Why rinse your nose: indications. Nasal washing at home: how to perform the procedure correctly and painlessly


Mucus is secreted in the nasal cavity of each person, this is a kind of protection of the mechanism from dust and germs entering the respiratory system.

In order to remove excess mucus, it is recommended to rinse the nose.

After the procedure, the work of the mucous membrane will improve, and breathing will be facilitated.

Nasal lavage at home: indications and contraindications

In order to find out who is shown this procedure and who is not, I would like to understand why it is generally performed. The cavity of our nose is lined with mucous membranes. It consists of goblet cells that produce mucus. Its development is ongoing. Thanks to the cilia-hairs, the nasal contents are brought out. If this process is normal, then the person will not even notice it. But, unfortunately, the body can not always cope on its own. After viruses enter the mucous membrane, inflammation begins, everything swells, and the person feels that his nose is blocked. A large amount of mucus is produced, and the cells cannot cope with its elimination. The secret in the nasopharynx is gradually becoming a favorable environment for pathogens to develop and multiply there.

Thanks to washing the nose, excess mucus will be removed, and with it microbes and pus will be excreted. But why not everyone can do a nose wash at home?

Indications for washing

Any method of treatment has certain indications for this, rinsing the nose is no exception, because in fact it is a certain type of treatment.

The procedure is allowed to be performed only in the following cases:

1. The patient has a sinus infection for a long time.

2. There are viral diseases that have led to the appearance of a severe cold.

3. Allergic rhinitis.

4. Vasomotor rhinitis.

5. Ozena is a fetid runny nose. A progressive atrophic process occurs, during which crusts from the secret are formed with the release of an unpleasant odor.

6. Preventive goals.

Washing the nose at home can not be done in the following cases:

1. There is an inflammatory process in the inner ear.

2. The patient often has nosebleeds.

3. There is obstruction in the nasal passage, so the fluid will not be able to leak back.

4. Tumor formations.

5. The solution includes those components that the patient does not tolerate.

Nasal lavage at home: solution recipes

Washing the nose at home involves the preliminary preparation of a special solution. In order to make it, you can take ordinary boiled water. But it will be much more effective if you make a solution that not only removes excess mucus and pus, but also has an anti-inflammatory effect. Below are the most common solution recipes:

1. Soda. The tool well removes swelling of the mucosa, and also has a mucolytic effect. To prepare, pour water into a glass and dissolve half a teaspoon of soda in it.

2. Edible salt. Rinse your nose with normal salt. Dissolve one and a half teaspoons in a liter of water. You can also buy physiological saline, today it is sold in any pharmacy.

3. Sea salt. High efficiency is characterized by ready-made solutions based on sea salt - Humer, Marimer. The main component is sea water. It is pre-sterilized, which makes it possible to use it even for small children.

4. Propolis. The method of preparation of the solution is as follows: take one and a half tablespoons of 10% propolis tincture and mix with a pinch of salt. Then pour warm water into a glass and dissolve all components in it.

5. Iodine, soda and salt. The solution in combination with soda, salt and iodine is quite strong. Salt and soda are taken in the amount of half a teaspoon, and iodine 3-4 drops. All components together give a good effect, the inflammatory process decreases, the swelling of the mucosa decreases, microcracks heal much faster. In a short time you will be able to get rid of pus and mucous contents.

6. Herb decoction. In order to rinse the nose at home, you can make decoctions of medicinal herbs. For this, it is better to take the following plants:

• succession;

• St. John's wort;

• tansy;

• chamomile;

• sage;

• plantain.

You can apply them individually or combine several types at once.

7. Ready solutions. You can prepare solutions not only on your own, but also buy them at the pharmacy. It can be - elekasol, rotokan, malavit. Each of the preparations is created on a plant basis. So, for example, a rotokan is a water-alcohol solution, and before use it must be diluted. In the instructions for the medicine there is a detailed description of this process, it must be followed.

Elekasol includes the collection of several medicinal herbs at once, before use, they are brewed. To do this, carefully read the instructions. Each of these agents has a good anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect.

8. Furacilin. Furatsilin has a good antimicrobial effect. In order to rinse his sinuses, you need to take two tablets of the drug and dissolve in two glasses of warm water. You can also buy a ready-made solution in a pharmacy. Moreover, experts recommend doing just that, since in the finished solution the most correct concentration. But the only minus is that you have to spend more money, since the finished drug is more expensive than conventional furacilin tablets.

Nasal lavage at home: features of the procedure

Throughout your life, you must always pay due attention to your health, and it is not at all necessary to wait until a disease begins to manifest itself. It is enough to at least occasionally carry out prophylaxis.

A runny nose is an unpleasant disease, sometimes it takes a long time to cure it. Due to the fact that the nose does not breathe, oxygen starvation may occur. It is better if each course of treatment will be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. If you independently carry out any preventive measures, then you need to know the features of this procedure.

Even if you do not have any complaints, still carry out the procedure for washing the nose at least several times a week. The best time for this is morning. If a runny nose is present, be sure to flush it 3-4 times a day.

The hospitals have special equipment that specialists carry out the procedure for washing the nose. You can perform the procedure while at home, and you do not need to buy expensive drugs for this. All you need for this is a regular syringe or syringe. After everything is ready, put the medicine into the syringe.

To carry out all the actions you need to go to the bathroom. If you went to a medical institution, the doctor probably gave you recommendations on how to properly perform this or that action. The desired result will be only if all the actions are performed correctly.

Go to the sink or bath and tilt your head. Its position should be such that after the introduction of the solution into one nostril, it can easily leak out through the other. At this point you need to breathe through your mouth. The agent is injected under pressure.

If your mucous membrane is healthy and there are no barriers, then the solution will flow out of the nostrils without any obstacles. Sometimes the liquid can get into the throat, there is nothing to worry about, it just comes out through the mouth. It is recommended to carry out the procedure with one and the second nostril. After everything is done, blow your nose. One of the main requirements is maximum relaxation. Since if you are in a state of tension, it may not work. All this is absolutely painless, and not as scary as it might seem at first glance.

Rinsing the nose is possible not only for adults, but also for children. There are no significant differences in the execution technology. You need to ask the baby to hold his breath while inhaling. In order for your child not to be scared, you can first show him all this on himself.

Allowed to rinse nose and babiesbut you have to be extremely careful. The solution is pipetted and then instilled into the nozzle. Then twist the fleece flagella soak it in oil, gently clean the spout. Watch the distance at which you screw it, it should not be more than two centimeters. The process is performed with both nostrils. It is possible that your baby will cry at this moment, but this does not mean that he is hurt, do not be alarmed.

Women who are breast-feeding or in position, at the moment, it is contraindicated to take any medications. Only a doctor can prescribe certain medications. But regarding rinsing the nose, the procedure can be performed, but you need to do this while lying on your back. The head at this moment needs to be thrown back as much as possible. In each nostril, instill 3-4 drops of the solution and lie until you feel that it is in the nasopharynx.

Watch the pressure of the injected fluid, if it is too strong, then the tool can bring the bacteria to the middle ear. Absolutely everything needs to know the measure, nor should there be any unpleasant sensations from the solution.

If you have a curved nasal septum, then do not wait for any result. If possible, be sure to consult with a specialist. Watch your health and do the necessary actions on time.


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