11 years old child


At 11-12 years of life, a grown man enters the puberty period. What does this mean? The time of puberty begins, which in different children goes differently, but, in general, has its own characteristics. This is the beginning of intensive rebellious development, when subtle changes begin in the child's body. In 3-4 years, he will turn into a fully-formed adult, representing not only a part of society, but also a separate person.

Boys and girls at this age develop unevenly, both physically and psychologically. Girls grow much faster, they show the first signs of development of the chest, waist. The boys seem to be delayed in development, although they also show signs of growing up - the larynx increases, voice modulation begins (about an octave) and it is completely impossible to guess what the voice will become in just a couple to three years. Many children are not psychologically ready for quick changes; they may have doubts about their own attractiveness, which will increase as they change, but disappear after a complete "transformation" into an adult.

Right now, parents must support their children, prepare them for the future development of the body.
Girls experience growth spikes characteristic of adolescence earlier, therefore, they become much higher than peers. The growth of the body occurs unevenly - arms and legs are lengthened, then the body grows. For a while, the child may seem lanky, angular and awkward. The body is still building up strength for accelerated sexual development.

Features of the development of a child at 11 years old

In an 11-year-old child, everything seems new - self-identity, stubbornness, exaltation of one’s shortcomings, contrasting oneself with parents. Behavior can sharply worsen, the child is trying hard to prove his right to independence. This period is dangerous by the loss of contact, which will subsequently be very difficult to return. It is important for parents to understand that their baby has really grown up and does not need such strict control and guardianship.

But if you throw up raising a child to gravity, considering him too adult, you can get the opposite problem - denial of authority, narcissism, selfishness. Those parents who recognize this can maintain a trusting relationship with the teenager, which means that they can help them with advice in the future, protect them from big trouble. It is interesting that at the age of 11, the grown girls demonstrate their disregard for boys - their peers begin to stare at older boys.

Baby food at 11 years old

A growing body requires good nutrition. The appetite of the child may be unstable, so it is important that the food is varied, tasty, beautifully prepared. Serve it always to the table and do not allow the child to eat in front of the TV or computer. Be sure to organize hot breakfasts from boiled food - it can be porridge. Cottage cheese casserole, meat or egg dish. A nutritious breakfast does not have to be plentiful. Porridge with fruits or berries, scrambled eggs, sweet cottage cheese - one dish is enough.

Weakened children definitely need enhanced protein nutrition - meat, fish, eggs. For lunch, there must be a first liquid dish, a salad. Drink compote, juice, cocoa, weak tea. In winter, it is good to use sauerkraut in the diet, vinaigrette from boiled vegetables. Salads at any time of the year are best seasoned with vegetable oil or sour cream, and the amount of mayonnaise is minimized.

Recently, due to malnutrition and metabolic disorders, the number of overweight children has increased. In these cases, it is necessary to reduce the amount of fat in foods - do not put a thick layer of butter on bread, meat is cut from fat and cooked or stewed, but not fried, milk and sour cream are used in non-fat form. To make dinner better absorbed, it’s better to relax after eating, go out for a walk. It is advisable to have dinner no later than one and a half to two hours before bedtime, a glass of milk or yogurt is enough for the night.

The regimen of a child's day at 11

The child’s body spends a lot of energy, except for studying, there is no strength left for anything. It is necessary to properly organize the regime of the day and nutrition so that weakened immunity and a deficiency of vitamins and minerals do not provoke diseases. At the 12th year of life, the process of fixing the spine is completed, a constant ratio of bones and cartilage is determined. The oral cavity is also transformed - milk teeth are all replaced by molars, the risk of caries increases. Be sure to teach a teenager to take care of his teeth.

At 11 years old, a teenager spends more time at school or at home alone when his parents are at work, so monitoring his regime during the day is quite problematic. It remains to set up the child for proper nutrition, meals at the same time, be sure to feed breakfast. Eat in the school cafeteria. Sometimes children, having played in the street, skip lunch or dinner and have a bite on the go - it harms digestion. Try not to let you sit at the computer for a long time or watch TV so that fears, anxieties and insomnia do not arise.

