Quick breakfast - recipes, new ideas. We cook delicious and healthy breakfasts whipped up every day.


In the morning, I want to soak up a little more in a warm bed, and, as a result, breakfast on the run, coffee with sandwiches in a hurry.

But the first meal is very important for health.

It is during breakfast that our body is best saturated with nutrients, it is breakfast that sets the energy and good mood for the whole day.

There are many quick breakfast recipes that will not take you much time in the morning, will be tasty, healthy and nutritious.

Quick Breakfast - Important Points

• Try to have breakfast from 7.00 to 8.00 - this is the best time to assimilate all the products.

• If there is no desire to eat in the morning, do a little exercise, take a shower - this will accelerate the appetite.

• The more nutritious and wholesome breakfast is, the more likely it is that you will not get hungry until lunch, which means you will not be interrupted by snacks, which is good for both the body and the figure.

• In the morning you can eat all the products that are allowed individually in each case, containing proteins, fiber, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals. It can be cereals, soups, eggs, dairy products, not heavy pastries, fish, fruits, berries and others.

• Drink a glass of water before breakfast, so the gastrointestinal tract "wakes up" and will work better.

Recipe 1. Breakfast in a hurry: Tomatoes in cheese batter


• four large meaty tomatoes;

• 160 grams of cheese;

• two eggs;

• 40 grams of mayonnaise;

• vegetable oil;

• salt, paprika, pepper.

Cooking method:

1. Thoroughly rinse the tomatoes, put them in a bowl, pour boiling water for a couple of minutes.

2. Remove the skin, cut the flesh with a sharp knife into circles.

3. Salt them, sprinkle with paprika, pepper and chopped garlic.

4. We rub cheese.

5. Beat the egg, slightly add salt. Mix with grated cheese and mayonnaise.

6. Dip each circle in the egg-cheese batter.

7. Fry in hot oil from two sides to a light golden.

Recipe 2. Breakfast in a hurry: Oatmeal with banana and honey


• 230 grams of oatmeal;

• large banana;

• 260 ml of milk;

• a tablespoon of honey;

• nutmeg;

• sugar, salt - optional.

Cooking method:

1. Pour oatmeal into the pan, pour milk.

2. We put the pan on low heat, bring to a boil, salt a little, put sugar.

3. Cook, stirring until tender.

4. Cut the peeled banana into small cubes, mix it with the finished porridge.

5. Put the oatmeal in a plate, pour honey, sprinkle with nutmeg.

Recipe 3. Quick Breakfast: Stuffed Eggs


• seven eggs;

• 60 grams of grated cheese;

• four champignons;

• 3-4 feathers of green onions;

• salt, pepper, mustard;

• lemon juice;

• sour cream;

• butter;

• leaves of dill and parsley.

Cooking method:

1. Boil hard-boiled eggs. We cool it by putting it under cold water and clean it.

2. Cut each egg in half, remove the yolks.

3. We shift all the yolks into one plate, knead them carefully with a fork.

4. Rinse the mushrooms and cut into small cubes, fry quickly over high heat in hot butter, for 2-3 minutes.

5. Add the mushrooms to the yolks, here we put the chopped leaves of dill and parsley, chopped feathers of green onions, finely grated cheese, mustard, spices, salt. Mix.

6. Fill the egg whites with the resulting aromatic mixture, sprinkle them with lemon juice.

7. Serve, garnishing with dill branches.

Recipe 4. Quick Breakfast: Sweet Banana Snack


• slices of bread;

• two bananas;

• condensed milk;

• vanilla sugar;

• sesame seeds;

Cooking method:

1. We clean the washed bananas, put them in a deep plate. Knead the pulp with a fork in mashed potatoes.

2. Pour condensed milk in mashed potatoes, pour vanilla sugar. We determine the amount based on our own desires: some like a thick mass, others like a thin one.

3. Spread slices of bread on a dry hot frying pan, fry on both sides for several seconds until light crunch. If you have a toaster, you can use it.

4. Grease the fried bread with a sweet banana mass, sprinkle with sesame seeds.

Recipe 5. Quick Breakfast: Spring Sandwich


• cucumber;

• four slices of bread;

• 80 grams of cheese;

• a tomato;

• salt;

• sunflower seeds.

Cooking method:

1. Fry the bread in a toaster or in a dry frying pan, but not very much, until a light pleasant crunch.

2. Wash the cucumber and tomato. Cut the cucumber obliquely, the tomato - in circles.

3. Cheese cut into thin layers.

4. First spread the cheese on the toasted slices of bread, then the cucumbers, on top of the tomatoes.

5. Sprinkle with salt and sunflower seeds.

Recipe 6. Quick Breakfast: Bread and Eggs


• two eggs;

• two slices of bread;

• butter;

• basil, dill, salt.

Cooking method:

1. Take out the crumb from the pieces of bread, but not completely, the frame walls should remain at least 1.5-2 centimeters wide.

2. In a pan we heat a piece of butter, fry the bread literally for 30 seconds on one side, then turn over.

3. Drive the eggs into the recess in the bread, salt, sprinkle with chopped dill and basil.

4. Cook for about 3 minutes.

Recipe 7. Quick Breakfast: Vegetable omelet with sausages


• onion;

• small carrots;

• two sausages;

• two eggs;

• 250 grams of milk;

• chopped dill;

• salt, spices;

• 80 grams of flour.

