Kristen Stewart - biography, career, personal life, interesting facts, news


The young, charming American actress Kristen Stewart is one of the youngest and most promising stars of Hollywood.

Kristen Stewart She was born on April 9 in 1990 in a family where she heard the words from a very early age: movies, filming, shows ... since her father Jack Stewart worked as an assistant director, director of many shows on the national channel FOX and producer. Kristen grew up as the youngest child, she has an older brother - Cameron. Due to the profession of the father, the family often left their native Los Angeles, but always after the completion of the projects, the father returned to him. At an early age, Kristen Stewart showed acting talent. Her first debut on stage was at the school, where she took part in the school production of Christmas. He became decisive for Kristen Stewart in choosing his acting future.

By coincidence, the performance was attended by a Hollywood agent who immediately drew attention to a talented eight-year-old girl. He turned to Kristen's parents with a proposal to develop the acting talent of their daughter. Parents were categorically against this venture, as they dreamed of a completely different future for Kristen, but she was still able to persuade them. Parents began to drive Kristen Stewart to castings for films and TV shows. Literally a year later, Kristen first appeared on television, she played in the television production of “The Son of the Mermaid”. And in 2000, Kristen Stewart auditioned for a more serious role, she played in the independent melodrama "Safety of Things" Rose Trosh. Kristen Stewart decided for herself that she will work hard to achieve success in her acting career. Due to her busyness, Stewart in high school was transferred to home schooling, but this did not stop her from graduating with honors.

Kristen Stewart - the beginning of a stellar career.

Kristen Stewart continued to work diligently in acting and listening to auditions, and already in 2002 she was invited to the role in the large Hollywood film “The Room of Fear”, where her partners on the set were celebrities such as Jodie Foster, Forest Whitaker, Patrick Banyu. Kristen Stewart did an excellent job in the film and didn’t fade against the background of movie stars. Literally immediately followed another serious work in the film "The Devil's Mansion", where Stuart played with Sharon Stone and Dennis Quaid. Despite the fact that Kristen Stewart worked a lot while acting in films, her success did not come, all the paintings did not have success at the box office.

Kristen Stewart played her first major role in the comedy film Forbidden Mission. The film was designed for a young audience. The audience liked the picture, and Kristen Stewart brilliantly showed her comedic and dramatic abilities.

Kristen Stewart - gaining popularity.

Real success came to actress Kristen Stewart in 2008. She captivated the audience with her work in America’s most hit melodrama Sevens. This work overnight made Stuart a popular rising Hollywood star and a true youth idol. The picture "Twilight" in the American box office alone raised 200 million dollars. In the same year, Kristen Stewart smiles another luck: in her new work, the comedy drama Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, she played with movie meters such as Bruce Willis, Sean Penn and Robert De Niro.

Hollywood critics called Kristen Stewart the brightest rising Hollywood star and prophesy her a successful future in the world of big cinema. At the end of 2009, Kristen Stewart was awarded the MTV Award for Best Actress for her role in the second installment of the vampire saga Twilight: New Moon.

Kristen Stewart has become a popular and sought after actress by Hollywood producers. In 2010, she starred in several projects at once, as well as in the third part of the Twilight movie hit.

Kristen Stewart - personal life.

Kristen Stewart doesn’t really talk about her personal life. But the young, charming, successful Hollywood star, bewitching millions of men, cannot but interest the paparazzi. Her long relationship with actor Michael Angarano ended in 2009, after which the actress began to ascribe a romantic relationship with Robert Pattison. But, no matter how the journalists Robert and Kristen provoked, they stubbornly remain silent, without refuting or confirming speculation about their romance.

For her first 2 millionth fee, for shooting in the movie Twilight, Kristen Stewart acquired a luxurious home in Los Angeles, where she took her family to live.

Having received a pass to the Hollywood elite, Kristen Stewart behaves very cautiously and does not give a reason to talk badly about her.

Kristen Stewart - the most significant roles.

By the age of 22, Kristen Stewart had played in a large number of films, though many of them were not successful at the box office. Among all the works of Kristen Stewart in films, the most significant for her career are films:
- “Forbidden Mission” (2004)
- “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood” (2007)
- “Twilight” (2008-2012)
- “Welcome to Riley” (2010)
- “On the Road” (2012)
- “Snow White and the Hunter” (2012).

Kristen Stewart - the most interesting facts.

  • Kristen Stewart, in addition to being a talented actress, is very musical, she plays the guitar and sings great.
  • Kristen Stewart for filming in the movie "Twilight" has changed its natural eye color wearing brown lenses.
  • Until her adulthood, Kristen Stewart had already played about 20 movie roles.
  • Idol Kristen Stewart is an actress - Evan Rachel Wood.
  • In her free time, Kristen Stewart loves to surf and walk with her dogs, she has three of them: Oz, Jack and Lily.
  • Kristen Stewart was nominated for the Young Actor of the Year Award for three consecutive years.

Kristen Stewart - today.

Today, Kristen Stewart is completely immersed in work in new film projects and is looking forward to the opinions of viewers and critics about her work in the last three films: “On the Road”, “Snow White and the Hunter”, “Twilight” (continued), which will be released in 2012.

Kristen Stewart is a young but already very successful Hollywood star who, to her success, walked very hard, working a lot and hard. And today, she can confidently say that she has achieved the desired success. But, according to Kristen Stewart herself, her main success and her main roles are yet to come.


Katya 12/30/2016
I am more than anything like Twilight, she is a beauty there.

Olga 09/19/2016
She’s just beautiful. I’m very pretty.

Alisa Israilova 08/20/2016
I really love Kristen Stewart!

Anastasia 07/13/2016
Kristen Stewart, you are my idol, I love you very much as aktrisumoya dream is to meet you and Robert Patinsonom

Kristina 06/02/2016
She is very beautiful. I want to become like her.


Watch the video: Kristen Stewart Biography & Life Story (July 2024).