Simplicity is not at the expense of quality - cod dishes in a slow cooker. With vegetables, sauces and just fried cod in a slow cooker


Cod and slow cooker - deservedly beloved product and a relatively new, but very popular "miracle saucepan".

Well, if you cook fish in such a device, you can not only gain time, but even combine a couple of recipes together and get completely unusual dishes.

Cod in a slow cooker - general principles of cooking

• You can purchase cod exclusively in frozen form. And, therefore, before cooking it will need to be thawed correctly. It is recommended to thaw fish only naturally, in the air, laying out in a dish or in a bowl.

• Thawed cod (carcasses, fillets or steaks) is thoroughly washed with a stream of cool running water and lightly patted with a paper towel. Then all the fins are cut from the carcasses and the entrails are removed. Then rinse again, thoroughly washing the abdomen from the remnants of the insides, and act according to the recipe.

• Cod in a slow cooker is steamed, baked, fried or stewed. The fish meat itself is somewhat dry, so the fish is cooked with vegetables or in sauce. So that the pieces of fried cod are juicy, the fish is dipped in batter before frying.

Slow cooked cod with green nut sauce


• two large cod steaks;

• three tablespoons of good clean butter;

• small onion;

• three peeled cloves of garlic;

• half a glass of water or fish stock;

• three branches of fresh parsley (without stems);

• 100 gr. peeled almonds.

Cooking method:

1. Pre-rinse the steaks with cold running water and gently scrape the remaining flakes from the skin. Dry with a towel or napkin.

2. Pour olive oil into a slow cooker and warm it well in frying mode. Then dip steaks in oil and fry on each side for three minutes, in the same mode. Take out the fish, transfer to a deep container and cover with a lid so that it does not cool down.

3. In small pieces, chop the onion and transfer to the oil remaining after frying the fish. While constantly stirring, fry the onions for about three minutes.

4. Pour in water or broth, add finely chopped parsley, chopped almonds with a knife and continue cooking for five minutes.

5. Then pour the sauce into a small container and beat it well with a blender. Salt, pepper to your liking.

6. Transfer the pieces of cod into a clean cooking bowl, fill with whipped sauce and cook in the simmering mode for seven minutes under the lid.

Steamed cod fillet in a slow cooker


• medium-sized cod fillet - 4 pcs .;

• one small lemon;

• head of bitter white onion;

• three peas of black pepper;

• a small leaf of lavrushka;

• on a small pinch of ground paprika, pepper and thyme.

Cooking method:

1. Mix all the spices in one plate. Add a little fine table salt.

2. Thaw thawed dry fillet thoroughly with cooked spicy mixture. Transfer the fish to a wide bowl and let stand for about half an hour.

3. Pour about one and a half liters of cold water into the main bowl. Dip in it a leaf of parsley and peas of pepper.

4. Lubricate the steam container with non-aromatic vegetable oil. Arrange cod fillet on it and generously moisten first with fresh lemon juice and then with vegetable oil. Cut the onion into large segments, divide the carrots with a knife along into six parts. Transfer vegetables to the fish and place the container on the bowl.

5. Close the lid and turn on the “Steam cooking” for a quarter of an hour.

Baked cod in a slow cooker with simple vegetables


• white cabbage - 300 gr.;

• one large tomato;

• sweet bell pepper - 1 pc.;

• medium carrot;

• one small young zucchini;

• a pound of cod (filet).

Cooking method:

1. Finely chop the cabbage and grate the carrots with a long straw. Onion, pulp of bell pepper, tomato and peeled zucchini cut into cubes.

2. At the bottom of the cooking bowl, lay a layer of cabbage, lay on it a carrot, then onion. Lay zucchini and chopped tomatoes on top of it.

3. Pour three tablespoons of boiled water to the vegetables, and sprinkle on top with olive or refined vegetable oil.

4. Thaw the fillet into slices and spread over the entire surface of the vegetable "pillow".

5. Close the lid tightly, on the panel set the option “Baking” for forty minutes and turn on the multicooker.

6. The finished dish is served independently or with mashed potatoes.

Braised cod in a slow cooker with vegetables and tomato - "Dream"


• 700 gr. cod fillet;

• 200 ml of saturated fish broth or boiled water;

• one large carrot;

• one red bell pepper;

• 50 gr. parsley root;

• 100 gr. thick, unsalted tomato;

• 20 gr. celery root;

• large onion;

• 30 ml of 3% table vinegar;

• a tablespoon of sugar;

• two carnation umbrellas;

• 1/4 tsp cinnamon powder;

• medium-sized lemon and fresh herbs for serving.

