What to do if you like a guy: do you need to take the first step? Tactics of the right actions if you like a guy


Youthful love is a natural and sometimes very strong feeling.

If it came for the first time, the girl may be confused.

What to do if you like a guy?

Act or wait? The unknown is excruciating.

If you act, then how?

What to do if you like a guy: how to attract him?

First of all, determine the strategy. The minimum task is to attract the attention of a young man, to interest him. The maximum task is to maintain interest and establish a long and serious romantic relationship.

Now you need to decide on the tactics. How to win a guy’s heart? First of all, make sure that it is free. If a young man has a girlfriend, then acting as a homeowner is dangerous: if the relationship of the lovers is strong, it will cause ridicule or anger. Neither one nor the other enhances women's self-esteem.

What to do if you like a well-known guy: neighbor, colleague, classmate? To cast aside doubts and apply the very feminine things that reliably act on males.

• Coquetry. Yes, no matter how trite it may sound, but female coquetry arouses interest in men. It’s important not to confuse the delicate female game with prudence: for smart men, this is unacceptable.

• helplessness. It is important for a man to show his strength, and therefore behavior in the style of "I myself" will not contribute to rapprochement. Ask for a little thing that will not burden the young man very much, but at the same time show his significance. In the end, you can just ask for advice in some typically "male" business. At the same time, you will show that you do not have a young man.

• Eye contact. The gaze has tremendous attractive power. Make a man look you in the eye and do not look away a little longer than is customary between strangers. The talk about the “spark that flashed between us” is not empty words. If anything is capable of igniting this spark, it is the eyes.

• Femininity. The image of your boyfriend is not quite what you need for the emergence of romantic feelings. If you suddenly appear before a young man in a new image, he can see the girl in a different light. You might wonder by chance what type of feminine beauty he likes, and try to copy the ideal. Hairstyle, shoes, style of dress - any trifle matters.

• Verbal stroking. The psychological term actually means a simple thing: learn to tell the guy something nice, as if stroking him with words. A little subtler than a frank compliment, a little more than a friendly praise. Use the technique all the time.

• Touch. It is no coincidence that thousands of people describe the sudden emergence of feelings from the words "our hands accidentally touched and ...". Indeed, touches are no less effective than verbal strokes. Of course, do not grab the chosen one for anything and constantly touch him with his hands. But a slight “accidental” touch can actually change fate.

Do not be afraid to demonstrate your joy from meeting with a guy. Embarrassed and blushing? No problem! This will show the young man that he is interesting to you. And this is very good: he can reconsider his attitude. And if secretly has warm feelings, then he himself may well suggest a new stage of relations.

What to do if you like a guy with whom you are not formally familiar? The most important thing is to arrange an acquaintance. You can act through friends, pals, social networks. If you have the courage, there is nothing wrong with coming up and getting to know yourself (although this is the most extreme option - everything should look as natural as possible).

Gone are the days when a girl could not take the initiative. The world is rapidly changing, and there is nothing wrong with proposing a joint trip to the cinema or a cup of coffee in the nearest cafe.

Do not do it meaningfully. Some kind of easy, non-binding phrase, easy invitation - everything should be as natural as possible. And no panic if he refused! Firstly, anyway, do not forget about the invitation. If busy today, then he can invite you tomorrow. Secondly, it may just not be your person, and it is better not to establish any relationship with him.

What to do if you like a guy: how to keep him?

It is one thing to make a person see himself on the other hand, he will like it and start dating, and it’s quite another to keep the sympathy arising. No matter how insulting, but the pretty girls' faces around are the sea, it is sometimes not easy to stay special for him. What if the guy likes so much that you want to be with him always?

It is important to find common interests. Despite the fact that male and female energy is different and is fueled from different sources, the presence of common topics for conversation is simply necessary. Otherwise, the sum of yin and yang will really give ... an empty result, and the young man will lose interest.

If you can say something clever about the interests of the guy, it will be generally wonderful. Therefore, lively and sincerely take an interest in what the chosen one lives and breathes. Having learned about his hobbies, hobbies, try to keep abreast of news on this topic. So you can speak the same language. Romance and friendship at a young age are almost synonymous. Therefore, to be friends with a girlfriend is much more interesting to a guy than to love one that is far from his interests.

The second important point - be sure to listen to your partner. If a girl does not consider the guy’s opinion to be something important, if she constantly speaks herself and considers his silence to be normal, then the danger of destroying the emerging relationship is very great.

What if you like a guy and you want to be with him as long as possible? Create conditions so that next to you he feels comfortable, confident and joyful. Jokes and laughter - these are the best assistants in establishing trusting, close, close relationships.

This does not mean that you need to constantly giggle or tell jokes read on the network. It is enough to pay attention to something funny or amusing, to laugh at some general situation. If you understand each other's jokes, then everything will be fine. Just great! Nothing contributes to the emergence of strong sympathy better than a similar sense of humor.

But the first to confess strong feelings, to declare love in no case. The initiative should come only from a young man. A man by nature is a hunter. He must conquer a woman, and she must obey and give him his love. If you do the opposite, then the interest will fade instantly, because there will be no one to conquer.

What to do if you like a guy and what you can’t do

In addition to the taboo on love confession, there is much more that a prudent girl who wants to keep falling in love and turn her into love should never do.

• Quickly accept physical intimacy. It is difficult to say whether the twentieth date can be considered a sufficient reason for this, but the first or even fifth is definitely not possible. A period of courtship will lay the foundation for a long-term relationship. Despite the rampant "emancipation", it is important for a man to know that next to him is a self-respecting pure woman, that he is someone special for her. Therefore, the candy-bouquet period should be quite long.

• Allow yourself critical, mocking, harsh comments and generally criticism (especially in the presence of mutual friends or relatives). Such behavior is unacceptable, a man will perceive it as humiliation (and will be right), and on this the romantic page of your life with this guy will be scribbled to the end. The gap is inevitable.

• Demonstration of their relevance in other men. The strategic mistake of insecure girls is to try to get a price for themselves through SMS or online messages from mythical fans. This is stupid and will end badly.

• Jealousy is just as unproductive and disgusting. If you harass a guy with constant interrogations and calls, he will not endure for a long time. If there are reasons for jealousy, trying to go ahead is pointless, if not, insulting.

• Obsession. If a girl constantly reminds herself, sends emoticons and messages thirty times a day, it seems nice the first two days. Then it starts to annoy.

Delicacy, respect, sincere interest - this is the basis of a long and happy relationship. What to do if you like a guy who doesn’t show any reciprocal feelings for you, despite hints and even direct words? As soon as possible forget about him and not be tormented by vain hopes. Life is so fleeting that you need to take the best from it: joy, happiness, positive. And this is possible only if sympathy is mutual.


Watch the video: How Men Fall in Love: 5 Steps to Make Him Love You (June 2024).