Argentina - recreation, places of interest, weather, cuisine, tours, photos, map


Argentina - A South American state with a republican form of government. The country is located in the southeast of the mainland, it also belongs to the east of Tierra del Fuego, as well as the island of Estados and several small islands. From the west, Argentina shares its borders with Chile, in the northeast - with Uruguay and Brazil, in the north - with Paraguay and Bolivia. The Atlantic Ocean washes the eastern territories of the country. The lands of the Malvinas and Falkland Islands are still controversial for Argentina and Great Britain.

About 40 million people live in Argentina. Former Spanish colony, Argentina has virtually no indigenous population, which was exterminated during the colonial period. The ancestors of the modern nation have become numerous immigrants from Europe. The formation of the ethnic composition of the country took place in the 19-20 centuries.

Today, almost 85% of all residents are white. Indians (already mixed with white) make up only 4%. And the share of indigenous tribes (Mapuche, Toba, Stakes, Matako) accounts for only half a percent of all residents of the state.

Among the emigrants, there is great diversity: Italians and Spaniards are in the majority, followed by the numbers of the French, Armenians, Germans, British, Czechs, Poles, Gypsies, Arabs and a small number of Slavs.

Catholicism prevails among religions. Catholics consider themselves 90% of the faithful of Argentina.

The official currency of the country is the Argentine peso. It consists of 100 centavos. In currency exchange offices for 10 pesos you can get a little more than 2 German marks (2.14).

For historical reasons, the Spanish language has become official. For some types of activities (employees in banks and government agencies, sellers in expensive stores), knowledge of English is required.

Argentina - the capital and major cities

Buenos Aires became the capital of Argentina. It has about 12 million inhabitants. According to this indicator, the city entered the top ten largest cities in the world.

The Spanish interpretation of the name sounds like "City of the Holy Trinity and the Port of the Holy Lady Mary." Here is the Government of the state.

As early as the 19th century, the division of the city into 48 districts was approved. Since then, the structure has not undergone changes. The city has two birthdays. It was founded in 1536, and in 1580 it was rebuilt again after the attack of the Indians and complete burning.

Today Buenos Aires is the cultural and educational center of Argentina. Here are two of the country's most important educational institutions: the National Institute and the University of Buenos Aires.

They tried to repeatedly transfer the capital to other cities. But each of the laws relating to this topic received bans from the presidents and remained without ratification. At the moment, Congress is again considering the possibility of moving the capital.

The main problem of Buenos Aires are the neighborhoods of the poor (slums). Their overpopulation is associated with the ongoing process of migration of rural residents into the city, as well as with the flow of immigrants from different countries. Despite the efforts of the authorities, the task of reducing the density in these areas remains unresolved.

Other major cities in Argentina are: Cordoba (1.34 million), Rosario (1.24 million), Mendoza (885 thousand).

Argentina - holidays and tours

Argentina has a coastline of 2.5 thousand kilometers. In the conditions of a mild warm climate, a beach holiday has become a favorite leisure option for the local population and visiting tourists. Major resort cities: Mar del Plata and Miramar. In their coastal areas are hundreds of hotels.

There are all conditions for diving in Argentina. Puerto Madryn is an entertainment center for fans of scuba diving. The city is located on the island of Valdes. Diving depth reaches 60 meters. The water is clean enough, visibility is 15 meters. At a depth, the water temperature drops to +4 degrees. The bottom looks covered with hoarfrost. This effect is created thanks to white sponges, of which there is an incredible amount.

The Argentine Andes welcome skiers from May to September. The most popular resort is San Carlos De Bariloche, located in the Patagonia region. The descent is equipped with the best ski lift in South America. Even in summer, the resort is not empty. The lake of the same name is a good place for fishing, and the forest areas around the reservoir are full of game for which hunting is open.

Of interest to guests are trips to volcanoes. Tronador (3554 m) - an extinct volcano. It is attractive for climbers, as it is considered a classic version of climbing routes to the top.

They also go to Argentina in order to improve their health. The Terme de Capahu Balneological Center is located near Cavahu, a ski resort. The basis of treatment is hot springs, a favorable climate and clean air.