Cooking method:

1. Peel the onions and carrots, grind them: chop the onion in small cubes, three carrots on a fine grater.

2. We pass the vegetables for 2-3 minutes until soft and golden.

3. Cut the sausages into circles.

4. Put the sauté in the baking dish, lay the sausages on top.

5. Send the form to the oven, preheated to 200 degrees, for 5 minutes.

6. While the base for the omelet is being prepared, mix the milk with flour, spices, egg and salt in a bowl.

7. Pour with milk-egg mixture sautéed vegetables and sausages.

8. Return to the oven for another 12 minutes.

9. Serve, sprinkled with chopped dill.

Recipe 8. Fast Breakfast: Sausages with Cheese


• four sausages;

• 50 grams of cheese;

• ground pepper, salt;

• sesame seeds and sunflower;

• dill.

Cooking method:

1. Take out the sausages from the shell.

2. Pour water into a small saucepan, bring to a boil. Holidays sausages in boiling water, cook for 5 minutes.

3. Carefully remove the finished sausages with a fork, cool.

4. We make a long incision on each sausage with a knife.

5. The cheese is very finely three, mix it with chopped dill, pepper, salt, sunflower seeds and sesame seeds.

6. Put the sausages in the oven on a wire rack or on a baking sheet (depending on the type of oven).

7. We bake at 200 degrees for about 10 minutes, until the cheese is melted and acquires a pleasant brownish-golden hue.

Recipe 9. Quick Breakfast: Curd Breakfast with Fruits and Dried Fruits


• 100 ml of milk;

• 320 grams of cottage cheese;

• banana;

• 50 grams of dates and prunes;

• vanilla sugar;

• 20 grams of sugar;

• walnuts.

Cooking method:

1. Cut dried fruit into small pieces.

2. Put the walnuts on a dry frying pan, fry to a characteristic smell, cool. After crush, but do not grind.

3. Peel the banana, knead the flesh.

4. Stir the cottage cheese with milk, banana, dried fruits, vanilla sugar and nuts.

5. When serving, you can grate chocolate chip on top of the dessert.

Recipe 10. Quick Breakfast: Oatmeal with Orange and Chocolate


• one orange;

• 250 grams of oatmeal;

• 250 grams of milk;

• 60 grams of sugar;

• 25-40 grams of butter;

• two tablespoons of raisins;

• a tablespoon of grated chocolate.

Cooking method:

1. Wash raisins thoroughly and pour hot water for 5 minutes, then rinse again. We spread raisins on a towel so that it dried out.

2. Put the oatmeal in a pan, pour milk, salt a little, put sugar. Cook, stirring until tender.

3. In the finished porridge, put the butter, prepared raisins.

4. Peel the orange, remove all white veins, remove the skin from each lobule, cut the pulp into cubes.

5. Put the orange in the porridge, mix.

6. Sprinkle the oatmeal with chocolate chips.

Recipe 11. Breakfast in a hurry: Millet porridge with pumpkin


• 180 grams of millet groats;

• 200 ml of milk;

• salt, sugar, butter;

• a piece (100 grams) of pumpkin pulp;

• a handful of pumpkin seeds.

Cooking method:

1. Pour millet into the pan, thoroughly rinse it with water.

2. Fill a glass of clean water, put on a slow fire.

3. Cook until the liquid evaporates.

4. Put salt, sugar, butter in the porridge, pour in boiled milk.

5. Cut the pulp of pumpkin into small cubes, send it to the other ingredients in a saucepan.

6. Cook, stirring, until cooked.

7. A little fry pumpkin seeds in a dry frying pan.

8. Sprinkle with them the prepared millet porridge with pumpkin.

Recipe 12. Breakfast whipped up: Curd, fruit and berry mousse


• 200 grams of cottage cheese;

• 100 grams of berries (strawberries, raspberries);

• banana;

• a tablespoon of honey.

Cooking method:

1. Put the cottage cheese in a blender bowl, beat to a state of lush and tender mass.

2. Add the mashed banana with banana, berries, honey.

3. Beat until light.

4. Put the finished mousse in a bowl.

5. If desired, it can be sprinkled with muesli, coconut, nuts or chocolate chips.

Quick Breakfast - Secrets

If you don’t even have time to prepare such easy and quick breakfasts, you can cook it in advance, in the evening or even on weekends.

What to cook in the evening:

• Buckwheat. Rinse the cereal thoroughly, pour boiling water over it, leave it overnight. In the morning put a piece of butter in a plate, a little salt, pour milk, warm the porridge in the microwave.

• Eggs with vegetables. Boil hard-boiled eggs, cool and put in the refrigerator. In the morning you just have to peel the eggs, cut into 2-4 parts, salt. Cut cucumbers and tomatoes to the eggs.

What to cook in advance:

• Pancakes. You can bake any pancakes, wrap them in your favorite filling: meat, mushrooms, berries, cottage cheese. And freeze them. You just have to heat the oil and fry the finished pancakes on both sides for 5 minutes.

• Lazy dumplings. You can cook them from cottage cheese, potatoes, fruits, berries and other products. Finished products are frozen, then taken out and fried in butter.

In addition, you can cook home-made sausage yourself or bake meat in the oven using these products as slices for sandwiches - it will still be more useful if you don’t know what store-made sausages are made of.

Good morning to you!


Watch the video: Easy & Healthy Breakfast in LESS than 5 minutes! My Morning Alkaline Juice (July 2024).