Table decoration - colorful cheesecake with strawberries. Hot and Cold Dessert Cheesecakes with Strawberries


The new-fangled word "cheesecake", in fact, means cold cakes quite familiar from childhood, or, conversely, variations on the theme of cottage cheese casseroles. Of course, the similarity is somewhat arbitrary, but the common features are clearly visible. And not only in cooking technology.

First of all, the above dishes are just a holiday for the kids. Among the recipes, adults will find among those recipes that will not damage the figure too much. Well, they like the housewives of originality and the opportunity to surprise with a new, not beaten dessert.

Strawberry Cheesecake - General Cooking Principles

• Cheesecakes with strawberries can be prepared on the basis of (short) and without it. They are baked in the oven or cooked without baking, chilled in the refrigerator.

• The creamy mass for cheesecakes is prepared from soft cheeses, a creamy type, or cottage cheese, which are whipped with a mixer or whisk. Sour cream, fat cream, chocolate chips or eggs are often added to it. In the creamy mass of the dessert prepared without baking, gelatin is necessarily put.

• The basis for a cheesecake can be a shortbread cake made from butter mixed with shortbread cookies, meringue or any thin sponge cake.

• Strawberries cut into pieces, mashed with a blender or grind on a sieve. The crushed berries are mixed with the main cream mass or pour dessert on top of it. Often, pieces of berries are spread on the surface of the cream filling and then filled with gelatin mixed with water.

• There are many options and cooking methods. They can be a great dessert for every day, and if necessary replace the holiday cake.

Sand-based curd cheese cake with strawberries (without baking)


For cake:

• 300 gr. friable "shortbread" cookies;

• 70 gr. frozen cream.

To the filling:

• 150 gr. granulated sugar;

• a small, standard bag of vanilla powder;

• 10 gr. “fast” gelatin;

• 150 gr. sour cream, preferably homemade;

• 200 gr. fresh ripe strawberries.

• 400 gr. low-fat, not sour cottage cheese.

For the top layer:

• small strawberries - 20 pieces;

• five grams of gelatin (instant);

• half a small lemon;

• 40 gr. sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Thoroughly wash the berries under the tap in warm water and dry well by laying them on a sieve.

2. On a small fire or using a water bath, melt the butter prepared for the cake.

3. Put shortbread cookies in a strong plastic bag and carefully roll it with a rolling pin. The result should be a very small crumb.

4. Put the crumb sand in a bowl, pour in the cooled butter and carefully, slowly, stir.

5. Take a collapsible baking dish of a standard, 23 cm, diameter. Put the oily mass in it and spread it evenly throughout the bottom. For one hour, put the sand cake in the refrigerator.

6. Pour all the prepared gelatin with a small amount of hot water, stir and let cool.

7. Rub the cottage cheese on a fine metal sieve. Add sour cream, vanilla powder, sugar and beat the curd mass well with a mixer. Add two thirds of the gelatin soaked in water and whisk again.

8. Spread a handful of clean, dried strawberries evenly over the chilled sand cake. Put whipped curd mass on top of it, smoothly smooth the surface. Put in the refrigerator for 2 hours to harden.

9. Cut the berries into the thinnest, as far as possible, plates and spread them on the surface of the frozen curd filling.

10. In a glass of cold water, dilute sugar. Mix the syrup with freshly squeezed lemon juice and the remaining soaked gelatin. Mix well and pour the strawberry slices into the prepared lemon jelly.

11. After that, put the mold in the refrigerator again, but for one hour.

Cheesecake with strawberries on a meringue pillow (with pastries)


• one kilogram of cream cheese "Philadelphia" or "Mascarpone";

• three chicken eggs;

• 400 gr. fresh strawberries;

• two tablespoons of dry starch;

• vanilla "Meringues" - 20 pieces;

• 1 tsp vanilla sugar;

• two large spoons of sugar;

• instant gelatin - 15 gr.

Cooking method:

1. Peel the sepals and rinse well. Set aside the seven most beautiful ones, and interrupt the remaining ones well with a blender to make mashed berry.

2. In a small cup, mix gelatin with two tablespoons of warm water. Five minutes later, pour it, together with a glass of boiling water, into a large container and mix thoroughly.

