Pies with cherries in the oven from different dough. Secrets of a leak-proof filling for cakes with cherry in the oven


This ruby ​​berry got into Russian cuisine, famous for a huge assortment of dough products, from Byzantium. These trees have taken root remarkably on a significant territory of the Old Russian state, and therefore have become a classic filling for pies.

But when choosing a berry for the filling, it is still better to pay attention to its variety. Preference should be given to more sweet and fleshy berries. The most successful option for baking is the Black Cork variety.

Oven cakes with cherries - basic technological principles

Cherry combined with any dough is incredibly tasty. But if, as a rule, there are no problems with the preparation of the dough, it is quite difficult to make pies filled with cherries, because this berry, like all berries, is very juicy.

Everyone loves that there is a lot of filling in pies, but this is not always possible to do. It is impossible to increase the amount of berry filling, because during baking the dough expands, displacing berry juice. It flows onto a baking sheet and the pies turn out to be burnt. Typically, the ratio of filling and dough in pies is 4: 6 per 100 g of baked product. Juicy berries are lightly sprinkled with thickeners before sculpting pies: powdered milk, starch, and fried flour. When baking, these additives coagulate with the juice of the berries inside the pie. In addition, there are some methods of sculpting pies with such a filling, allowing you to bake beautiful and high-quality products, without traces of leakage of juice.

Recipe 1. Yeast cakes with cherry in the oven


Vanilla 5 g

Rum essence or rum 2 mg

Orange zest 50 g

Juice, orange 100 ml

Milk, warm 300 ml

Flour 0.8 kg

Yeast instant 10 g


Eggs 3 pcs.

Potato starch 50 g

Oil, refined 100 ml

Sugar 250 g

Melted butter 150 g

Fresh seedless cherries 300 g


Pour milk in a bowl, warmed from 25 to 40Ϲ. Put crushed yeast, 100 g flour, 30 g sugar in it. Stir with a whisk. Cover the dough with a film so that the bubbles of the released gas are trapped in the container and put closer to the heat for half an hour.

Cherry, washed and pitted, put in a colander set on a pallet. Let the juice drain. After this, sprinkle the berries with starch, transfer to a bowl. Pour 100 g of sugar into a cup separately for filling.

Mix 200 g of sugar with vanilla, fine salt, orange zest and rum. Whip all the ingredients into a lush mass. Add juice, melted butter while continuing to whisk.

Combine the dough with the whipped liquid mass, mix with a whisk and begin to knead the dough, adding the sifted flour. When it becomes dense enough, set aside the whisk and continue to knead it with your hands. Cover again, leave it to rise.

Lubricate the working surface with oil, prepare a baking sheet to immediately place the pies on it, and turn on the oven for heating (180-200Ϲ).

Divide the risen dough into pieces of 80 g (add 20% of the dough to the bake), roll the balls. Let them rise right on the table. Take each one, turn it over so that the upper part of the dough lies on the table (after a little proofing it will be slightly windy and will not stick to the table). Roll the prepared pieces into a thin layer. It is necessary that the diameter of the cup is large enough so that the cherry filling can be well wrapped in dough. Spread 4-5 cherries in the center of the workpiece, sprinkling them gently with half a spoonful of sugar on top. You need to overlap the filling so that the juice does not flow out during baking: first cover the cherries with one edge of the dough and squeeze it immediately after the filling, without connecting to the opposite side of the cake, as when sculpting dumplings or dumplings; then pinch the opposite edge of the dough on the side of the cake mix. Turn the molded pie over with the resulting seam down. Grease the lower part with oil and dip in flour: this forms an additional crust during baking, which will protect the pies from leakage.

Place the pan for a few minutes so that the pies rise and bake for ten minutes. Remove the pies for a minute from their oven when they are almost ready. Lubricate them on top with the prepared mixture: combine oil, vegetable, sugar and water in equal parts, mix and, bringing to a boil, allow to cool slightly. You can also grease the patties with a beaten egg or sugar syrup to give them a gloss. Place the greased pies in the oven for another five minutes to lightly brown.

After baking, place a baking sheet on a damp napkin, and begin to shift the pies on a dish lined with parchment when they become warm so as not to wrinkle.

