Toenail fungus - than to treat. For some reason, there is a nail fungus on the legs and what means are effective at home.


Have you noticed cracks between your toes? Are your legs itchy and itchy? Toenails suddenly lost their color and began to collapse? These symptoms should not be overlooked, as they may signal infection by the fungus of the foot. This disease is far from uncommon, especially often it occurs in military personnel, professional athletes and visitors to swimming pools. Much to our regret, the fungal infection of the skin is treated quite long and hard, while causing considerable discomfort to its “owner”. What needs to be done to avoid infection with this disease, as well as how to cope with it after the acquisition: we will tell about all this in our article.

Causal relationships: where does the toenail fungus come from

Naturally, the fungus itself does not "cling" to the feet of a healthy person for no reason at all. There are several types of fungus that are considered classic, that is, they affect the largest percentage of patients. All of them are called the single term "onychomycosis". This group may include fungal spores of candida, dermatophytes or trichophytones, the latter, in turn, have several subspecies that are localized on different parts of the feet and nails.

Such complex, at first glance, the names describe an extremely unpleasant infection that penetrates under the nail or “settles” in the area between the fingers or under them, at the very base. The most wonderful environment for mushroom spores is the wet and warm folds of human legs, it is here that they feel truly comfortable and constantly evolving, which leads to the expansion of the scope of destruction.

So, why does the toenail fungus appear?

1. In the absence of proper hygiene, mushrooms actively multiply and can affect large areas of the foot. At the same time, their disputes are quite capable of getting onto the surface of any shoe, “settling” there and infecting a person again and again, and besides him, those who can wear this shoe. Rubber slippers and slippers are considered to be common breeding grounds for disputes.

2. Due to excessive sweating of the legs, which is called hyperkeratosis. The shoes of military personnel, miners or athletes are often wet inside. This happens due to increased loads and "not breathing" materials from which they sew boots or shoes. Such an environment is just a paradise for mushroom spores.

3. Sometimes the fungus falls under the nail during a pedicure procedure in any beauty salon. Without a proper sterilization of pedicure tools, the master runs the risk of bringing you a fungus, which is difficult to get rid of. This can happen absolutely with any person during a cut with pedicure tweezers that have not been treated with a special solution for sterilization.

4. Onychomycosis is a frequent companion of people who take antibacterial drugs or have reduced immunity. Also, a circulatory disorder in the lower extremities, varicose veins or diabetes mellitus can also be a triggering factor for the appearance of a fungus on the nails.

5. Chronic diseases present in the body can affect fungal infection. You do not need to start the inflammatory process, which has become chronic. It is imperative to treat it.

Due to the fact that mushroom spores are very fond of moisture and heat, they often "live" in baths, public showers and saunas. That is why in places where there is stagnation of water, high humidity and high temperatures, you need to follow the rules of hygiene. Be sure to wear in saunas, public showers and baths only your own shoes brought from home. Remember: if someone repeatedly put slippers on the sauna before you, it is quite possible that the fungus spores have already settled inside the porous structure of the rubber and you may well become infected with onychomycosis.

How to diagnose nail fungus on your own feet

It is easy to carry out self-diagnostics, because by the smallest signs you can find out the fungus and consult a doctor at an early stage. All you need to do is regularly inspect your feet in the area between the fingers, at their base, as well as the nails. It is especially important to pay attention to the condition of the skin of the foot after visiting pools, saunas, baths, or after wearing someone else's shoes.

The most common symptoms of fungal infections of the feet and nails:

• Cracked skin at the base of the fingers. At the same time, the wounds do not dry out, but get wet and constantly inflamed.

• Nails of unusual shape. Any detachment of natural marigold from the skin, their deformation or discoloration should alert you. In patients with onychomycosis, the nails become very thick, become too brittle, and can even crumble. At the same time, the color gamut can change: yellow, white, gray or even blackened nails are not uncommon for such a disease.

• In addition, pay attention to itchy, flaky spots and rashes on the surface of the skin of the feet. If they do not go 1-2 days, you should consult a dermatologist.

• It is worthwhile to be afraid of unexpectedly appearing bubbles on the skin of the feet. They are usually arranged in small clusters and contain a transparent liquid inside.

• A very important symptom is an unpleasant smell emanating from the legs. If your legs have never exuded a foul odor, do not miss this factor, because it may indicate the presence of a fungal disease.

Due to the presence of such symptoms, you can independently diagnose a fungal disease of the skin. If you have any doubts, you should visit the doctor, he will conduct a special examination and confirm or deny the presence of onychomycosis.

How to diagnose nail fungus in a medical clinic

Most likely, you will be asked to pass a general blood and urine test in order to find out if there is an inflammatory process in the body. The doctor will ask you to tell in detail about which medications you are taking and whether you suffer from specific diseases, for example, diabetes mellitus. Due to the increased level of glucose in the blood, as well as overweight, which often accompanies endocrine disorders, the so-called diabetic foot often appears. This disease is characterized by corns, calves, cracks, as well as fungal lesions.

Laboratory analysis for the presence of fungal spores is mandatory. Usually, a few days before the diagnosis, you do not need to wash your feet, and the place of detachment of the nail plate must be sealed with adhesive tape. It is on the border of healthy skin and the affected area that a special scraping is taken, which determines the presence of onychomycosis. In rare cases, when a relapse of the disease occurs, parts of the destroyed nail are taken for analysis. They are placed in a special environment where the fungus can develop more actively. Similarly, laboratory technicians, together with doctors, determine the type of fungus and can subsequently decide on further therapy.

Dermatologists and doctors of a narrower specialization, mycologists, deal with such diseases.

