May 1: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays on May 1.


Holidays May 1

World Labor Day

Labor Day is celebrated annually on May 1, and it is dedicated to the sad events of 1886, when American workers in the city of Chicago held mass strikes to demand the introduction of an eight-hour working day. The demonstration ended in a bloody clash with the police. However, this event forever left its imprint in history. In 1889, the largest meeting of the International took place in Paris, the main topic of which was a discussion of the bloody events that took place in Chicago. In this regard, participants in the Congress decided to hold annual demonstrations in solidarity with the workers. World Labor Day is celebrated by many countries, including Russia. May 1 became a symbol of the implacable struggle for the rights of workers, a symbol of an endless revolution!

Zhivin day

The holiday came to us from ancient times. Alive (or Zhivena) is a Slavic goddess, symbolizing the "giving of life." She is the goddess of spring, birth, fertility and all that is associated with the conception of life. In Russia, she was called the deity of the life-giving forces of nature, "waking up" waters, the first blossoming flowers, trees, greenery, and also the patroness of red girls. When Christianity was established in Russia, the cult of Alive gradually died away. In ancient times, in Zhivin, young girls made bonfires on the field and made bright dances around them with brooms in their hands, thereby protecting their native places from dishonesty.

By these rites, the girls glorified I Live. Also, the beauties needed to jump over the fire three times in order to "shout" to the goddess and clear their thoughts of evil. After ritual jumps, the girls arranged different games and led round dances. With the onset of the evening, they ran to the houses where they laid the tables. An obligatory dish on this day was a lark-shaped cookie. And by night the peasants walked onto the river and washed themselves with cool water to wash away all the sins of the past and enter the new day with a pure soul.

May 1 in the folk calendar


May 1, Christianity commemorates the Monk Cosmas of Chalcedon, revered by the Orthodox Church as the creator of canons in the glory of the Lord.

On this day, the peasants glorified the cuckoo, which is already in full swing in the woods. People in Russia associated with this bird a huge amount of beliefs and signs. For example, sowing flax began just when the cuckoo gave the first spring call. If a bird was noticed flying around the village, there would soon be a fire. On this day, the mistresses traditionally sowed beets and carrots, and the men together dug up beds. And before Kuzmin’s day, the seeds were necessarily wetted in spring water so that the crop was rich and rich. As expected, there were signs for the Day of the Gardener. If today was clear and sunny weather, then all of May was expected to be the same, but in early June - the cold will be established. If May turned out to be cool and cloudy, then the summer was certainly warm and favorable for the growth of bread. People born May 1, was supposed to be excellent gardeners, who always have to take care of seedlings, land and crops. And the fate of such a person was very successful.

Historical events of May 1

May 1, 1840 - The appearance on sale of the first postage stamps

The first postage stamps appeared in the UK. On May 1, 1840, a huge number of people gathered at the London post office to purchase postage stamps, which were divided into two color categories: black (sold at a price of one penny) and blue (sold at two pence). On both copies, the image of Queen Victoria was captured. Since May 6, these stamps went into circulation - they began to stick on envelopes and be used when sending letters. In Russia, the first postage stamps were introduced in 1845.

May 1, 1886 - Conducting mass bloody demonstrations in the USA with the requirements for the introduction of an eight-hour working day

In Chicago, the strike took on a very wide scale: more than half of the entire population organized a general strike. The police had to use force and, in some cases, weapons to calm the angry crowds. On May 4, a protest rally in the city was repeated, only this time one of the provocateurs threw explosives at a police detachment, as a result of 67 law enforcement officers were injured (about ten people died). For several hours, the rally was still suppressed, and the instigators of the disorder were arrested. By the way, the demonstrators did not succeed.

May 1, 1944 - Establishment of the medal "For the Defense of Moscow"

The award was established by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council to encourage those who participated in the heroic defense of Moscow. The designer of the medal drawing was the Russian artist Moskalev. This medal was given to all defense participants: the military personnel of the Soviet Army, and the NKVD troops, as well as partisans and other civilians. The award was presented on behalf of the Supreme Council after checking the relevant documents for the accuracy of the facts. For the first time, the medal "For the Defense of Moscow" was awarded to Joseph Stalin on July 20. Together with her, he received a special certificate of ownership of the medal. For 20 years, more than 500 thousand people have been awarded this medal. And in the event of the death of a participant in the defense of Moscow, the award, along with the documents due, was presented to his immediate family. For all those who survived the terrible years of World War II and received the medal "For the Defense of Moscow", it became the most invaluable award.

May 1 were born

Albert Lasker (1880 - 1952) - American philanthropist, founder of modern advertising. Lasker gave the advertising business a certain aggressiveness, relevance and profitability, advertising began not only to inform people, but also to push them to buy the advertised goods. Bright slogans, a bold and catchy visual solution became its obligatory elements. To attract potential buyers also began to use the authority of celebrities. For example, to advertise cigarettes elite at that time, Lasker chose the famous slender actress, who, showing a beautiful figure, mentioned that cigarettes help her keep her perfect shape.

Victor Astafiev (1924 - 2001) - front-line writer. His most famous novels are: Theft, Starodub, Tsar Fish, Shepherd and Shepherdess, Last Bow and Sad Detective. The first book of his works was published in 1953. Astafiev is one of the few authors who, during his lifetime, was called the great classic.

Vitaliy Popkov (born in 1922) - fighter pilot, lieutenant general of aviation, Hero of the Soviet Union (twice), honored military pilot of the country. It is the prototype of the movie hero of the movie "Only Old Men Go to Battle".

Fedor Khitruk(1917 - 2012) - Soviet animator, teacher, director and People's Artist of the USSR. The legend of domestic animation television. For his half-century work at the Soyuzmultfilm film company, Khitruk has created many multi-characters and characters in animated films.

Name Day May 1st

Namedays on May 1 are celebrated: Vasily, Anton, Gregory, Victor, Mikhail, Ivan, Efim, Kuzma, Joseph, Zinon, Felix, Maya, Tamara.


Watch the video: Days, Weeks And Months Of The Year 4k (June 2024).