Canned Bean Lobio - First in a hurry. The best lobio recipes from red, white, green canned beans


A popular Georgian dish - lobio - is traditionally prepared from dried legumes of different varieties, mainly red beans. But due to the preliminary preparation of the products - soaking the beans - the cooking process is delayed for hours or even days.

If you like Georgian cuisine, you like simple, hearty dishes, but you don’t have time to overcome the difficult stages of cooking, prepare lobio from canned beans. The result will please you.

Canned Bean Lobio - General Cooking Principles

You can cook lobio from both red and white, green canned beans. Legumes should be without tomato and other fillings, without preservatives. The principle itself is simple:

• Onions cut into rings or half rings are fried over low heat until golden.

• Beans from a jar are spread to the onion, mixed.

• Put tomato paste at will, stew, until the liquid has evaporated by half.

• Add chopped greens, in the original - cilantro, chopped garlic, crushed walnuts, pomegranate juice.

• Bring lobio to readiness.

The basic recipe is difficult to spoil, it is really simple. It can also be interpreted by changing, adding, removing certain ingredients of a dish. But, experimenting, do not forget that there are still moments that come in handy for the dish to come out really the way it should be: tasty, aromatic, hearty.

• Do not mix dry beans with canned ones; use only one type.

• If you do not like onions, then this dish is not for you. Onions in lobio should be mandatory, excluding it is unacceptable.

• Do not forget about spices and spices, after all, lobio is a Georgian cuisine dish with the traditional use of aromatic herbs, herbs, spicy seasonings. Saffron, tarragon, mint, cilantro are good in this dish. You can also use a ready-made mixture - hops-suneli.

• Walnuts are present in the classic lobio recipe. But for lack of them they can be excluded from the recipe.

• Before adding salt to the dish, taste it - canned beans contain salt and there is a chance that you will over-salt.

Now, knowing the basic subtleties, you can safely start cooking an unusual but delicious dish like canned bean lobio, and our carefully selected detailed recipes will help you.

1. Canned Bean Lobio


• half a kilogram of red pickled beans;

• tomato - 50 g;

• head of garlic;

• 20 ml of wine vinegar 3%

• a small onion head;

• coriander in powder - 20 g;

• cilantro leaves - 5 pcs.;

• a little oil for frying;

• seasoning hops-suneli - a pinch.

Cooking method:

1. Put the canned beans in a deep metal container, add the tomato, mix thoroughly (if the beans are in a tomato, you can not add tomato paste).

2. Peel the head of garlic and remove the internal cloves, and grind the outer ones through the garlic and put into a small cup, pour wine vinegar.

3. Coarsely chop the cilantro.

4. Onions cut into thin strips and fry in oil until transparent.

5. Shredded leaves of cilantro, garlic marinated in wine vinegar, put onion in a saucepan with beans, pour the sun-hops and simmer for about four minutes on moderate heat.

6. Close the lid and insist 5 minutes.

7. Ready lobio is served warm or hot, in portioned plates or in a salad bowl as a snack.

2. Canned Bean Lobio with Walnuts


• two cans of pickled red beans in their own juice;

• walnuts - 1.5 handfuls;

• a few cloves of garlic;

• green cilantro - half a bunch;

• 30 g of tomato puree;

• 30 ml of wine vinegar 3%;

• 2 onions;

• frying oil;

• basil in powder, hops-suneli - a small pinch.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the onions not very small crumbs, fry with a little oil.

2. In a frying pan with onions, spread the beans along with the juice and simmer over moderate heat for several minutes.

3. Nuts are chopped in a blender, chopped cilantro finely with a knife, garlic through a garlic press.

4. We put all the chopped and chopped ingredients to the beans with onions, add the tomato, season with spice, basil, stir and simmer for about three minutes.

5. Pour in the vinegar, again thoroughly stir and turn off the heat.

6. Serve to the table in a portioned plate as an independent dish.

3. Canned white bean lobio


• half a kilogram of white canned beans;

• 5 cloves of garlic;

• green basil and cilantro - half a bunch;

• 1 carrot;

• 2 onions;

• walnuts - 2 large handfuls;

• a little oil for frying;

• 30 ml of wine vinegar;

• hops-suneli - a pinch.