How to cure nail fungus on the legs

Unfortunately, nail fungus is not a cold. By itself, it will never pass. Spores are quite resistant to many medical drugs, so what can I say: it is a fungus that is considered one of the most enduring microorganisms on the planet. As well as mold, fungal spores are able to survive us all.

Mycoses should be treated on a mandatory basis, because they can spread over the skin surface, involving large areas in the pathological process and even settle in the respiratory tract, causing asthma.

There are drugs called antimycotics. Like antibacterial drugs, they kill the problem from the inside, as they are often taken by mouth. Only a doctor can prescribe antimycotics, due to the fact that some of them may have a lot of side effects. Certain groups of drugs are able to fight with only one or several types of fungus, but there are also antimycotics with a broad spectrum of activity. For effective treatment of onychomycosis, drugs with such active ingredients are suitable:

• Terbinafine,

• Clotrimazole,

• Ketoconazole,

• Fluconazole,

• Itraconazole.

Remember that only a doctor has the right to prescribe antimycotics. Given the possibility of side effects, it is impossible to choose one antimycotic suitable for all patients with onychomycosis.

Also, for the quality treatment of fungal foot infections, special ointments, applications and creams are prescribed. These remedies for toenail fungus are used both at the initial stage and during the ongoing process. Based on the degree of damage and localization of the fungus, the doctor may prescribe applications. They involve the application of ointment to the affected areas of the skin, which are then sealed with a plaster. Such an application is usually maintained at night, and in the morning they carefully remove dead skin or nail pieces and remove them.

The following treatment options also provide good results:

• Treatment with antifungal sprays,

• creams or emulsions

• Covering toenails with a special varnish from fungus.

Combined therapy of a fungal disease that combines the use of ointments, antimycotics and other procedures gives the most lasting effect. But we should not forget that the therapy of onychomycosis is a long process. So that you can imagine how you can get rid of toenail fungus, it is worth mentioning one fact: as usual, the nail fully grows over a period of 6 to 12 months. Until a new, healthy nail grows fully, the treatment should not be interrupted, because sometimes spores can remain at the root of the nail. If treatment is stopped early, a relapse of the disease may occur.

Folk remedies for nail fungus on the legs

The treatment of the fungus at home will not be effective if only two or three treatments are performed and, with the slightest improvement in the clinical picture, to forget about therapy. A course of antifungal therapy should last at least three weeks, but sometimes it takes much longer to defeat an unpleasant disease. Be patient, otherwise the toenail fungus will return again.

The basis of home treatment is to remove the affected skin and nails as much as possible in order to prevent the spread of spores. In terms of beauty salons, a pedicurist can help with mycosis. It will remove the upper affected layer of the nail with a special mill with a non-cohesive attachment, after which it will be possible to apply antifungal ointment to this area. At home you can hardly completely remove the layer of dead cells, but it will be quite possible to soften and carefully remove it.

Prescription remedies for nail fungus on the legs:

• Chicken egg - 1 pc,

• Acetic essence of 70% or 80 percent,

• Tea tree oil, cream or olive.

Acetic acid copes with many types of fungus, so you can try this tool at home. First, fill the egg with the essence so that it is completely covered with the solution. It is better to use for this glass. Now you need to put it in a dark place. Watch the egg: as soon as you notice that the shell has completely dissolved, take out the container and add some oil to it (in case you want to add tea tree oil, 1-2 drops will be enough). Now it is necessary to chop the mixture thoroughly so that the egg turns into a homogeneous paste. The mixture should be covered with the areas affected by the fungus, put plastic wrap on top and wrap the feet with bandage or gauze. It is advisable to leave the compress for several hours, after which cut off the steamed nail. With regular use, the diseased nail can be removed almost completely, and the fungus can be eliminated forever.

Toenail fungus: treatment of folk remedies

If you want to defeat onychomycosis yourself, you may be helped by compresses from various ingredients, for example, from garlic, horseradish or Kombucha. Only it is imperative that before application you need to steam the legs, that is, prepare a steam bath for them.

The most effective are baths with soda or a solution of potassium permanganate. Both ingredients have an antiseptic effect, perfectly clean and disinfect the skin and toenails. The bath is made simple: it is necessary to pour hot water into the basin and pour soda there, at the rate of 1 tbsp. l soda for 3 liters of water. Manganese powder should be added carefully, so as not to burn the inflamed skin. The solution should not be purple or violet; light pink water will suffice. Omit the legs in our bath and enjoy it for about 1 hour. Wipe the feet dry. Now you can make other manipulations.

Horseradish or garlic rub on a fine grater or squeeze through a press. Wrap the mass in a piece of gauze or bandage and attach it to the affected area. Leave a compress for the night, not forgetting to wrap a wrap and put on warm socks. Kombucha has an identical effect, you will need a little bit - a small piece, which also needs to be applied to the affected part of the nail.

Prevention of fungus on the legs - how to avoid infection with fungal spores

As a prevention of onychomycosis infection, you should follow simple rules:

1. Attend a swimming pool, shower, sauna or bath exclusively in your own shoes. Try not to walk in such places barefoot, especially if the skin is even slightly damaged.

2. Do not lend to strangers their shoes and foot care products such as pumice or a brush for home pedicure.

3. In order to never think about how to get rid of the fungus of toenails, change more often the underwear, socks or panty hoses. Your health depends on it.

4. When you come to the pedicure, check if the master has sterilized his instruments. In some salons there is a service to purchase your own set of pedicure tools. This significantly reduces the risk of infection by the fungus.

5. Do not forget that for the prevention of corns, corns and blisters, you should wear loose shoes that do not constrain movements. Remember: if there are no wounds, cracks and scratches on the surface of the skin, the spores of the fungus are unlikely to attack you.
