TOP of the best life hacks for child care: we simplify our life without being distracted!


The daily life of young mothers can become even more comfortable if you know some interesting tricks and use them in everyday life. You have a child, but you have already lost the hope that you can easily fight with scattered toys, while not wasting time on your baby’s development activities? Do not be pessimistic, because everything is fixable!

We will show you how to greatly facilitate the care of children. Our useful life hacks will certainly make your difficult life easier and energize you for the whole day. Do you think this is impossible? And you try!

1. Boxes for creativity - a useful thing.

Scattered items, pencils, felt-tip pens, paints and other writing instruments can make you crazy. To solve such situations, purchase a special box for creative materials or a box.

She will be associated in the child with a good time, and returning items to their places will become commonplace. Such advice will help make cleaning your child much easier, because collecting items in a box is quicker than just laying them out on a table.

2. We fight with toys in the bathroom.

Everyone knows the situation when a baby scatters his favorite toys, bathing in the bathroom. Take small containers and attach them to furniture or hooks to the curtain. They are ideal for storing toys.

3. We simplify hand washing.

Children aged 2-3 years may find it difficult to reach the sink to wash their hands. Now you don’t have to hold them on your hands, because you can cut off part of a plastic bottle, put it on the tap with the neck and it will be much easier for the child to wash his hands.

4. We are going for a walk with the baby.

The advice will help to collect the baby for a walk quickly, because dressing him becomes a whole test for young mothers. If he doesn’t like pants, don’t wear them. Great clothes for babies are slips, such jumpsuits with buttons. They are very convenient and comfortable.

For a walk, buy a sleeping bag in advance, which if necessary turns into a comfortable and warm jumpsuit. Thus, you will significantly reduce the time for collecting and changing clothes, while saving money.

5. Quick house cleaning.

Are you still used to cleaning the house only on weekends? How long does this procedure take? Try to spend about 10-15 minutes cleaning every day and you will be surprised. Not only will the cleaning take place without being distracted by other activities, but at the weekend there will be a lot of time for yourself and the child.

6. Quickly reassure the child.

Children are quite curious, so they often ask a lot of questions. Common answers from parents are “soon” or “a little later.” As a result, the baby begins to get nervous and wait for the time to come.

But what to do and how to calm a child if he does not orient himself in the clock? Stick a sticker on the dial around the desired number. Then the baby will know for sure that you will be at his disposal when the big arrow reaches the sticker.

7. Quickly put the baby to sleep.

There is some pretty good advice on how to get your children to bed quickly. Of course, it is suitable for healthy guys who are not bothered by anything. Slide a soft cloth across the face of the child from the forehead to the chin. Literally after 40 such manipulations, the baby will sleep soundly.

8. How easy is it to wake up in the morning?

The older the child, the more difficult it is to wake him up in the morning. Remember how your baby did not want to go to kindergarten just because you need to get up early. Now there is a solution: put various useful things in a small bag, for example, sweets, money, a toy. The main thing is to motivate the child to a cheerful spirit in the morning.

9. We eat fast.

How to teach your baby to eat fast? - Moms ask such a question, because feeding in this case becomes a whole ritual. Just fasten the bells on the edge of the table or high chair with scotch tape. This will take the attention of the child, and you can feed him calmly. In addition, it contributes to the development of motor skills.

10. Noise for sweet dreams.

Amazing right? Creating a calm and even noise, you can give your child a sweet dream. Download a special application where the noise of a vacuum cleaner, the noise of rain or wind, or a waterfall will be an example of noise. Scientists recommend this method of motion sickness for babies up to a year old.

11. Inscriptions with glue gun.

If the baby’s slippers slip, it must be secured. In this case, a regular glue gun is suitable. Just write any inscriptions on the sole. This will make the child’s movement much safer.

12. We use the Internet to our advantage.

At the computer, time flies by unnoticed, so you need to give your child a rest and not spoil his vision. If no persuasion helps, then you can turn on heavy artillery.

Each time, to get a password from Wi-Fi, do an interesting quest. Let the child complete several useful tasks: the game is fascinating and does not carry negative emotions, trying to get a password.

13. We recognize the left and right boot.

Until the baby learns to know where it is right and where it is left, try the following life hack: take a sticker with your child’s favorite characters and stick it inside the shoe. Then the baby will probably know the sides and quickly learn to shoe himself.

14. Correctly hold your hand when writing.

The next life hack is useful to preschool children. Not everyone knows how to correctly hold a pen when writing, which causes a lot of inconvenience. Try putting an elastic on your wrist and wrap a pen or pencil around it. It will be tightly held by an elastic band, and the child will easily learn to write correctly.

15. We lure the baby for a while.

Spend your favorite time is comparable to the highest pleasure. All mothers know about this. In order to lure the baby for a while, both fun and safe, various charges, old phones, keyboards, mice, calculators, in general, everything that once worked will be used. This method will captivate the child from boredom, making the pastime an interesting pastime.

It is important that your child wants to do something himself, develop and learn with interest the world. Create a mood for him and give incentive, support, approve and praise for courage. The child will be proud to do something on his own. And our useful life hacks will help you with this!


Watch the video: SIMPLIFY YOUR LIFE today 30 Easy tips that work. Part 1 (July 2024).