3. In the strawberry puree, add granulated sugar, pour the slightly cooled gelatin. Whisk again with a blender and put in the refrigerator for half an hour.

4. Mix cream cheese with beaten eggs, vanilla, potato starch and beat with a mixer at low speed.

5. Vanilla meringues slightly knead with your hands. Put on the bottom of the form and fill with a creamy mass, smooth.

6. Put the mold in an oven preheated to 200 degrees and bake for 10 minutes. Then the temperature drops to 150 degrees, and baking continues for another 40 minutes. Then turn off the heat and leave the dessert in it for another 10 minutes.

7. After this, remove the product from the oven and wait for it to cool completely.

8. Put chilled strawberry puree on a cooled cheesecake and smooth it with a spoon. Cover the mold with a large sheet of foil and put it overnight in the refrigerator.

9. Carefully remove the finished dessert from the mold and decorate with the berries cut in half.

Non-baking chocolate cheesecake with strawberries


• cookies of the type "Jubilee" - 150 gr.;

• butter, natural butter - 60 gr.;

• 200 gr. any chocolate;

• a pound of fat cottage cheese;

• 150 gr. granulated sugar;

• a pound of homemade sour cream;

• pasteurized 3.2% milk - 40 ml;

• 300 gr. strawberries;

• 20 gr. gelatin;

• 70 ml of boiled water;

• 50 grams of white chocolate.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the strawberries under the tap, dry well and cut them into thin slices with a sharp, narrow knife.

2. Twist the cookies in a meat grinder or roll with a rolling pin, putting them in a bag.

3. Add and mix 50 grams of chocolate crushed on an average grater. Then pour the melted and cooled to room temperature oil and stir again with a spoon.

4. A detachable form of a standard, 23-25 ​​cm, diameter, line with foil so that it covers the sides and even hangs out a little.

5. Put the chocolate mass into the mold and distribute it throughout the bottom, gently crushing it with your hands so that a sufficiently dense cake is obtained. Put in the refrigerator.

6. Pour gelatin with water and let stand for about 10 minutes. When it swells well and becomes transparent, put in a water bath and stirring constantly, melt well. Do not remove the bowl from the hot water until you have prepared the filling.

7. The remaining dark chocolate (150 g.) Break smaller. Add milk and melt over the smallest heat.

8. Beat curd with a mixer at moderate speed. Without ceasing to whisk, introduce slightly cooled chocolate and gelatin.

9. Separately, beat the sour cream and gently mix it with cottage cheese and strawberries with a spoon.

10. Put the curd-strawberry mass in an even layer on the cooled cake and put in the refrigerator for at least 6 hours.

11. Then remove the frozen cheesecake from the pan by lifting it over the hanging edges of the foil and transfer to a flat dish.

12. Garnish the edges with chocolate chips, and in the middle put a few strawberries, cut in half.

13. Before serving, keep the dessert in the refrigerator.

Strawberry Cheesecake Without Basis


• 400 gr. Strawberries

• 300 gr. fat cottage cheese (without grains);

• granulated sugar - 150 g .;

• three tablespoons of baking white flour;

• three eggs;

• 160 gr. 35% sour cream.

Cooking method:

1. Pure pure berries in a mashed blender. Separate the seeds by grinding the berry puree through a rare metal sieve.

2. Combine mashed potatoes with cottage cheese and again beat well with a blender.

3. Whisk granulated sugar with eggs and mix with sour cream. Add flour, a small pinch of salt mixed with cottage cheese, and beat well and knead with a mixer.

4. Pour the resulting mass into a mold lined with parchment and bake for 1 hour and 10 minutes in an oven preheated to 150 degrees.

5. Clean the cooled dessert overnight in the refrigerator.

Strawberry Cheesecake - "Holiday"


• 200 gr. cookies "Jubilee";

• 100 gr. "Peasant" oil;

• 400 gr. cheese, creamy, natural (can be replaced with 9% cottage cheese);

• 350 ml 33% cream;

• powdered sugar - 350 gr.;

• a small bag of vanilla sugar;

• one large lemon;

• "fast" gelatin - 30 gr.;

• one kilogram of strawberries.