Lessons with a child at 11 years old (how to develop)

In adolescence, a child first begins to realize his uniqueness and uniqueness. Gradually growing up, he discovers the flexibility of thinking, creativity, the ability to be creative in solving many problems. In adulthood, skills acquired precisely in early adolescence are used. Under the influence of the school team, the abilities for certain types of activities that can be developed are manifested.

Interests gain depth and stability - it can be sports training, music lessons, drawing. Organizational abilities, a tendency to learn foreign languages ​​are developing. Learning to express their feelings, the youngest teenager changes his self-awareness, a desire to express himself and to positively evaluate his creative successes appears. It is important to encourage the creativity of children and to be always with them, to approve of their hobbies. To do this, you can let them sign up for circles, individual classes, interest groups. It should be noted that the development of intelligence is closely connected with creative self-awareness.

Games and toys for children aged 11

The games of schoolchildren differ from plush bunnies and dolls, which are not at all excluded, but go into the category of favorite souvenirs. At 11-12 years old, the main interest of children is learning, so they are keenly interested in logic puzzles, puzzle games, board card games, combining fascinating leisure and cognitive activities. Many younger schoolchildren transferred the sphere of their interests to the computer, but do not forget about the health risks of endless sitting in front of the screen. Therefore, get children fun and stylishly designed games that will not only please the children, but also allow you to show and develop logic, thinking, attention.

Parenting at 11

Parents of young children should take into account the main features of their child - a change in the nervous system of the body, which entails vulnerability, instability of the psyche, mood swings and deviations in behavior. Indifference to lessons and grades may appear, and relationships with teachers begin to deteriorate. Unwanted acquaintances may appear in the yard who set a bad example, and children blindly follow the rules of their new authorities.

The desire for independence at this age is manifested, more than ever, strongly. At the same time, the child is faced with various social roles in society, in the team, but he still cannot organize his life without mom and dad. The best thing you can do is talk more often with him on equal terms, discuss problems, give advice, but make the final choice in the interests of both parties. If he knows that you think he is old enough, letting him choose the time to complete his lessons or help around the house - he will be very pleased. Advise him to choose the things that need to be done in the first place, as well as the time to relax.

Try not to overload it and give rest time. Contact with the class teacher and the school more often - children feel their parents' control very much, although they try not to show it. Do not scold for shortcomings, but try to work out a plan of "salvation" together and follow it. It is very important for a child to maintain and develop faith in their own strengths, a desire to become better, to educate themselves and achieve results. Participation in solving family problems brings up responsibility in the child, helps to form as a person and gain experience for further family life.

Useful Tips for Parents

Sex education

At the age of 12, some girls already begin their first menstruation, which indicates the beginning of puberty. In boys, sexual characteristics are formed a little later, but now we need to conduct discussions on these topics. Children react to this bashfully, hiding their embarrassment, but the task of adults is to correctly focus on the details related to health and further sexual development. Girls should be aware that the first few months or even years may be irregular, and this is considered normal.

You also need to talk with the boys about the subject of pollutions so that they are not shy, not afraid when they appear, and do not become isolated. This is the period of early teenage infertility, when the body is just beginning to develop, and the ability to fertilize is not yet developed, but children should already know how pregnancy occurs in early adolescence. The explanation should be in a simple accessible form that is understandable to children - the fetus located in the mother’s stomach receives nutrition from the mother’s blood, and if there is no pregnancy, these substances go out in the form of menstrual flow.


Girls from early adolescence can concentrate too much on their appearance, and especially on weight. A large role in the formation of an adequate image should be played by mom. You should not stress your desire to lose weight in every way, as girls unconsciously copy the attitude of the mother to her body. You can’t even make fun of the child’s appearance without maliciousness, otherwise adaptation to physical changes will be more difficult. Adolescence will soon pass, but problems will remain.


Vika 11/18/2016
I am 11 years old

Alice to me 13.07.2016
Very accessible and clearly explained. Good article.

Andrey 05/20/2016

ilzida 03/29/2016
voobsche class ATP to you I am 11 years old

Zizzy 03/20/2016
Pochemy net stat'i pro 12?


Watch the video: The 11-year-old trailblazing drag kid 'Desmond is Amazing' (July 2024).