Separate food - a detailed description and useful tips. Product Compatibility Chart.


Separate nutrition - description and general principles

Separate nutrition is a whole philosophy, not just a diet. Eating separately for even a couple of weeks, you can feel the difference. None of the existing systems and theories of healthy eating has caused as much controversy and controversy as separate eating does. What exactly is the effect of separate nutrition on the body? What more - advantages or disadvantages? Scientists cannot unambiguously answer this question.

Separate nutrition is based on the idea of ​​the compatibility and incompatibility of certain products, as well as the dangers of using certain combinations of products. According to supporters of separate nutrition, if products incompatible with each other simultaneously enter the stomach, their digestion will be quite difficult. As you know, subsequently, poorly digested food is deposited in the body in the form of fats and slags. This is very simply explained by the fact that for the breakdown of carbohydrates, an alkaline environment is needed, while proteins need an acidic environment. The conditions for digesting various kinds of products are also different.

The founders of the current approaches to separate nutrition are considered U.G. Hay and G. Shelton, but in many ways their recommendations do not match.

Haye Separate Meal

This approach is based on the incompatibility of proteins and carbohydrates, stipulating that proteins need an acidic environment, and carbohydrates are alkaline. Thus, Haye underestimated the universal abilities of the digestive system. He recommended increasing the intake of foods that increase blood acidity (milk, fruits, vegetables). Their quantity, in his opinion, should be 4 times the mass of food that increases the acidity of gastric juice (animal proteins, citruses, nuts, all carbohydrates). Such proportions correspond to the proportions of alkaline and acid components in body fluids. But Haye ignored the fact that the body has its own regulatory system.

The basic rules of nutrition according to Hay's theory

Carbohydrates should not be consumed with proteins, as well as sour fruits. The basis of nutrition is vegetables, fruits and salads. Fats, carbohydrates and proteins should be consumed only in small quantities. Refined foods, such as sausages and sausages, should generally be excluded. Between meals of different types of food must be an interval of at least 4-5 hours. Protein-rich foods include offal, eggs, legumes, fish, nuts, meat, low-fat foods, and more. Carbohydrate-rich foods include cereals, potatoes, bread, sugar, flour, pasta, and others.

A separate group is made up of “neutral” products. These are all animal fats, sour cream, cheese, cottage cheese, greens, butter, cream, fruits and vegetables, dried fruits. "Neutral" foods are distinguished by the fact that they are compatible with both protein-rich and carbohydrate-rich foods. It is recommended that more than half of the daily diet be vegetables and fruits.

How is Shelton meals organized?

It is forbidden to eat carbohydrate and acidic foods at one time, as well as concentrated proteins and concentrated carbohydrates. This means that nuts, eggs, meat, cheese and other protein foods can not be consumed simultaneously with cereals, bread, sweet fruits, cakes. In addition, it is forbidden to eat two concentrated proteins at the same time. Proteins of different composition require different digestive juices, as well as their different concentrations. Do not eat fats with proteins.

Sour cream, cream, vegetable and butter should not be combined with eggs, meat, nuts, cheese and other proteins. With these combinations, fats inhibit the secretion of gastric juice. You can not eat sour fruits and proteins at the same time. Starch and sugar should also be divided into different receptions, and only one concentrated starch should be consumed at a time.

Otherwise, one of the starches will not be able to digest and will remain in the stomach as a load, which delays the absorption of other foods, can cause fermentation, increased acidity. Any kind of melon should always be eaten separately from any other food. Milk should be discarded altogether or it must be consumed separately. The fat contained in milk does not allow gastric juice to stand out for some time. Milk is absorbed in the duodenum, and not in the stomach, this interferes with the absorption of other foods.

Separate Nutrition - Examples of Diet

For breakfast, you should use one thing to choose from: a salad of half-sour or sour fruits, a few pieces of melon, porridge on the water, hard-boiled eggs, fried eggs with greens.

For lunch: salad (greens, tomatoes, cucumbers) with protein (chicken breast, fish) or carbohydrate dishes (potatoes, rice, pasta). Instead of salad, you can use fried vegetables in oil, then only starchy foods should be the main dish.

