Kalina - medicinal properties and applications in medicine


Kalina - general description

Viburnum (Viburnum) - deciduous green shrub or low tree of the genus flowering, family Adoksovye. The overgrowths are greenish-gray, opposite. The leaf arrangement is whorled, with large bare or scaled winter buds.

The leaf is simple, solid, whole-toothed or toothed, with petioles and stipules, with glands. White or pinkish bisexual flowers are collected in umbellate-corymbose inflorescences. A cup with five small cloves grows to the ovary, has five small cloves. Five stamens and a single pestle form a sternal ovary with one ovule. The fruits are laterally compressed drupe red or yellow with a single bone.

Kalina - types and places of growth

More than 140 species of viburnum are growing around the world, mainly in the temperate zone, in the Andes, in Madagascar. In the warm regions of Russia and Ukraine, it is distributed almost everywhere, some of the most common species: viburnum of David, red, alder, birch-leaved, Buryat, Bureya, cylindrical, expanded, bare.

This shade-tolerant and hygrophilous plant often becomes an adornment of gardens and parks. In the steppe regions it is found along river valleys, mainly prefers deciduous or mixed forests, although it does not form pure thickets. Propagated by cuttings and layering.

Kalina - medicinal properties

Viburnum has a high content of biologically active substances, therefore, it positively affects the human cardiovascular system and perfectly regulates blood pressure. In addition, it is inherent calming, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, astringent, hemostatic effect. Thanks to this, the plant can be useful in the following diseases: neurosis, hypertension, severe catarrhal cough and hoarseness, atherosclerosis, gastritis, colitis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, vascular spasms. This is an excellent hemostatic remedy used in gynecology to relieve pain during heavy menstruation, menopause and diseases of the genital organs. Also, using a swab with a decoction of the bark, you can stop nosebleeds.

Kalina - dosage forms

For therapeutic purposes, they primarily use the bark of a plant, which is collected in a certain way with the help of incisions during the sap flow, when it easily moves away from the trunk. The obtained tubes are dried and become gutted or flattened pieces of bark. In addition, fruits, roots, flowers and leaves are used. The resulting raw materials are dried. They are stained in the shade, spreading in a thin layer. To dull the bitterness, to collect berries you need to wait for the first frost. Viburnum fruit oil is a valuable product used in medicine and cosmetology. It contains a lot of vitamins (A, K, E, C, P) and biologically active substances. These are carotenoids, flavonoids, beta-sitosterol, calcium, iron, manganese, chromium, selenium, nickel, and others.

Kalina - recipes

- A decoction of viburnum bark for the treatment of neurosis, neurasthenia and hysteria: boil 15 g of dry shredded viburnum bark in 400 g of water. Squeeze and add to the initial level. Drink 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day. The same tool can be used to treat gastritis, gastric ulcer, with diarrhea and hemorrhoids. Drink 2 tbsp. spoons after a meal.

- Infusion of fruits of viburnum against convulsions, hypertension, edema of cardiac origin: 5 tablespoons of the fruit (in any form), grind in a mortar, pour 3 cups of boiling water, infuse for three hours. Strain and drink half a glass 4 times before meals.

- Infusion of flowers of viburnum to help with gastritis with low acidity: pour 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dried flowers of viburnum with 1 glass of boiling water, leave for an hour, take 1-2 tablespoons after a meal. With the same infusion, you can treat colds and shortness of breath, stopping to bleed pulmonary bleeding.

Kalina - contraindications

The plant has contraindications for those diseases that are associated with increased blood coagulation - thrombophlebitis, a tendency to thrombosis. Also, you can not use this medication for gout and kidney disease. Refrain from taking drugs with viburnum should be during pregnancy.


Irina 04/22/2016
Viburnum, such a universal berry that it can be used in almost all cases. And it is wonderful that it can be frozen, or made with sugar, and stored. It saves all the properties. Throughout the year, it can be consumed while maintaining your health.

Sveta 04/22/2016
Very useful information in the article. Thank. About the fact that viburnum can be treated with hysteria and various similar diseases, I did not know. Now, I will certainly take note of it, and I will put it into practice. A very healthy berry in general.

What exactly heals viburnum, I did not know. But, this is not very important for me, because I don’t have any special diseases. But about the content in this berry of many useful substances, I know, and periodically eat viburnum. So, with health, I’m all right.

Antonina 04/22/2016
Of course, a lot is known about viburnum. For example, I use it as a firming agent for the heart. And I must say, I have no problems with my heart. And the rest of the organs are in order, it is quite possible that thanks to viburnum.

Ksenia 04/22/2016
ABOUT! About the medicinal properties of viburnum, it has long been known. It turns out that even in Madagascar it is growing !!! It is known that viburnum contains a lot of substances useful to humans. And the fact that with its help you can stop nosebleeds, I did not know.


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