Recipe 2. Pies with cherry in the oven from puff pastry

Product Composition:

Cherry 300 g

Milk Powder 80 g

Egg 2 pcs.

Creamy Margarine 200 g

Flour 800 g (including 100 g per heat)

Baking soda 25 g

Vinegar 30 ml

Sour cream 200 g

Sugar 150 g

Operating procedure:

Sift the flour onto the table, spread it over the surface and lay on top small pieces of frozen margarine. Mix the margarine with flour in a homogenous mass using chopping knife movements. Collect the resulting chips with a slide, after making a depression, pour sour cream and soda into it (put out with vinegar) and quickly knead the dough.

Start rolling out the dough in thin layers, sprinkling with flour and folding each layer with an “envelope”. Do this at least 12-16 times to get a good puff pastry. Dusting flour requires very little: it is necessary that the dough does not stick to the rolling pin and the working surface, and to get a layered structure of the dough.

When rolling, the dough should be constantly cool so that fat does not stand out from it. Therefore, prepare dishes in which it will be possible to clean the dough for a while in the refrigerator for cooling, if necessary.

Prepare the oven by heating it to 200Ϲ, grind the baking sheet with flour. Cut the finished dough into pieces, roll balls from it. Take each portion out of the refrigerator and roll it on a prepared table in the shape of a circle with a diameter of 15-16 cm. The thickness of the workpiece is 5 mm. Divide the circle with a knife into 8 equal triangles.

At the base of each formed triangle, lay the cherry filling previously sprinkled with starch. Put cherries in a row of 4 pieces and sprinkle lightly with sugar. Roll each triangle with berries from the base to the center of the circle, wrapping cherries. Spread the rolls on a baking sheet. Lubricate with an egg. Hot rolls, immediately removed from the oven, grease with melted butter and sprinkle with sugar carefully. When cooled, transfer to a dish.

Recipe 3. Cakes with cherry in the oven from shortcrust pastry

List of ingredients:

Sugar 280 g

Salt, fine 10 g

Yolks 4 pcs.

Oil (spread) 300 g


Flour 500 g

Cherry marmalade 350 g

Icing sugar 50 g

Order of preparation:

Mix pre-sifted flour with dry products. We interrupt the oil with a blender and add the flour first, then the yolks, one at a time. Rub the dough until smooth. If, when kneading, the butter melts and the dough becomes too greasy, roll it into a ball and put it in the cold for a while, but do not supercool it to maintain plasticity, and then begin to form pies.

Roll the finished dough into a layer, cut the slices into circles and, as described in the previous two recipes, put the prepared filling in the mugs and mold the pies. Grease the cake mix with the egg and immediately place the pan in a hot oven. After baking, sprinkle the cooled products with powder.

Recipe 4. Pies with cherry in the oven, puff pastry yeast

Product Composition:

Flour 1.0 kg

Water 200 ml

Cottage cheese, homemade 500 g

Yeast, live 70 g

Sugar 150 g


Oil or spread 200 g

Vanilla 30 g

Cherry jam 450 g

Egg 1 pc.

Cooking progress:

Sifted flour and combine with salt, vanilla sugar. Put the yeast in water, dissolving them, add a little flour (250 g). Water for puff pastry should be cool, like all other ingredients. Yeast should begin to work only during the proofing of finished products. Therefore, in order for the yeast to dissolve in water, they can be interrupted using a mixer. In 800 g of flour mixture, put chilled slices of butter, chop it, making crumbs.

Prepare the desktop, sprinkling it with flour, rolling pin and hands periodically grease with oil.

Knead the dough cool enough and roll it with a layer. Grind the surface with flour and butter crumbs, roll it up and roll it again. Then cover the layer with a layer of fat home-made cottage cheese, roll up and roll again. In order, alternating butter crumbs with cottage cheese, rub them into the dough using a rolling pin. Put the finished dough in the refrigerator for a while.

Prepare a baking sheet to place ready-made pies on it. Turn on the oven to warm up.

Roll the chilled dough into a thin layer on a table, cut into squares. Put jam in the center of each piece of dough and pinch the edges of the dough in the shape of an envelope. Put the semi-finished products on a baking sheet and place it closer to the heat: now you need the dough to warm up and rise.

