How to cure bronchitis at home: the best methods and remedies. How to treat bronchitis at home: doctor's advice


Bronchitis is a severe inflammation of the bronchi, which can be acute and chronic. Let's consider in more detail how to treat bronchitis at home and what needs to be done.

How to cure bronchitis at home: causes of the disease

Most often, bronchitis develops for the following reasons:

1. Viruses.

2. Complications from influenza, measles, tracheitis or laryngitis. Also, bronchitis can sometimes occur in conjunction with these diseases.

3. Strong hypothermia.

4. The ingestion of dangerous bacteria into the body that caused this disease.

Symptoms of bronchitis are:

1. Great weakness and aches in the body.

2. Shortness of breath.

3. Dry cough, which after a while becomes wet.

4. Chest pain.

5. Elevated body temperature.

6. Sweating.

7. Lower working capacity.

8. Attacks of coughing.

In the chronic form of bronchitis, these symptoms also appear, however, they may be less pronounced than in the acute form of the disease.

To identify bronchitis, it is enough to visit the therapist so that he listens to the lungs and collects an anamnesis. Also, the diagnosis is confirmed after radiography.

How to cure bronchitis at home yourself: useful tips

In order for the treatment to be successful and not cause complications, the following recommendations should be followed when treating bronchitis at home:

1. Observe bed rest, at least for a period of high temperature. At this time, the patient needs peace and a warm room. Going for a walk is possible only after normalizing the thermometer, that is, no earlier than five to seven days.

2. Humidification of the air in the room is necessary to maintain an optimal level of humidity. To do this, you can use an ordinary wet towel, which must be hung on the door or battery.

3. Regular ventilation of the room in which the patient is located.

4. The elimination of all foci of dust is very important, since such small particles will only exacerbate shortness of breath and cough. You should also save a person from inhaling sharp irritating odors (tobacco smoke, perfume, etc.)

5. The patient must ensure a plentiful drink. It can be herbal teas from mint, linden, thyme or lemon balm, juices, mineral water or non-cold fruit drinks. Such a liquid will help to cope with intoxication and accelerate the discharge of sputum. At least two liters of liquid should be drunk per day, not including soups.

6. Drink medicinal teas.

The best herbs against bronchitis are:

• liquorice root;

• elecampane;

• oregano;

• chamomile;

• thyme;

• plantain;

• pine buds;

• violet;

• marshmallow root;

• echinacea;

• decoctions of horsetail, birch or juniper.

Brew them strictly according to the instructions and drink no more than the specified rate.

7. The use of onions and garlic, both in pure form and added to food. These vegetables have a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect, so they are considered very useful in diseases of the respiratory system, including bronchitis.

Doctors also advise chewing onions with honey (they can also be mixed and consumed in the form of gruel).

8. The use of hot milk with honey and a small amount of goat fat is considered very useful. These products will soften the affected bronchi, reduce cough and strengthen the immune system. Drinking this drink is advisable before bedtime. It can be given to both adults and children.

9. Eat right. In the period of acute bronchitis, the basis of the menu should be fruits, vegetables, nuts, cereals, sour-milk and protein products. A person in this condition is weakened, so his body needs a full complex of vitamin and minerals.

10. Until complete recovery, you must stop smoking and drinking alcohol.

11. An old recipe for bronchitis is the use of radish. In it you need to make a small depression, in which to lay honey. After a while, the radish will start up the juice. It can be drunk three times a day.

This is a proven way that our grandmothers used and did without medication. It will help reduce inflammation and cough. It can also be used in both acute and chronic bronchitis.

12. Eat sandwiches with dill, garlic and butter. They will help strengthen immunity and reduce coughing attacks.

Recently, juice therapy is gaining more and more popularity in home treatment of bronchitis. It provides for the use of juices from such products:

1. Beetroot juice. It will cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, normalize the composition of the blood, increase platelets and immunity. You can drink 100 mm of such juice per day.

2. Carrot juice can be drunk up to 100 mm per day. It tastes good and is very healthy.

3. Lingonberry juice will help improve expectoration of sputum.

4. Drinking cabbage juice is not very pleasant, but it is extremely useful, since it will help reduce cough. In addition, if you add a little sugar to it, even children will drink such juice.

How to independently cure bronchitis at home: procedures

It is very useful for bronchitis to perform such procedures:

1. Respiratory gymnastics. It will contribute to increased respiratory activity and the withdrawal of collected mucus from diseased bronchi.

Exercises in such gymnastics should be simple. It can be bends, squats and deep breaths. Too serious loads from a sick person are not required, the main thing is that such classes be regular, because with their help you can quickly get rid of bronchitis.

2. Inhalation is considered the most effective non-drug treatment for bronchitis. This procedure is allowed to be done only when a person does not have a rapid heartbeat or high temperature.

As the main ingredients for inhalation, you can use:

• essential oils (rosemary, orange);

• garlic;

• boiled potatoes;

• eucalyptus oil;

• boiled herbal preparations.

You should also know that inhalation should be done with caution, especially when a person is prone to allergies to essential oils or other components of this steam procedure.

3. Chest massage. It can be performed both by yourself and with the help of others. In this case, it is desirable to use warming gels or anti-inflammatory essential oils.

How to cure bronchitis at home with medication

You can use medications with such indications:

1. High body temperature, which does not subside for more than three days.

2. The appearance of purulent discharge in a cough.

3. General deterioration of the patient.

4. Severe chest pain.

5. Frequent bouts of coughing.

6. The appearance of pain in the ears and head.

The most effective medications for bronchitis are:

1. Expectorant medicines (Lazolvan, Bromhexine, Herbion). They can be either in the form of tablets or in the form of syrups. The latter is preferably given to children.

2. It is recommended to drink cough suppressants at the very beginning of the disease, when a person is not yet suffering from a wet cough. These drugs are Glaucin and Levopront.

3. Mucolytics (ACC, Mukonex, Bormhexin). You can take such drugs no longer than five days in a row.

4. Sorbents are needed to suppress intoxication with infectious bronchitis (Enterosgel, Polysorb).

5. Antibiotics are prescribed in more advanced cases, when the patient’s bronchitis has already dragged on and causes a lot of unpleasant symptoms and complications.

The best drugs in this group are:

• Amoxicillin;

• cefaclor;

• Sumamed;

• Rulid.

6. Bronchodilators should be taken when shortness of breath occurs (Atrovent, Salbutamol).

Immediately before starting the use of certain drugs, it is recommended to consult a doctor for advice, since unauthorized intake of the wrong doses of the drug can cause unwanted side effects.

In addition, most drugs are contraindicated in such cases:

1. The period of pregnancy, especially the 1st and 2nd trimester, when the fetus lays all the vital systems and organs.

2. The presence of acute hepatic or renal failure.

3. Lactation period (medications should not be taken because most of them will be excreted along with mother’s breast milk, because of which the baby will also receive unwanted medications).