For ecotourism interesting national park areas untouched by civilization. The largest of them are Iguazu, Los Cadonese, Fitzroy, El Kokuna and many others.

Argentina - Attractions

Natural attractions are the main attractions that attract tourists to this country. But to begin acquaintance with Argentina follows, after all, from the capital, Buenos Aires. There are many squares (Plaza de la Republic, Plaza del Congresso, Plaza Dorrego and others). Antique shops chose these parts of the city to organize trade. Here you can buy antiques as a souvenir.

Unconditional interest in the guests is caused by the oldest building of the city - the town hall of Cabildo. It houses a museum. Other famous places include the Pink House, Catholic churches, and the Presidential Palace.

If you want to go shopping, you should go to Santa Fe Street, where fashion boutiques are concentrated. And bars and restaurants are abundant in the San Telmo area.

Among the hundreds of museums in the city there are certainly those that you want to visit without fail. Popular museums:
• Fine Arts,
• National,
• Art Gallery,
• Historical and others.

In another major city - Cordoba, is the famous University of San Carlos. And the city Museum of History is considered the largest and most substantial in the whole country.

The absolute natural value of Argentina is Iguazu Falls. They are located in the eponymous park, on the border of Paraguay, Argentina and Brazil. Especially beautiful is the cascade, consisting of 14 waterfalls.

Excursions are sent to the island of Tierra del Fuego in order to get acquainted with the features of the zone. Under the protection of the state are the red fox, the North American beaver, guanaco, condor, cormorant, yellow-billed geese that live here.

Tours to Antarctica are regularly organized from Tierra del Fuego to the location of the military base of Argentina.

Argentina - weather (climate)

The extreme north of Argentina is in the tropical climate zone, the central part of the country is subtropics, the south is in the temperate zone. January is the warmest month of the year. At this time, in the north of the country, daytime temperatures are around +33 degrees. The whole year in the north of Argentina is warm. Even in winter it is never colder than +22 degrees.

The center is characterized by +26 in summer and +17 degrees in winter. And in the south in summer, an average of +15 degrees, in winter - up to -7.

Travel to Argentina is best planned for the period from October to May.

Weather in Argentina now:

Argentina - Cuisine

The formation of the Argentinean menu was directly influenced by the peoples who make up the majority of the country's inhabitants. These are immigrants from European countries. In addition, the motives of Peruvian, Mexican, Chilean and Brazilian cuisine are traced. But the Spanish notes still prevail in the nature of cooking.

Grilled meat is undoubtedly the most popular and favorite dish. Argentina is the world's largest supplier of beef. Asado - beef ribs cooked on fire. It was invented by local Gaucho shepherds, who in the old days roasted whole carcasses of calves on a spit over a fire.

Grilled meat served with spicy sauce - "simichurri". It is obtained from various spices mixed with water, sugar, vinegar, oil and salt.

And the best dessert is pies "empanadas" with a variety of fillings. Among drinks, Argentines prefer mate tea. It is used unlimitedly. And Argentinean red wines are famous all over the world.

Argentina - interesting facts

Passionate and sensual tango hails from Argentina. This is a folk dance that came from the Middle Ages. Two partners participate in the dance - a man and a woman. A striking feature of it was a clear rhythm and energy.

Tango very quickly gained worldwide fame. This is a dance of mutual love. It is important to feel a partner in it, since many movements are complete and instant improvisation.

The most harmonious version of the emergence of the dance is the organization of the contest, which was held by slum dwellers instead of bloody fights.

In Buenos Aires, a monument to this dance is erected. The height of the sculpture is 3.5 meters.

Argentina - visa application

In 2009, an agreement was signed between Argentina and Russia on visa-free travel for citizens. 90 days Russians have the right to stay in Argentina without a visa. A second visit can be made 180 days after returning from the country.

Argentina - Embassy

The Embassy of Argentina is located in Moscow on Sadovaya-Triumfalnaya Street, 4/10. Tel .: 232-99-92.

Map of Argentina


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