May 22: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays on May 22.


Holidays May 22

International Day for Biological Diversity

In 1995, the UN General Assembly, on the basis of the 1994 Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), adopted a resolution establishing the International Day for Biological Diversity, and since 2001 the holiday, having taken on a global scale, has been celebrated annually by most countries of the world. By biological diversity it is customary to understand the entire diversity of life that lives on our planet. And today, this life is gradually dying out under the pressure of a rapidly developing civilization.

Entire forests are erased from the face of the earth, some species of plants and animals disappear after them. The reason for this is the active activity of mankind. In order to draw the attention of world society to this problem, in 1994 the Convention on Biological Diversity was held. Today, the parties to this Convention are more than 200 countries of the world, the purpose of which is obvious: they strive to preserve the biological diversity of all living things, as well as to strengthen the ecological situation on Earth.

The main task of this day lies in the basis for society to finally acknowledge its wrongfulness in relation to flora and fauna and to start treating the natural resources of the planet more carefully. The biological diversity of our space House is gradually decreasing, the ecological system is degrading at such a pace that life does not have time to adapt to changing environmental conditions. The World Conservation Union identified seven fundamental factors leading to biological imbalance on Earth. Among them, aggressive human activity dominates. And only the natural evolution of nature and the subsequent climatic changes recede into the background.

Today, programs are being developed at a tremendous pace to preserve the diversity of life on Earth, reserves for endangered species are being created, responsibility for the destruction of animals is being introduced, etc. It is in our power to help a fading life to perk up and triumph again!

May 22 in the folk calendar

Nikola Veshniy

May 22, people remember St. Nicholas, who is also called the Pleasant and the Miracle Worker. He is one of the most revered saints in Christianity, the patron saint of commerce, children and sailors. During his lifetime, Nicholas was glorified as a conciliator of the warring, the keeper of the innocently accused and the protector of unnecessary death.

Celebrations in honor of Nikola Ugodnik in Russia were held twice a year - December 19 and May 22. By this time, grass bloomed in the streets with might and main, so cattle was sent to meadows. There was a special ritual among young people: single guys were equipped with the whole family and sent to the field, and they brought various treats with them. In the evening, young unmarried girls joined them, and a real party began with round dances, songs and dances. Parents sent their children to Nicola into adulthood, so from that day control over them was not exercised.

As a rule, good, warm weather was established from Nikola Ugodnik on the street, and peasant life began to rise uphill. Goats and cows produced more milk thanks to fresh greens in the fields. Therefore, people were not particularly worried about how to feed the family. Today they also paid attention to weather signs. If the morning was foggy, then traditionally people washed themselves with morning dew in order to add health, strength and strength for the whole year. A good omen of this day was the warm rain, promising a rich harvest this year.

Historical events of May 22

May 22, 1856 - Foundation of the Tretyakov Gallery

The Tretyakov Gallery, which is a national museum of Russian fine art of the 10-20 centuries, was founded in 1856. On the date indicated by us, the famous Russian collector Pavel Tretyakov bought up several paintings by prominent artists Khudyakov and Schilder. While still young, Tretyakov set himself the goal of founding a museum that would become famous throughout Russia. For 40 years he was walking towards his dream, slowly but surely, not turning away from the right direction. Having established strong friendships with the Wanderers, the collector was able to acquire their best works.

In 1856, Tretyakov's dream came true. The museum was officially opened on May 22, but it was not opened for public viewing until 1881. Today, the Tretyakov Gallery has more than one hundred thousand different works of art, concentrated in the architectural complex at the building on Krymsky Val and in Lavrushinsky Lane. By the decree of the head of the Russian Federation, the Tretyakov Gallery was ranked among the most valuable cultural and historical sites in the Russian Federation.

May 22, 1892 - Toothpaste tube was invented by Dr. Washington Sheffield

At that time, Dr. Sheffield could not even imagine that his invention would eventually become one of the most sought-after objects of human life. And although today tubes are filled with different products (creams, paints, food, etc.), toothpaste was the first substance packaged in a tube container.

Until the end of the nineteenth century, mankind used tooth powders, which were sold in small paper envelopes, to maintain proper teeth. Soon, this powder began to "thin", so the dentist W. Sheffield was puzzled by the goal of inventing convenient packaging for liquid toothpaste. The man who presented the idea to the doctor was an American artist who kept his paints in a tubular container. The dentist decided that after some transformations, such tubes can also be used to store liquefied toothpaste. Inspired by the idea, the doctor seriously began to produce toothpaste in tubes. However, due to his enthusiasm for his own business, the dentist forgot to patent the container he invented in time, and a year later, pharmacist Colgate, the inventor of liquid toothpaste, entrusted this mission to himself. After some time, Colgate thought of packing all kinds of creams, ointments and paints in tubes.

May 22 were born

William Sturgeon (1783 - 1850) - English inventor. He did not have a special education, but this did not prevent Sturgeon from inventing a dynamo, as well as constructing the first horseshoe-shaped electromagnet that lifted massive loads of large mass.

Pavel Zarubin (1816 - 1886) - Russian self-taught inventor. In childhood, Zarubin practically did not learn to read and write. Nevertheless, the mother put some knowledge into her son. Paul spent most of his life serving in the earthen department. Zarubin is the author of such inventions as a reaping machine, a water lift, a fire pump, instruments for measuring sea depths and ship speeds. Many of his projects have remained unrealized due to lack of funds. In addition to these inventions, Zarubin focused on the problems of air and scuba diving, and was also a virtuoso publicist and prose writer.

Nikita the Theological (1913 - 2004) - an outstanding Russian composer, People's Artist of the USSR. The author of more than three hundred songs, among which the most famous were: "Beloved City", "Dark Night", "Scows Full of Mullet" and some others.

Name Day May 22

Celebrate: Sergey, Nikolai, Severin, Joseph, Vasily, Christopher, Elena, Rita, Julia.


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