Cooking method:

1. Peel the roots of celery and parsley and chop finely with a knife. From the pepper, select the seeds. Rinse it with water, cut in half lengthwise and cut into strips. As soon as possible finely chop the onion, and grate the carrots with a medium-sized grater.

2. Combine all chopped vegetables.

3. Cut the thawed washed cod fillet into pieces of the desired size and lay on the bottom of the multicooker cooking bowl.

4. On top of the fish, place the vegetable mixture and fill everything with the broth mixed with tomato.

5. Add vinegar, oil, granulated sugar and salt to your taste.

6. Turn the processor into "Extinguishing" mode and cook the cod for 40 minutes.

7. 15 minutes before the program ends, lower the clove umbrellas, lavrushka and ground cinnamon.

8. Transfer the finished dish from the bowl to the dish, garnish with thin ringlets of lemon and sprigs of fresh herbs.

Baked cod in a slow cooker with mushrooms


• 800 gram carcass of cod (plus / minus 100 gr.);

• 150 gr. small champignons;

• bitter onion - 2 heads;

• two large tomatoes;

• a third glass of vegetable, quality oil.

Cooking method:

1. Gently scrape the thawed fish carcass with a knife, cut off the fins and remove the entrails. Wash with running water, rinse the abdomen particularly well.

2. Cut medium-sized slices of fresh mushrooms and fry them in a slow cooker ("Frying" mode), until the moisture evaporates completely. Then add one chopped onion and continue to warm until it softens.

3. Put the fried mushrooms in a bowl, cool and mix with coarsely grated potatoes. Salt, pepper slightly and mix well.

4. Fill the cod's abdomen with the minced meat and fasten the edges with wooden toothpicks. Can be sewn with culinary thread.

5. Transfer stuffed fish to a cooking bowl greased with vegetable fat.

6. Around it, lay out large onion rings and tomato slices. Pour the remaining oil over vegetables and fish and start the slow cooker in baking mode for one hour.

7. Put the fish and vegetables from the bowl and remove the toothpicks. Such a fish is good both hot and in a slightly cooled form.

Bengal cod in a slow cooker with cream


• frozen cod - 600 gr. (fillet);

• a small head of white bitter onion;

• spices and spices - to taste;

• 100 ml of low-fat, liquid cream.

Cooking method:

1. Peel the onion, wash and chop in half rings.

2. Thaw the pre-thawed cod well with cool water and cut into small pieces.

3. Move the cod into the bowl, pepper, lightly salt and start the baking mode for 20 minutes.

4. After this, fill the fish with cream and continue cooking for another 40 minutes, but already in the "Stew" mode.

Golden cod in a slow cooker fried in batter


• a pound of frozen cod;

• 100 ml of refined (frozen out) oil;

• three eggs;

• fine salt and favorite spices;

• 200 gr. any wheat flour;

• low-fat cow's milk.

Cooking method:

1. From the carcass, or steaks of cod thawing well in the air, cut off all the fins and gently scrape off the scales. Cut the tail and head and gut all the insides from the abdomen. Rinse the carcass thoroughly with water, dry it slightly and cut into pieces of any size. Cut each piece along the ridge into two parts.

2. Put the fish in a large bowl, season with pepper, add a little salt and leave to stand for half an hour.

3. In a separate bowl, transfer the flour twice, add the yolks whipped with salt and pour the milk into it. Beat everything well with a whisk until smooth, and then mix the whipped whites separately.

4. Roll dried cod slices on all sides in flour. Dip in cooked batter and immediately dip in hot oil in the “Baking” mode.

5. After the bottom is well browned, becomes golden brown, turn over and fry the other side in the same way.

Cod in a slow cooker - cooking tricks and useful tips

• Be sure to scrape carcasses or pieces of thawing cod with a knife and rinse, otherwise small scales will remain on the fish.

• Dishes from cod thawed in water will be dry. Pieces of fish after thawing in a microwave oven may fall apart during cooking.

• Be sure to cut off all the fins from whole carcasses; they should not be caught in a finished dish.

• If a cod filet is required by recipe, you can prepare it yourself. To do this, the processed, well-dried carcass is cut with a sharp knife from the side of the tail. Then bring his blade to the ridge and cut the flesh, holding a knife over the spinal vertebrae. Then turn the carcass and cut the flesh on the other side in the same way. The cut fillet is carefully inspected for bones. Small bones are chosen with tweezers.

• Steaks can also be prepared when cutting fish. For this, the prepared cod carcass is cut across, in pieces of the desired thickness.

• If you want to chop the pieces of cod with flour or dip in batter - be sure to dry them well before doing this. The breading and batter will cover the fish with an even layer. The flour will not be knocked down by lumps, and the batter will not drain.


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