Controversial question: is it possible for pregnant women to go to the cemetery? Is it harmful for pregnant women to go to the cemetery: myths and reality


Going to the cemetery and the very thought of this action causes depression for many.

But what if it cannot be avoided?

Pregnant women experience particular difficulty in deciding.

Can pregnant women go to the cemetery and how to do it right?

Can pregnant women go to the cemetery? What did our ancestors think?

The territory of the cemetery was not visited in modern times. If we look at the Middle Ages, when wars were constantly going on throughout Europe, then the soldiers, and even the locals, were buried in any place suitable for this. Thus, in order to remember the husband and father who died in the war, relatives did not go to the cemetery, but to the church.

Nowadays, stationary cemeteries are open for access to the graves almost around the clock and everyone can come and remember the souls of deceased relatives. There was no such tradition before. Cemeteries and crypts were closed, the tradition for women, and even pregnant women, to go to the dead was not there either.

The official Church indicated that there was no need to once again disturb the dead. May they rest in peace. On funeral days and on the anniversary of death, the family gathered at the graves of relatives, these days the question of whether it was possible for pregnant women to go to the cemetery was not asked, because the whole family honored the dead.

In ancient times, a woman wandering around the cemetery, and even pregnant, could pass for a witch, and witchcraft was punishable. Hence all superstition, and fears. People have always been afraid of the incomprehensible and the unknown and are afraid to this day. But today, no one will burn a woman on a fire, just walking around the cemetery, and even pregnant.

Can pregnant women go to the cemetery? Truth and fiction

Without special need, pregnant women have nothing to do in the cemetery. This is a fairly fair statement and there are a number of explanations for this. To begin with, we will consider the psychological reasons for a possible ban on going to the cemetery during pregnancy. The cemetery is not a pleasant place. Of course, there are women who are close to the energy of death, and next to it they feel normal, even good, but there are few of them. Mostly a woman who is without pregnancy in the cemetery is sad and scared.

Sadness, fear, apathy - these emotions should not accompany pregnancy, but you can’t do without them when going to the cemetery. Therefore, based on the judgment that the place is not a positive one, it is better for pregnant women not to come here without an urgent need.

Consider another aspect of the issue. So, physicists have proved that the soul of a person is introduced into the embryo on the fortieth day from conception. Around the same time, his heart formed. Physicists argue that with a coincidence, an empty place can take another soul. For example, not repose. This statement seems to be from the realm of fiction, but there is documentary evidence of the presence of a poltergeist.

So, for example, it is impossible to deny the possibility that a woman who has less than forty days of pregnancy can get the wrong soul in her child. Scientists do not officially confirm or deny this hypothesis. It's just that women usually only in the fifth, sixth week from conception find out that they are pregnant, and this is the very same forty days. Therefore, it is almost impossible to objectively protect yourself from such a phenomenon and track its presence.

Also, doctors do not recommend visiting pregnant women even because it is a traumatic place. In old cemeteries, paths have long been blurred and you have to get to your dead relatives through the territory of other graves, but for pregnant women this is inconvenient. You may fall and be injured. Then, can pregnant women go to the cemetery? - it is impossible if they are alone and if the road to the grave is difficult for them.

But what if you need to, but is there any contraindication for health reasons? Is it worth the risk? The reasons for going to the cemetery are different, but it’s better to play it safe ten times and not harm yourself or your child, than go to the graves of relatives once and get negative consequences.

Can pregnant women go to the cemetery? What to do if necessary?

If there is an urgent need for a pregnant woman to go to the cemetery and there really is nowhere to go, then it is easier to come to terms with the situation and take simple precautions.

You should not go there alone, it is better to take someone from relatives or friends. You should dress according to the weather and take with you enough food and drink. If the road to the grave is long and difficult, you need to get to it in stages, slowly. Having arrived at the place, one cannot fall into gloom and be too upset - this is harmful to the fetus.

Everything seems very simple in words, but in practice, women rarely ever can control themselves and not cry. That is why there should be a close person nearby who can support in difficult times. When you see a lonely pregnant woman in a cemetery, you should definitely ask if she needs help, because the motives for such trips can be very different.

Having decided to go to the cemetery, a pregnant woman should postpone all her affairs on this day so that after visiting it you can fully relax. Do not take on responsibilities for cleaning the territory, let other family members do this.

The question of whether a pregnant woman can go to a cemetery has always caused controversy. Before deciding to weigh the pros and cons, and only then decide something. Each pregnancy proceeds individually and not all trips to this mournful place end positively for women waiting for a child.

Therefore, without urgent need, it’s better not to visit the cemetery, you can remember relatives in the church and order funeral services for them. After all, the most important thing is the health of the unborn child, who has not yet been born and the mother should first of all think about him and herself, since the baby’s health is laid in her womb.


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