Cooking method:

1. Mix the completely melted butter with the crushed cookies.

2. At the bottom of the detachable shape, lay out a sheet of parchment cut out in a circle and place cookies on it.

3. Whip the cooled cream at low speed mixer with 150 grams of icing sugar and vanilla sugar.

4. Using the instructions on the package, prepare 10 g. gelatin.

5. In cream cheese or grated cottage cheese twice, add gelatin, squeeze the juice from the lemon. Stir everything thoroughly.

6. Introduce whipped cream and spread the creamy mass over the cake cake.

7. Wrap a small deep bowl on all sides with cling film and insert in the center of the creamy mass laid out in a mold. Drown the bowl slightly and put everything in the refrigerator. After two hours, remove the mold and carefully remove the bowl.

8. Prepare the remaining gelatin according to the instructions on the packaging.

9. Mash strawberries with a kitchen processor in mashed potatoes. Pour the icing sugar and whisk again with a blender.

10. Enter the gelatin, mix well and fill with the strawberry puree “notch” left over from the bowl, going a centimeter layer onto the edges of the cheesecake.

11. Flatten and refrigerate until the mashed potatoes harden.

Simple Cheesecake with Strawberries - Easy


• low-fat cottage cheese - 200 gr.;

• two egg whites;

• a teaspoon of gelatin;

• 300 gr. Strawberries

• three tablespoons of light liquid honey;

• 125 gr. low fat drinking yogurt;

• one small lemon.

Cooking method:

1. Dip the washed lemon in hot water for a couple of minutes, then cut in half and squeeze the juice from each half. Squeeze and dilute with water, in a ratio of 1: 1.

2. Warm the lemon water slightly and soak the gelatin in it for a quarter of an hour, then place the container in a water bath. While stirring constantly, dissolve it until smooth and cool well.

3. Using a mixer, beat the curd mixed with honey and yogurt. Enter cooled gelatin and mix well.

4. In a separate bowl, beat the squirrels and carefully introduce them into the cottage cheese.

5. At the bottom of the mold, distribute the strawberries sliced ​​in halves or slices, on top of which the curd mass. Level the surface and put it in the cold for 8 hours.

Strawberry Cheesecake - Strawberry Zebra


• ordinary shortbread cookies - 20 g .;

• half a pack of natural, sweet cream butter;

• half a kilo of 9% cottage cheese;

• a half-liter pack of sour cream 20%;

• 33% cream - 200 ml;

• white granulated sugar - 400 g .;

• strawberries - 200 gr.;

• two tbsp. tablespoons of gelatin;

• 80 ml of drinking boiled water.

Cooking method:

1. Mix the crumbled shortbread cookies with melted or well-softened butter. Put in a round, preferably detachable form and flatten along its entire bottom. Clean the mold for about half an hour in the refrigerator.

2. Pour sugar into the cottage cheese, add sour cream, beat well and divide the mass into two unequal parts.

3. In a smaller part, put the strawberries grated on the sieve and mix well.

4. Put gelatin to swell in 80 ml of drinking water.

5. Warm the cream until hot (do not boil) and add gelatin to them. Divide the cooked mass evenly in two. Enter one part into the white curd mass, and mix the other with strawberry.

6. Remove the mold with the frozen sand cake from the refrigerator. From the parchment, cut a long strip the width of the rim and put it in a ring in the shape. This is done so that it is more convenient to remove the frozen cheesecake from the mold.

7. On the center of the sand cake, alternately lay out four tablespoons of white curd and strawberry, layering them on top of each other until both masses are over.

8. Then, with the pointed end of the toothpick, apply a pattern on the surface of the cheesecake, drawing strips from the center to the edge with the pointed tip of the toothpick.

9. Place dessert overnight in the refrigerator. Then remove from the mold and remove the parchment.

Strawberry Cheesecake - Cooking Tips and Useful Tips

• Soak the gelatin for a while in cold water, and only after it has swelled well, dilute it with the main liquid or melt in a water bath.

• All dairy products must be fresh.

• So that the creamy mass prepared from the curd is homogeneous without impurities of the curd lumps, grind the curd twice on a sieve or interrupt with a blender.

• Be sure to place the baked cheesecake for a while in the refrigerator, after allowing it to cool to normal room temperature.

• Choose strawberries that are dry, ripe without any damage.


Watch the video: Easy Mini Cheesecakes Recipe (June 2024).