Emergency weight loss or goodbye health: the most dangerous diets. Warning: a list of the most dangerous diets


Diets for many women have long become a kind of hobby, doing which they stopped thinking about the possible consequences and completely forgot about health and safety.

From the whole variety of diets, it is possible to single out diets that are almost harmless to the body, as well as the most dangerous diets that should not be chosen.

How not to make a mistake with the choice of diet, so that the figure becomes slim and health is not affected?

How to recognize the most dangerous diets. Side effects and their cons

One of the most harmful is considered a mono-diet, which undermines the health of the body like no other. Eating one priority product puts the body under great stress, as a result of which there is an acute shortage of fats, proteins, carbohydrates, teeth, gums begin to deteriorate, the stomach and intestines suffer. Starvation or a respiratory diet is a great danger to the body. You won’t be fed up with air. Together with a couple of kg, you can lose much more health, aggravate old and find new diseases.

But there are several more equally dangerous diets with which you should be extremely careful. Among them are Ducan's protein diet, a salt-free diet, the Kremlin’s diet, and Atkinson’s carbohydrate-free diet.

The most dangerous diets have become so because of a number of negative effects on the body. Abuse of diets, non-compliance with dietary rules, the choice in favor of unbalanced diets drawn up by lay people can lead to such consequences:

1. Gastrointestinal problems. Protein diets, such as the Kremlin or Atkinson, will not please the stomach and liver because of the supersaturation of meat. Often people sitting on such a diet develop bloating, excessive gas formation, constipation. The danger in this case is small if you help the body on time. For example, drink plenty of water or herbal teas, reduce the amount of servings, do not eat at night.

Problems can be avoided in case of timely consultation with a specialist.

2. Decreased body tone. The problem is not dangerous at first. If you notice right away that performance and activity have significantly decreased, then you should either abandon diets altogether, or take breaks. Decreased tone may manifest as headaches, low blood pressure, weakness, fainting. It is important to prioritize and understand what you want to sacrifice - the health or beauty of the figure. Hemoglobin-boosting drinks and foods, sweet tea from pressure will make the diet easier.

3. Deterioration of immunity. Any diet negatively affects the immune system, reducing it. If you stock up on a vitamin complex in advance and will carry out preventive procedures, especially at times of epidemic, then your immunity will not suffer.

4. Deterioration of appearance. Lack of vitamins, minerals and nutrients is the main companion of diets. The reaction of the body to a new lifestyle instantly manifests itself in appearance - the skin suffers, hair and nails become weak, brittle. These problems should not be left to chance to avoid exacerbation. Take vitamins, look after your appearance in an enhanced mode. Feed it from the outside with creams, oils.

The most dangerous diets: Dukan's protein diet

The inventor of the protein diet was the Frenchman Pierre Ducane. Although millions of people around the world adhere to his diets, doctors unanimously claim that his diet is only a skillful business that does not care about the health of patients at all. The popularity of the Ducan diet is justified by the fact that losing weight does not need to count calories, refuses food. This diet is very popular among athletes. It consists in observing the basic rules and the use of products exclusively from the white list. The emphasis should be on protein-rich foods, and limit sugar and fat to the maximum. You can say that the Ducan diet is a lean, high-protein diet.

What is its danger? For the normal functioning of any body, 3 main components are needed - these are fats, proteins and carbohydrates. If organisms feel an acute shortage of one of them, then it is subjected to stress, as a result of which the effects affect the internal organs, diseases, complications and other consequences appear.

An unbalanced diet leads to metabolic disorders, as a result, the organs of the gastrointestinal tract primarily suffer. Lack of nutrients and vitamins leads to damage to hair, nails, skin, the appearance of halitosis. A monotonous diet causes cholesterol surges, which are extremely dangerous for the heart and blood vessels. Loaded with protein, the kidneys and liver cease to cope with their main function, as a result of which they also suffer and wear out faster.

Why are low-carb Atkins and Kremlin diets on the list of the most dangerous diets

The creator of a carbohydrate-free diet was a former cardiologist Robert Atkins, who, through experiments with mice, found that the exclusion of carbohydrates from the diet leads to rapid weight loss. Like the previous researcher, Atkins suggests using protein exclusively as food. Refusal of carbohydrates leads to the accumulation of ketones in the body, which stimulate the chemical reactions of the breakdown of fats. Atkins claimed that it takes more calories to process fats from the body than to digest carbohydrates.

The essence of the diet is to use all kinds of foods high in fat and protein, and carbohydrate foods should be completely abandoned. Among them are cereals, cereals, sweets, carbonated drinks, starch-rich foods, even some vegetables and fruits.

The Kremlin diet is a kind of Atkins diet. It is necessary to calculate the permissible carbohydrates in it by special methods, based on certain tables. But in the end, the essence boils down to the fact that a person refuses carbohydrates and eats exclusively protein-fatty foods.

What is the danger of protein diets? When the body begins to break down stored fats, then the kidneys, liver, intestines, stomach and brain begin to suffer. Why it happens? Mental activity and brain function depend on carbohydrates, when they become insufficient in the body, a person begins to worry about headaches, insomnia, memory problems and depression. The liver and kidneys are filters of proteins in the body. Due to the large intake of fats and proteins in the body with a low-carb diet, these organs have a huge load, which subsequently leads to the development of more serious diseases and complications.

Due to a lack of vitamins in the body, a hormonal malfunction can occur, which entails a lot of various consequences, including weight gain. Another significant drawback of such diets is that immunity is significantly reduced.

Refusal of salt - one more type of the most dangerous diets

From the name it is clear that a salt-free diet implies a complete exclusion of sodium chloride from the diet. Many may think that there can be no harm from such a diet, because salt is a white death. Indeed, a moderate amount of salt for the body will benefit. Doctors recommend people with kidney diseases suffering from high blood pressure, overweight, and edema to go on such a diet.

But it should be remembered that the lack of salt in the body is as dangerous as its consequences, as its excess. Salt diet reduces body weight by several kilograms due to the disposal of fluid, but if you stop eating according to its principles, then lost kilograms will quickly return. Sodium in salt is an important element for the body. It regulates the water balance and the level of beneficial acids. If the ratio of these indicators is violated, then the state of health begins to deteriorate sharply, and too neglected cases can even lead to death.

Lack of sodium in the body leads to the development of cardiovascular diseases, often it causes heart attacks and strokes. To reduce the risk of a salt-free diet, it should be limited in time, not to reduce the content of salt in food products to zero, and the best option is to replace table salt with sea salt.

After such a list, it is not at all necessary to immediately abandon diets. Not all of them are harmful and dangerous. It is only important not to torment yourself and your body, not to waste time on useless and harmful diets and think primarily about your health.


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