Cooking method:

1. Put white beans from a jar without juice into a small cup.

2. Grind cilantro and basil with a knife.

3. Cut the carrots into thin strips (you can rub on a Korean grater), cut the onion into thin strips.

4. Grind the nuts with a blender, pour into a dry pan and fry a little.

5. Pour the nuts into a plate, and fry the chopped carrot with greens in oil in a pan for several minutes in oil

6. Fry the onions in a separate pan.

7. In nuts, put a little bean, mix with a blender, until a puree-like consistency.

8. In the chopped nuts and beans, put the remaining beans in their entirety, add the fried carrots, onions with herbs, suneli hops and mix thoroughly.

9. Pour in the vinegar and stir again.

10. Serve in a portioned dish, like a cold appetizer.

4. Canned Green Bean Lobio


• 2 jars of canned green beans;

• 2 medium carrots;

• 2 onion heads;

• 2 large tomatoes;

• 1 medium bell pepper;

• some frying oil.

Cooking method:

1. Peel the onion heads, cut into thin strips.

2. Three peeled carrots on a Korean grater (if there is no such grater, then you can rub on a simple grater with large teeth).

3. Tomatoes, peel, finely chop.

4. Remove the seeds from the bell pepper, rinse and cut into strips.

5. Fry onions, carrots, peppers in a pan with oil over low heat until soft.

6. Add chopped tomatoes and fry for another 4 minutes.

7. For vegetables, lay out 2 cans of canned green beans along with the liquid and simmer under the lid for several minutes.

8. The finished green bean lobio is served in a salad bowl, garnished with parsley leaves.

5. Canned bean lobio with minced meat in a slow cooker


• any canned beans - a little less than half a kilogram;

• minced pork and beef - a small cup;

• 1 onion;

• 2 tomatoes;

• wine vinegar 3% - 1 teaspoon;

• clove of garlic;

• some oil for frying vegetables;

• 30 g suneli hops;

• leaves of fresh cilantro - 4 pcs.

Cooking method:

1. Tomatoes are put in boiling water for 3 minutes, remove the skin from them and cut into medium squares.

2. Chop the onion and garlic with a knife.

3. In the capacity of the multicooker we put garlic with onions and fry in oil in the "baking" mode for 5 minutes.

4. Put the minced pork and beef and fry for another 10 minutes.

5. Spread the tomatoes and fry again the same time.

6. To the contents of the multicooker, spread the beans without juice, slightly add salt, pour the hops-suneli and stew, but in the “soup” mode or in some other similar mode for 10 minutes.

7. At the end of this time, pour in the vinegar, mix thoroughly, turn on the "heating" mode and leave it for 10 minutes.

8. Serve hot on a flat portioned plate.

6. Georgian canned bean lobio


• red canned beans - 2 jars;

• 2 heads of onions;

• tomato - 50 g;

• a few cloves of garlic;

• 30 g suneli hops;

• fresh leaves of cilantro - 5 pcs.;

• hot pepper - 1 pc.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the onion into thin strips and fry with oil with frequent stirring until golden brown.

2. Put tomato paste in the onion, stir well and fry for 2 minutes over moderate heat.

3. Pour a glass of water and simmer for 5 minutes.

4. Lay the beans, stir well and simmer until the liquid evaporates completely.

5. Meanwhile, we cut finely chili pepper, cilantro and garlic, put everything to the stewed beans with onions and tomato, season with seasoning, add salt and simmer for another three minutes.

6. Remove from the stove, leave for 10 minutes.

7. When serving, put in a salad bowl, decorate with mint and tarragon leaves.

Canned Bean Lobio - Subtleties

In Georgia, every housewife knows how and loves to cook lobio, as in Russia, for example, cabbage soup. In fact, this is the most common bean in a fragrant spicy sauce. Due to the fact that beans combine perfectly with many products, any recipe can be adjusted: you can add meat, mushrooms, canned fish, eggs, pomegranate, cheese, nuts and more to the dish. The only thing that is undesirable to change is the presence in the dish of garlic, spices and, if possible, colorful cilantro. It is because of such mild changes in recipes that Lobio always tastes different.

Lobio is prepared in portions in pots, cocotte makers, special forms, or in large portions in heat-resistant dishes. The dish can be stored in the refrigerator for up to one week and will become not only a hearty hot, but also a great cold snack. Traditionally, lobio is served with khachapuri or pita bread, but it will be equally delicious with homemade just baked bread.
