How to get rid of nits in 1 day is difficult, but possible. How to get rid of nits in 1 day using simple methods and tools


Despite the seemingly increasing standard of living, pediculosis is a serious problem in modern society.

And if lice itself can be quickly eliminated with certain efforts, then the situation with nits is much more complicated.

What is the reason?

Who are they nits and how to deal with them?

Nits: Features

Nits are eggs of parasites. Lice attach directly to the skin and suck blood. Nits are found on the hair, tightly attached to them with the help of a secret specially allocated by them.

Nits are not so easy to spot. A visually impaired person is simply not visible to them. Nits are attached directly to the hair at a distance of 1-3 cm from the root. They are pretty tenacious.

Lice eggs are oval, yellow. For the appearance of the larva, certain conditions are necessary, namely: a humid environment, high temperature. Ideal conditions for laying eggs are the folds of the human body.

During the initial treatment with medications or folk remedies, lice die almost immediately. Nits are often immune to the action of one method or another. Therefore, they get rid of them in most cases mechanically. That is, manually. And even easier - they comb out. But in order for the process to pass quickly and efficiently, one of the proven methods presented in this article should be used first.

How to get rid of nits in 1 day: medicines

The treatment of pediculosis is a rather laborious, but quite feasible process. In any pharmacy without a prescription, you can buy a modern tool against lice and nits. The following drugs were widely used:

1. Permethrin ointment. Destroys lice and their larvae. Not recommended for babies up to 3 years, as well as pregnant and lactating.

2. Nittifor cream - anti-pediculosis agent. Effective with 10 minutes of contact with lice and nits. Designed for use in order to kill lice and their larvae. Recommended for children from 5 years of age.

3. Medifox - antiparasitic agent. Leads to paralysis of insects. Low toxicity. It is prescribed for head lice (head, pubic), scabies.

4. Nyx - cream for external use. Designed to destroy parasites. It can not be used regularly, but only when detecting live individuals and their larvae.

5. "Higia" - anti-pediculose shampoo. Effectively combats lice and nits.

6. Pedex - an antiparasitic agent that has a detrimental effect on ectoparasites.

7. Couple plus - a combined antiparasitic drug, which is a poison for insects. Effective against lice and nits.

All of the above drugs are toxic, so before use, you should carefully study the instructions and follow the recommended dosages.

How to get rid of nits in 1 day: folk remedies

1. You can remove not only lice, but also permanently get rid of nits with the help of a proven folk remedy that every housewife has in the kitchen - vinegar. The usual table, wine, apple or alcohol will do.

Preparing a therapeutic composition is simple: if you use table vinegar 9%, then it must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 2. How to get rid of nits in 1 day? It is necessary:

• Combine the prepared vinegar with 40 g of salt and 5 g of alcohol. Mix everything and moisten gauze in a solution. Apply compress to your hair throughout the day as often as possible. After each procedure, locks should be combed with a small comb.

• Another way. Prepared vinegar is applied to the hair, wrapped with oilcloth on top and wrapped with a towel. The dressing should be fairly tight. Hold the compress for half an hour or an hour, after which the hair can be combed.

Attention! The point of quickly getting rid of nits is to comb them out. If this is not done, new individuals form from the surviving larvae.

There are some rules for combing hair:

Firstly, the procedure must be done immediately after a certain time.

Secondly, when combing out, rinse the comb with hot water, and the procedure itself is carried out to control a white sheet of paper.

Thirdly, you need to comb every strand and preferably with a special comb with notches.

In order that vinegar does not harm the hair, special masks for brittle hair should be used.

2. Kerosene - a time-tested method that allows you to solve the question: how to get rid of nits in 1 day. What is the therapeutic effect of this method? Firstly, kerosene has a toxic effect on lice and nits. Secondly, it loosens the "deadlock" of nits. Thirdly, its smell repels lice.

Modern drugs act on insects paralytically. Kerosene also leads to their suffocation. This method is not "barbaric". With the right procedure, there will be no negative consequences in the form of burns, etc.