In a preheated oven, place a tray with hot water on the lower shelf, and a pan with pies on the middle shelf. Close the door, and after 5 minutes, open it to let off steam. Set the temperature to 180Ϲ and bake the "envelopes" until cooked.

Beat the egg with sugar and grease the cakes with the hot mixture just taken out of the oven.

Recipe 5. Pies with cherry in the oven from yeast-free dough on sour cream

Product Composition:

Egg 2 pcs.

Flour 800 g

Ammonium carbonate 5 g

Salt 15 g

Sour cream 25% 200 g

Sugar 450 g

Powder 70 g

Spread or oil 72% 250 g

Vanillin, crystalline 4 g

Cherry 400 g

Agar 20 g

Cooking progress:

Melt the margarine steamed. Beat sour cream with sugar, adding 1 egg. Combine with melted margarine while continuing to beat at low speed Add salt, ammonium powder, vanillin. Gradually adding flour, knead the dough. Wrap it in foil and leave it on your desktop for half an hour.

Prepare the cherries. Grind with a blender or meat grinder. Combine mashed potatoes with sugar. Squeeze 100 ml of juice from the resulting mass and, bringing it to a boil, dissolve the agar in it. Heat a bowl of cherries and sugar to 70-80Ϲ ​​and pour dissolved agar into it. Stir and let the jam cool.

Recipe 6. Cakes with cherries in the oven from the sand sweet pastry with cocoa

Cherry by taste is a self-sufficient berry and it’s quite difficult to find the right “fruit company” for it. But against the background of chocolate and cognac (brandy, rum), the “capricious” berry looks like a royal.


Oil 82.5% 150 g

Cocoa (100%) 40 g

Flour 0.5 kg

Egg 1 pc.

Sugar 250 g

Baking powder 20 g

Vanilla Sugar 10 g

Rum 70 ml

Cherry jam (berries)

Cooking progress:

Grind the soft butter with sugar and beat, adding an egg. Sift the flour and combine it with the dry ingredients. Knead the dough by adding the dry mixture to the butter in portions.

Discard 1.0 l of cherry jam through a colander, letting the syrup drain: it will be useful for making other desserts, and in baking it will interfere, flowing through the shortcrust pastry.

Sprinkle the berries with rum.

Roll out the dough with sausage, cut into slices and roll in the shape of an oval. Wrap the filling in the dough. On one side of the oval, make notches with kitchen scissors and lay the semi-finished products on a baking sheet sent by a greased foil. Let the baked pies cool; sprinkle them with icing sugar.

Recipe 7. Cakes with cherry in the oven from unleavened yeast dough

List of ingredients:

Orange juice 300 ml

Refined Oil 100 g

Flour 600 g

Salt 10 g

Fast yeast 5 g

Cherry 200 g (pitted)

Cocoa, natural powder 50 g

Sugar 150 g

Condensed milk or cream 150 g

Operating procedure:

Sifting flour, combine with salt, sugar. You can add vanilla or other flavors, if desired. Warm the orange juice, add 50 ml of oil and yeast to it. Add part of the dry mixture to the liquid. Shuffle. As soon as bubbles appear on the surface, pour out the rest of the flour, knead the dough. Cover the bowl with the dough and place it closer to the heat.

Squeeze fresh seedless cherries to reduce juice. Mix condensed milk and cocoa, add cherries.

Prepare the table, baking sheet and oven as described in recipe number 1.

Dividing the dough into portions of 100 g, first form balls, and then roll them into cakes, making parallel cuts along the edges. Put the prepared filling and wrap it with dough, interlacing the strips.

Cherry Pies in the Oven - Tips and Tricks

When mixing yeast dough, try not to “clog” it with flour. Very cool dough, with a lot of flour, kneads quickly, but takes a long time.

The consistency of the dough should be plastic and soft due to the gluten contained in the flour and air bubbles that, when kneaded, fall into the dough, and the gluten fibers holding the air make it light and airy. When baking, air bubbles increase when heated. This dough is baked quickly and efficiently. Therefore, the dough must be kneaded for a long time, so that it is saturated with air.


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