Civil War of 1917-1920

In the Russian-Japanese war of the early 20th century, he received the rank of colonel, welcomed the Manifesto on October 17, but reacted extremely negatively to the revolutions of 10905 and 1917. Recognizing the power of Admiral Kolchak as the supreme ruler of Russia, he became the head of the armed forces of the White Army in southern Russia. Denikin was to become the successor to power after the death of Kolchak, but on April 4, 1920, transferring power to General Wrangel, he emigrated to Europe with his family. Anton Ivanovich Denikin remained a patriot of Russia until the end of his days, refusing to cooperate with fascist Germany, having moved to the USA, he wrote an autobiographical work, The Way of a Russian Officer. The story remained unfinished. The heroism and patriotism of Anton Denikin was appreciated only after the collapse of the USSR. His ashes were transported to their homeland in Russia and buried in the Holy Don Monastery.

Rodion Konstantinovich Shchedrin (1932 - year), musician, composer, teacher

While still a student, Rodion Shchedrin received the first prize in the competition for composer works. Success gave him the opportunity to become a full member of the Union of Composers of the USSR already in the 4th year of the institute. He received public recognition very early by writing music for the ballet The Little Humpbacked Horse, piano choirs, and the opera Not Only Love. Shchedrin paid much attention to Russian folklore. A lot of ditties, and other folklore materials formed the basis of the concert "Mischievous ditties." The most performed work is the ballet "Karman". His wife Maya Plisetskaya is a famous ballerina. Currently, the creative family lives in three countries - Germany, Lithuania, Russia, while maintaining Russian citizenship. The number of his works is simply huge, in a variety of genres he left a significant mark and received many awards. The main parts in ballets were written for his wife. Rodion Shchedrin and today is full of creative plans.

Max linder (Gabriel-Maximilian Leviel, 1883 - 1925) - French actor

Linder worked in collaboration with the famous film company of the early 20th century Pate. Each program of this company since 1910 contains at least one film where Max Linder was shot. His tour of European cities with a demonstration of acting in short films was enthusiastically received by the public. The circus crowded with the public witnessed the filming of the bullfight scene, where Max acted as a bullfighter. Having become a director, he was very upset by the decline in popularity after World War I, and in 1925 committed suicide.

George Vasilyevich Sviridov (1915 - 1998), Russian Soviet composer

The debut cycle of George Sviridov became romances on poems by Pushkin. These vivid and still repertoire compositions were written under the clear influence of Shostakovich. Later, the individual style of the composer was determined, these are piercing intonations and spiritual motives. Some of the works are included in the "Chants and Prayers", this is a large choral cycle. The remaining works have not yet been published. His music sounded in the news headline of the first channel.

Svetlana Sergeevna Druzhinina (1936), Russian actress and director, TV host

The first appearance on the general public Svetlana Druzhinina was in the role of the leading famous KVN. It was noticed by director S. Samsonov and shot in his film "Behind the window of a department store." Svetlana Druzhinina graduated from VGIK and starred in several films, after which she began to be recognized even on the streets. Today she is a famous director, makes vivid and expressive films and series. Svetlana Druzhinina is a People’s Artist of Russia, an academician of the Petrovsky Academy of Sciences and Art.

Vasily Kandinsky (1866 - 1944), famous artist

The original manner of drawing by Vasily Kandinsky was developed for many years under the influence of numerous travels that he made around the world. It is organized by the famous Blue Horseman group. Kandinsky - Professor of Moscow University, organizer of the Russian Academy of Art Sciences, Berlin branch of the Academy. In the last years of his life, he is a citizen of France.

Yuri Alexandrovich Nikolaev (1948), television presenter

For 16 years, the entire Soviet Union woke up on Sunday along with Yuri Nikolaev's Morning Mail program. He also led the program "Song of the Year", "Good Night, Kids!", "Blue Light". The children's program "Morning Star" was created already by its own production center of Nikolaev. Yuri Nikolaev continues his creative activity, and today we see him in the programs "Dancing on Ice" and "Dancing with the Stars."

Arthur Clark (1917-2008), English science fiction writer

Few people know that Arthur Clark made a significant contribution to telecommunications, wrote many popular science books, described space flights, and received many awards for his works. The novel "2010: Odyssey Two" was published for the first time in Russia in the popular science magazine Technique of Youth, and is dedicated to Alexei Sakharov and Alexei Leonov. All characters bore the names of famous Russian dissidents. The author lived in the state of Sri Lanka, and was awarded the highest award of that country.

Birthday December 16

Name day on this day: Ivan, Savva, + Andrew, Gabriel, George, Nikolai, Fedor.


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