Stewed orange and lemon - a great opportunity to maintain immunity in good shape. The best recipes for compotes from lemon and orange


Compotes in Russia were cooked by our distant ancestors, and they were called "cooks" from the verb "brew".

Everyone knows that oranges and lemons are champions in vitamin C.

Therefore, citrus drinks have always been popular.

In addition to the benefits, oranges and lemons have a pleasant aroma and taste.

Orange and lemon compote - basic principles of preparation

Juices and soft drinks are made from oranges and lemons, but not many people know that you can make a delicious compote from these citrus fruits. Lemons and oranges are available all year round, so compote can be boiled at any time.

Wash citrus fruits, cut into slices or circles and remove the bones. Then they are placed in a saucepan, sugar is added and slightly crushed so that they let the juice.

The contents are poured with clean water and put on fire. Compote is brought to a boil and removed from the heat. The mixture is cooled to a warm state and filtered. It is poured into a decanter and completely cooled.

Stewed oranges and lemons are also cooked with herbs, fruits and berries.

Sugar in stewed fruit can be replaced with honey.

In winter, such a compote can be drunk hot, and in summer as a soft drink.

Recipe 1. Stewed lemon and orange with honey


  • 75 ml of honey;

  • lemon;

  • 75 g of sugar;

  • 4 liters of pure water;

  • orange.

Cooking method

1. Rinse the lemon and orange under the tap. Cut it into thin circles and remove all the bones.

2. Put the sliced ​​citrus fruits in a pan, add sugar and gently crush with a fork to isolate a little juice.

3. Pour the contents of the pan with clean water and set on fire. Boil it.

4. When the compote has cooled to a warm state, add honey to it and mix thoroughly to completely dissolve it.

5. Cool the compote before use.

Recipe 2. Stewed oranges with apples


  • two liters of filtered water;

  • 1 g of dry ground ginger;

  • 330 g of oranges;

  • 140 g of sugar;

  • 300 g of apples.

Cooking method

1. Wash the orange, wipe and lay on the board. Use a sharp knife to cut off the entire peel. Cut the flesh into thick circles.

2. Wash the apples, remove the pitted core and cut into small slices.

3. Put a pot of water over medium heat and bring to a boil. Add sugar and stir until it is completely dissolved.

4. Put the orange and apple slices in boiling water. Stir and wait until the contents boil again. Boil for a few minutes and remove the compote from the heat.

5. Cool the finished compote, and pour into glasses.

Recipe 3. Lemon compote with dried apples and ginger in a slow cooker


  • two and a half liters of pure water;

  • one and a half glasses of dried apples;

  • a glass of sugar;

  • lemon;

  • 15 g of ginger root.

Cooking method

1. Sort the dried apples and wash thoroughly, especially if you purchased them at a market or store.

2. Rinse the lemon, wipe and cut into small pieces.

3. Take a piece of ginger root, peel it and chop it with a sharp knife or on a fine grater.

4. Put apples, ginger and lemon in a multicooker bowl. Pour sugar into everything and pour warm water so that the compote boils faster.

5. Close the cooker lid and the steam vent valve. Activate the "Soup" or "Steaming" mode. Cook the compote from the moment of boiling for a quarter of an hour.

6. After completion of the program, let off the steam and leave it on the “Heating” mode for half an hour. Get a bowl of compote and strain it. Pour the compote into a jug and cool.

Recipe 4. Stewed lemons with mint


  • liter of filtered water;

  • lemon;

  • a glass of sugar;

  • a bunch of mint.

Cooking method

1. Wash the lemon thoroughly, put it in a deep cup and pour boiling water. Leave for a couple of minutes. This is done in order to get rid of bitterness.

2. Take out the lemon and cut it with a sharp knife into large pieces together with the peel.

3. Put the pot with purified water on the fire and bring to a boil. Put boiled water sliced ​​lemon. Cook the compote for five minutes, and pour in the sugar.

4. Tear off the leaves from the mint branches, wash them and add them to the compote. We continue to cook for another seven minutes, and remove from heat. We cover the pan with a lid and leave to insist. Chilled compote and filter it. Pour into a jug and pour into glasses. Serve garnished with lemon slices.

Recipe 5. Orange-Ginger Compote


  • 7 cm slice of ginger root;

  • three liters of purified water;

  • four medium oranges;

  • two cinnamon sticks;

  • half a lemon;

  • a cup of sugar;

  • vanilla sugar - 20 g;

  • star anise - two stars;

  • allspice - seven peas.

Cooking method

1. Wash oranges and lemons. Peel the ginger root. Cut the citrus fruits along with the skin with washers, 6 mm thick, and then cut into quarters.

2. Cut ginger into thin slices. Transfer quarters of oranges, lemons and slices of ginger to the pan. Sprinkle everything with sugar and mix thoroughly. Remember the mixture lightly and leave for half an hour to let as much juice as possible.

