The meaning of the name Evelina


Melodious name Evelina has several versions of origin. Some believe it came from Aveline; the French name, in turn, is a derivative of the Greek word "aeolus" (god of the wind). For Jews, Evelina symbolizes "vitality," and translated from Old English means "beautiful bird."

In England, the name gained wide popularity after the release of the novel "Evelina" in 1778, and appeared in Russia relatively recently. The names Avelina, Elina, Eva, similar in sound and energy, may be derived from Evelina, but are listed as independent names in the name dictionary.

Evelina - character traits

Since childhood, Evelina begins to cunning and dodging to avoid punishment. Can shift the blame on a girlfriend or little sister, and meanwhile she pretends to be a “poor sheep”. Nature endowed her with acting talent, and here the girl uses it.

She knows how to play in public, and so well that adults have no doubt about her rightness. In order to develop the girl’s talent in the right direction, parents need to enroll her in an acting school, where she can throw out some of the energy. Perhaps in life it will become less play!

Adult Evelina is a typical actress. The whole world is one big film for her. With ease she changes masks, and even the biggest expert is not aware of her craftiness. There is no core, firmness and strong-willed qualities in it, but this does not hinder her from moving forward, using cunning and artistry.

Evelina is always flawless! She is sexy and strives for perfection. She is painfully experiencing physical disabilities, therefore, she is ready to give the condition, but to achieve ideal parameters. Thinking is superficial, although you can't call a silly girl.

She is demonstrative and expressive, but a certain goal has already crept in her mind. Evelina is prudent, able to adapt to any circumstances and crush the right people. Today the girl is one, and tomorrow the other, changing beyond recognition. She loves compliments and expensive gifts.

Despite everything, Evelina is a good friend, you will not get bored with her. She does not have a bitchiness toward her best friends. The girl will not take the guy away from her friend, will not stick his wheels in the wheels and destroy the family of others. She is not greedy and can help those in need, but giving money to friends, she completely forgets about debt. Evelina is sociable, loves noisy companies, clubs, discos.

Evelina - name compatibility

Evelina is one of those women for whom the family is a sad fate. She pulls the moment to the last, she takes a serious step only when circumstances "close to the wall." In general, Evelina strives for a chic life and often does it at the expense of men. She avoids talking about marriage, but if her lover crushes and the girl does not manage to escape from the conversation, she agrees.

She loves children, but is not in a hurry to have her own, preferring to live first for herself. He loves to travel, dreams of "flying around" the whole planet. She needs a man who is wealthy, experienced, and preferably older than her.

The most stable marriage is expected with representatives of such names as Boris, Anatoly, Gennady, Vlas, Ilya, Egor, Peter, Eduard.

A doomed marriage is foreseen with Anton, Vladimir, George, Ivan, Oleg, Yuri, Yaroslav.

Evelina - famous namesake

- Evelina Bledans;
- Evelina Sashenko - singer;
- Evelina Khromchenko - journalist;
- E. Sakuro - film and theater actress;
- Evelyn Lori - Slovak model;
- E. Thoma - French TV presenter;
- Evelyn Grossman is a figure skater.

Evelina - interesting facts about the name

- the number of souls is 3;
- zodiacal correspondence - Virgo, Scorpio;
- planets - Mars, the Moon;
- favorable colors - silver, green, blue, red, aquamarine;
- animal totems - wolf, cat;
- plants - mimosa, nettle;
- stone mascot - Labrador, noble opal, emerald, jasper.


Alexey 12/11/2016
MArasmus and not a name.

Renata 09/22/2016
I would really like to call that daughter! Highly!!!!!!!!
But while there are no children, but I want.

Evelina 06/19/2016
It's all about me)

Marina 05/23/2016
I called my daughter so nice to call her on the street, and indeed to pronounce her name out loud, and I liked the definition and agreed with my little actress !!)

Lily 05/13/2016
I love this name !!! My 6 year old daughter is called that. The description of Evelyn in childhood coincides in many ways, she is such an actress and a cunning girl! She is also sociable, funny, charming and very positive.


Watch the video: How to Pronounce Evelina - (June 2024).