So, in order to get rid of nits and lice faster, you need to combine kerosene with vegetable oil. Most of the kerosene is poured, a little less oil. During the procedure, open a window. Using a brush, the mixture is applied to the hair, wrapped in cellophane and a towel, kept for an hour.

After that, they wash their hair, sprinkle their hair with vinegar and start combing the nits with a small comb. If you treat lice with this method 2 times a week, then you can forever forget what lice are.

Honey will help reduce the aggressive effect of kerosene on the scalp. On a teaspoon of kerosene you need to add 3 large tablespoons of honey, 4 tablespoons of water, a small spoonful of shampoo. Mix everything and apply to hair under oilcloth and hat for an hour.

Children are recommended to withstand 1 hour a composition of 50 g of olive oil and 1 small spoon of kerosene. After 3 days, re-treatment with the composition is carried out, in which honey is also added.

The main danger in handling kerosene is the possibility of getting a burn. Parents should be extremely careful. If a child has an allergic reaction with a trial application of kerosene on the inside of the elbow, then this method is not for your baby.

When using kerosene, it is necessary to avoid getting the product in the nose, mouth, eyes. Also, you can not use it near an open flame and indoors.

3. How to get rid of nits in 1 day? Use garlic and onion. Prepare a healing pulp from one onion and one head of garlic. Spread the composition over the entire length of the hair and rub into the skin. Wear cellophane and a hat on top. Hold the compress for 2 hours. Then rinse with shampoo and apply any oil to your hair. Finally, ask loved ones to comb out the locks, thereby saving them from nits.

4. Acidic environment is detrimental to lice and nits. Get rid of the larvae will help lemon. Wash 3 fruits, peel them, place in a saucepan and fill with water (1 L). Bring the mixture to a boil, cool, strain. Rinse your hair with a healing composition. After that comb them out.

5. An interesting, fairly effective way to get rid of nits - use a hair curler - curling iron. Use it to heat the strands along the entire length. From the touch of hot metal, nits simply die. Thus, you can get rid of annoying larvae.

How to get rid of nits in 1 day and not harm your hair

Undoubtedly, the best way to get rid of lice and nits is shave. However, such a radical method is not suitable for women. You can always find an alternative treatment for pediculosis.

Using this or that remedy, it is necessary to take care of the health of the skin of the head and of the hair itself. And for this you need to possess useful information:

1. Vinegar with prolonged use makes hair brittle, weakened. In addition, the tool is able to change hair color.

2. Kerosene, if the concentration is too high or when the compress is held for longer, can lead to burns, irritation, and an allergic reaction.

3. Any medication for lice and nits is toxic. Such funds are not recommended for children, pregnant and lactating.

4. Ironing, hair dryer or curling iron strongly dry hair, make it brittle and split.

5. Garlic and onions can irritate the scalp.

In order to minimize the negative consequences of using any of the presented methods of pediculosis treatment, it is necessary to use after hair treatment masks:

• Mask with castor oil. Mix a spoonful of oil and a spoonful of rum (cognac). Apply the mask to your hair and hold for an hour. Wash your hair after that.

• Combine cognac (1 part), onion gruel (4 parts), burdock broth (6 parts). Rub into scalp and rinse off after 2 hours.

• Mix 30 g of olive oil with two yolks. Apply the resulting mixture to your hair for 30 minutes, then wash your hair.

• Kefir mask fights hair brittleness. Combine the juice of 1 onion with a glass of kefir. Apply the mixture to your hair and stand for an hour, top insulating your head with a hat. Rinse with warm water.

Using time-tested methods of treating pediculosis and adhering to general recommendations, you can forget about the problem in a short time. How to get rid of nits in 1 day? I hope the methods presented will help you and your loved ones keep your hair and scalp from “unwanted guests”.


Watch the video: How To Get Rid Of Nits and Lice In 4 Simple Steps (June 2024).