3. Pour three liters of purified water into the pan and add spices, mix. Place the container on the stove and bring to a boil. Simmer for about five minutes, remove the pan from the heat, cover and let the compote brew.

4. Strain and transfer the compote into a jug. If you want to drink it hot, you can warm it up. Serve the compote by pouring it into glasses, and garnish with slices of orange.

Recipe 6. Stewed lemon with honey


  • honey - 75 g;

  • pure water - four liters;

  • sugar - 75 g;

  • ripe lemons - two pcs.

Cooking method

1. Wash the lemons thoroughly. Cut them into thin circles, be sure to remove the seeds.

2. Fold the lemon mugs in a saucepan, sprinkle with sugar, and lightly remember with a fork.

3. Pour the contents of the pan with four liters of purified water and set on fire.

4. When the lemon broth boils, remove it from the heat. Cool until warm and add honey. Mix thoroughly until it is completely dissolved. Remember: never add honey to boiling water, otherwise it will lose its beneficial properties.

5. Cool the compote completely, strain and pour into glasses.

Recipe 7. Stewed Lemon and Basil


  • 100 g of sugar;

  • two liters of water;

  • lemon;

  • a bunch of purple basil.

Cooking method

1. Remove the leaves from the twigs of the purple basil and wash them.

2. Rinse and wipe the lemon. Cut the basil and lemon into large pieces. Do not peel the lemon.

3. Put the sliced ​​lemon and basil in the pan. The amount of sugar in the recipe allows you to get a drink with a slight acidity. If you want the compote to be sweet, add more sugar.

4. Pour the contents of the pan with purified water and set on fire. Bring to a boil and cook for 15 minutes.

5. Strain the finished compote through a sieve and pour into a jug. The drink can be consumed both hot and chilled.

Recipe 8. Stewed oranges with gooseberries


  • two and a half liters of pure water;

  • gooseberry - two glasses;

  • granulated sugar - two glasses;

  • large orange.

Cooking method

1. Gooseberry berries sort, wash and pick tails. Transfer prepared berries to a glass bowl.

2. Wash the orange with a brush and cut into slices without peeling. Add to gooseberries.

3. Boil water and fill it with citrus berries. Cover and leave for about two hours.

4. Then pour the liquid into the pan, add sugar, mix and put on fire. Boil and pour the obtained syrup with orange berries in a jar. Close tightly with a tin cover.

5. Turn the cans over, cover with a blanket and leave to cool completely. Store in a cellar or pantry.

Recipe 9. Stewed orange with pomegranate


  • one and a half liters of purified water;

  • Garnet;

  • spices;

  • 150 g of sugar;

  • orange.

Cooking method

1. Gently cut the pomegranate peel and remove the grains. Wash the orange, wipe and cut the peel with a sharp knife. Pomegranate seeds and sliced ​​orange put in a pan.

2. Sprinkle all with sugar and add spices. Pour in water, mix and put on a small fire. Cook, stirring occasionally, for 20 minutes.

3. Strain the finished compote, pour into a jug and cool. Pour into glasses and serve, garnishing with orange slices.

Recipe 10. Lemon Compote


  • honey - 75 g;

  • pure water - three liters;

  • three lemons.

Cooking method

1. Rinse the lemons thoroughly under the tap, cut, without peeling, into slices a centimeter thick. Put on the bottom of the pan. Remember lemons to push the juice away faster.

2. Pour the lemons with clean water at the rate of a liter of liquid per lemon. Put the pan on the fire, bring to a boil and after a couple of minutes remove from the stove.

3. Add honey at the rate of a spoonful of honey per liter of pure water. Shuffle.

4. Cover the pan with a lid and leave for a couple of hours so that the flesh of the lemon settles to the bottom.

5. Now gently strain and pour the compote into a jug. During the cooking process, you can add cloves, vanillin or fresh mint to the compote. This will make the taste of compote more interesting.

Recipe 11. Stewed orange, lemon and apricots


  • a glass of granulated sugar;

  • 20 ripe apricots;

  • thin-skinned lemon;

  • orange.

Cooking method

1. Sort apricots, rinse, break in half and remove the seeds.

2. Wash the orange and lemon under the tap with a brush. Cut them into small slices.

3. Wash the jars thoroughly, pour boiling water over them and wipe dry. Put slices of lemon and orange on the bottom. Put apricots on top and cover everything with sugar.

4. Pour the contents of the cans with boiling water to the very top. Seal them tightly with tin lids and turn them over. Cover with a blanket and leave to cool completely. Then place the cans with compote in the cellar or pantry.

Lemon and orange compote - tips and tricks

  • If you use peeled lemon in a compote, put it in boiling water for a couple of minutes to get rid of bitterness.
  • Rinse the orange and lemon thoroughly with a brush before cooking.
  • Be sure to remove the seeds from citrus fruits.
  • You can consume compote, both hot, and previously having cooled it.


Watch the video: MasterChef . season 4 (June 2024).