For dinner: you need to choose the opposite lunch option. If there were squirrels for lunch, then carbohydrates for dinner and vice versa. If the goal of separate nutrition is to lose weight, then you need to choose less high-calorie and lighter foods.

Pros of Separate Power

Separate nutrition helps to get rid of arthritis, gastrointestinal diseases, prevents stomach upsets, and has a beneficial effect in the treatment of allergies and asthma. Due to this nutrition, the body is cleansed, which stimulates weight loss. This reduces the health risk associated with obesity, helps prevent the appearance of diabetes mellitus, coronary heart disease, gallstones.

An undoubted plus is the increased consumption of fruits and vegetables. A large number of these products means that the body is saturated with a large number of vitamins, fiber, minerals. Refusing sugar and starch has a positive effect on the body as a whole, and also helps to reduce the volume of the hips and waist. In addition, the diet increases the amount of cereals - a source of vital vitamins, nutrients.

Cons of Separate Power

Opponents of this power system believe that a lot of mistakes were made during its creation. First of all, the universality of the digestive system was not taken into account. During a meal, the body produces both alkaline enzymes and hydrochloric acid. With a separate power system, most of these substances simply disappear. This can lead to stomach problems. People who are accustomed to eating separately, over time, lose the opportunity to digest mixed foods.

The theory of isolated consumption of proteins and carbohydrates in practice is quite difficult to implement, because most products contain both at the same time. For example, potatoes, which are considered to be pure carbohydrates, contain vegetable protein, and meat contains glycogen, that is, animal starch. Therefore, is there any point in separating these products, a moot point. In addition, separate eating can cause depression and depression. A good mood depends on the content of the hormones dopamine and serotonin, the so-called "hormones of happiness."

Scientists claim that the synthesis of these substances occurs only with the simultaneous intake of proteins and carbohydrates in the body. This explains the lowered mood among supporters of separate nutrition. However, the fact that this system helps to lose weight is recognized even by its opponents. Skeptics claim that fat reserves are not reduced at all due to the separation of food, but because of an increase in the number of fresh vegetables in the diet. Vegetables are rich in fiber and low-calorie, while they give a feeling of satiety, cleanse the body of toxins, lower cholesterol.

Separate Nutrition - Useful Tips

If your goal is to lose weight with the help of separate nutrition, nutritionists recommend that you have breakfast. Breakfast not only provides energy for the whole day, but also helps to get rid of unwanted weight. When composing the menu, you need to set aside about 30-40% of the total diet for morning meals. It is advisable to have breakfast as early as possible in order to start the metabolism faster.

If you skip breakfast, the body will be safe from hunger, accumulating part of the daily meal. In the morning, it is best to eat such foods as fresh canned fruits, vitamin salads, granola with honey, nuts and dried fruits, cottage cheese, various cereals, yogurts and other dairy products, as well as omelettes, in which you can add cheese, ham, vegetables, greens.

Product Compatibility Chart


Lena 03/23/2016
With separate nutrition, you need to drink more water. And you don’t feel like eating (a full stomach of fluid), and cleansing goes faster. A good method to deal with excess weight and poor health. My sister has been eating this way for a long time, everything lures me))

Natalia 03/23/2016
I looked at this table ... so everything seems complicated ... In general, I probably can’t figure out what's what. Although, I also heard a lot about this good. But it’s not always possible to eat like that. My family is big, and I don’t think that they will enthusiastically support me ... But I don’t want to cook separately for myself.

Polina 03/22/2016
I fully trust separate nutrition. I think that everyone should always eat this way. Well, you can choose the methods and various theories of the doctors who developed them. Which way would you like more. And how did people not have guessed before that pushing everything into themselves is simply harmful?

Lily 03/22/2016
It has long begun to practice separate nutrition. My coach advised him, he said that there was little use for simple diets. I tried it and I liked it. Not a feeling of hunger, all kinds of depressions, weight decreased. And in general I feel great, cheerful and fun.

Mila 03/22/2016
I heard a lot about separate nutrition. And a huge number of people stick to it. Therefore, I think it is actually useful. In general, if you already start all this with separate nutrition, then you need to tune in for life. And, this is the best way.


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