The meaning of the name Anatoly


Name Anatoly formed from the ancient Greek word "anatole", which in translation means - sunrise. From the same root came the name of the peninsula - Anatolia. Until the mid-19th century, the name was rarely found among the population, but was widely used in the families of priests and monks.

According to data for the period 1924 to 1932, there was a surge in the name among Soviet citizens. According to statistics, Anatoly ranked fourth in popularity, 84 out of a thousand boys received this name. After the 70s, his fame began to weaken and gradually sank down.

Anatoly - character traits

In childhood, Tolya - the minx is still the one who does not differ in modesty. He likes to fantasize, read adventure novels, engage in discussions with adults. Parents should not suppress his desires, it is necessary to try to communicate with him on an equal footing, but at the same time, to establish a clear line between “you can” and “not,” so as not to miss the precious time in shaping your personality.

In studies, does not show much zeal, usually it is not easy for him. The school has many friends, mostly boys. She tries not to contact the girls. Seeks leadership, does not tolerate the commanding tone on the part of teachers - can stand up defiantly during the lesson and leave the classroom.

Adult Anatoly is an excitable, violently responsive person, like his totem - a jaguar. He is stubborn, meticulous, he certainly needs to get to the bottom of the truth. It has an enviable strength of will, prone to wild and unexpected actions, which, obviously, cause surprise on the faces of others. Therefore, Anatoly is known as an outstanding person; you don’t directly know what to expect from him in the next minute.

Anatoly adapts to any environment and people, easily gaining confidence. Perseverance, prudence, poise and understanding of his goals help him find a place in life. As a rule, an adult Anatoly has few friends. With them, he prefers to relax after hard workdays.

It seems open to acquaintances, but in fact, Anatoly closes his true feelings, hides under the lock of consciousness, fearing to show his weaknesses, which he certainly has.

Anatoly will be able to achieve heights in such professions as a mathematician, programmer, teacher, politician, economist, director, artist. A good leader will come out of it. Thanks to the developed sense of justice, he will not humiliate his subordinates or tear off his anger, but he will not allow him to sit on his neck.

Anatoly - name compatibility

A representative of the name begins sex life quite early. In youth, often changes partners, giving them an unforgettable experience, but the inner world leaves closed. Anatoly should feel loved and desired, only then will he be fully revealed.

He is an easygoing, understanding, able to forgive man who appreciates in the future darling both external beauty, sexuality, and a rich inner world. Therefore, to create a stable marriage, Anatolia will suit: Valentina, Galina, Valeria, Eugene, Olesya, Irina, Maria, Olga, Tatyana, Serafima.

Relations may not work out with Alina, Angela, Alla, Venus, Vera, Elena, Catherine, Hope, Julia.

Anatoly - famous namesake

Papanov is a famous actor, Alexandrov is a scientist, Karpov is a chess player, Firsov is a hockey player, Lyadov is a composer, conductor, Tymoshchuk is a football player, Rybakov is a writer, Romashin is a People’s Artist of the RSFSR, Mityaev is a writer, Solovyanenko is an opera singer and actor, Tonov is Bulgarian soccer player.

Anatoly - interesting facts about the name

- zodiac sign - Taurus;
- the cosmic body is the moon;
- colors - white, light brown, gold;
- plant - violet;
- totem animal - jaguar;
- talismans - fire opal, agate;
- patron saints - Anatoly Pechersky (name day July 16), Anatoly Voin (May 6), Anatoly Nikeysky (December 3).


Diana 04/14/2016
Most of all male names, I like Tolya. It can even be called))) Yes, and Toli themselves men - very much nothing. I, too, became convinced that internally, they survive longer and harder than they show externally.

Regina 04/14/2016
I have a nephew - Anatoly Petty))) That's for sure - meticulous !!! He needs to know everything right to the roots. A superficial answer, for him is not an answer at all! Yes, he makes peculiar conclusions from what was said, such that you yourself would never have thought about this.

Tanya 04/14/2016
Felts are all very emotional. Anatoliev - quietly, I have never met. But, for a long time to get angry and take revenge on someone, they will not. Maximum - they will express their opinion and forget about the person. Perhaps they still worry in the shower, not showing it.

Marina 04/14/2016
I agree with the statement that Anatolia is hiding its real emotions. They do it very well. You need to become a very close person, it is spiritually close, so that Tolya shares with you innermost thoughts and experiences.

Angelica 04/14/2016
Yes, that’s how I imagined Anatoliev. Outwardly they are so open, joking, laughing. But, upon closer inspection - very closed. I know that many will not even believe in this. But still it is. They really need love.


Watch the video: Anatoly (June 2024).