30 week of pregnancy. Fetal development and sensations at 30 weeks of gestation.


If until this time you worked, then now everything will change - according to the law, from the thirtieth week of pregnancy you begin maternity leave. Now you can fully concentrate on your feelings and indulge in pleasant thoughts about the upcoming meeting with the future baby!

Changes in the body at 30 weeks of gestation

Your tummy continues to grow rapidly in size, which leads to some clumsiness and puts pressure on internal organs. The future mother’s heart, as it were, “moves” under the onslaught of the growing uterus, and slightly changes its position. The same applies to the intestines, which are forced to function in a slightly compressed state. Due to these factors, shortness of breath, constipation, and flatulence may bother you. Characteristic for this period are frequent urge to the toilet, and sometimes even urinary incontinence at the time of coughing or laughing. To avoid such awkward moments, try to empty your bladder and intestines more often. Breast at the thirtieth week of pregnancy is poured even more, and the nipples are slightly coarsened, preparing for the period of feeding the baby.

The condition of the fetus at 30 weeks of gestation

Your baby at this time already has a "solid" weight - from one and a half to two kilograms, and his height reaches 40 cm! He reacts to loud sounds and even to changes in lighting, knows how to wrinkle his face, clench his fists and stretch. The baby's body is covered with a special creamy pink grease.

Big changes have occurred with the lungs of the child - they are already fully formed and inside are covered with a special layer of surfactant. This layer has a thickness of only one molecule, but in its absence, the child will not be able to breathe on his own in case of premature birth. In the meantime, he tries to inhale amniotic fluid, developing and training his respiratory system.

Possible sensations at 30 weeks of gestation

Since your baby is already moving quite energetically, you can sometimes experience pain in the abdomen. If such pains become regular, be sure to inform your gynecologist about it, as this may indicate an increased tone of the uterus.

In the thirtieth week of pregnancy, you may still be bothered by heaviness and discomfort in the stomach, as well as bloating. To improve your condition, try to eat often, but in small portions, without creating a burden on the digestive tract. Eliminate foods that increase gas production - cabbage, fresh milk, and legumes from your diet.

Necessary medical supervision

If you used to visit a maternity welfare clinic once every two weeks, now you will have to appear here a little more often - after all, the load on your body is increasing, and the doctor must monitor the slightest changes in your condition. When making maternity leave, you will have to re-take some tests, in particular - a general and biochemical blood test, a general urinalysis, a blood test for HIV / AIDS, a test for syphilis and hepatitis, a glucose tolerance test. If necessary, you can be referred for repeated analyzes of the TORCH complex, as well as for ultrasound examination.

General recommendations

Since your tummy is already quite large and heavy, from now on you are not recommended to sleep and just lie on your back. Firstly, it will be uncomfortable for you, and secondly, there is a risk of vena cava syndrome. If the uterus presses down the vena cava immediately below it, then blood pressure can drop sharply, as the venous outflow of blood to the heart is difficult. This can cause dizziness, darkening of the eyes, tachycardia, general poor health and even fainting. If you are prone to vena cava syndrome, then you will not need any treatment, it will be enough to roll over on your side, but not sharply, but a little.

Do not forget that the time of birth is inexorably approaching, so it is advisable to start preparing your pelvic floor muscles for them. For this, special complexes have been developed that provide for simple training of these zones.

Now that you have more free time, you can finally start buying everything you need for childbirth and your baby, but do not forget about a good rest during the shopping race!

Weekly Pregnancy Calendar:


Maria 03/30/2016
One feels tired, all tired. I’ll go on maternity leave, I’ll go to exhibitions and concerts, even to the movies. Already bought a few tickets.

Ulyana 03/30/2016
Thanks to the author of the article for the information. Be sure to take into account all the advice, recommendations. Feeling in general, as if written about me.

Julia 03/30/2016
By decree, a whole liter of blood should be passed and the same amount of urine. Also, all the experts on the new pass. In short, there is something to do in the 30th week.

Mila 03/30/2016
I can’t wait, I can’t wait for maternity leave. How much to do in time. There are many plans, the nursery is not completely renovated. Need my sensitive guidance!

Veronica 03/30/2016
I go to courses for pregnant women, they teach me how to breathe in childbirth, and psychologically prepare them. We learn with our spouse to swaddle, bathe, feed the baby. Really like.


Watch the video: Normal Fetal Movement and Growth. Kaiser Permanente (June 2024).