Okroshka on ayran: a healthy and tasty dish. A few recipes of okroshka on ayran in the culinary box of the hostess


Summer ... This time of year for each of us causes a lot of associations. One of which is okroshka! Okroshka recipes appeared even in our great-great-grandmothers and were passed down from generation to generation. Moreover, these recipes were the most diverse. Okroshka on kefir, kvass, mineral water, lemon ... At least a thousand ways to cook a delicious okroshka are known today to housewives around the world. One of the most delicious and healthy recipes is okroshka on ayran.

Ayran is a sour-milk product, like kefir, it only turns out as a result of mixing milk of cow, goat and sheep, yeast is added to it. This drink is very good at satisfying hunger, indispensable for losing weight, and is also a storehouse of vitamins and amino acids.

The basic principles of cooking okrosha on ayran:

Okroshka on ayran can not be stored for a long time in the refrigerator, especially outside it. Ayran is a perishable product, so it’s best to eat freshly cooked okroshka on it.

It is best to add as much greens and as little meat and sausage as possible to the okroshka on ayrana, its taste will only benefit.

Okrosh on ayran can be prepared with the addition of mineral water and sour cream, despite the fact that both ayran and mineral water are carbonated drinks, our organisms will not suffer from this.

You can use all kinds of greens with okroshka on ayran: parsley, green onions, dill, basil, cilantro and more.

First of all, it is necessary to prepare greens for okroshka on ayran. It’s best to cut it, after dragging it down with a normal blender in a saucepan. The resulting juice will make okroshka taste richer.

It is preferable to boil the meat and vegetables a little earlier, so that they have time to cool.

Eggs for okroshka on ayran should be taken homemade, then a bright yolk, greens and white ayran will make our okroshka rainbow-colored.

Okroshka on ayran: tasty, satisfying and healthy

This kind of okroshka is familiar to many ladies who think about their figure. Due to the fact that ayran is very satisfying, it is simply impossible to eat a lot of okroshka on ayran, therefore, the body will absorb less calories.


  • 3 potatoes

  • a quarter kg of cooked sausage

  • 3 home-made chicken eggs

  • 8 medium-sized radishes

  • liter of ayran

  • rather big bunch of green onions

  • 3 fresh cucumbers

  • dill, greens, Provence herbs, parsley

  • salt


  1. Prepare the greens. Rinse and dry the herbs, dill, chives and parsley. Finely chop and shove in a deep pan with a special pusher until juice stands out.

  2. Salt the resulting mixture.

  3. Do not cut into small cubes boiled sausage, it is preferable not to take smoked, then okroshka will not be greasy.

  4. Cut the boiled potatoes into not very large cubes, add them to the pan.

  5. Wash the homemade eggs and cook them on a gentle fire. Eggs must be completely boiled hard boiled. Rub them on a fine sieve and send to the rest of the products.

  6. Cucumbers are best cut into strips, after thoroughly washing and cutting off the “buttocks”.

  7. Cut the radish into half rings. It is advisable to remove the peel, then the radish will taste softer and softer.

  8. Add Ayran last. If it is thick, dilute the okroshka with a small amount of boiled water.

Recipe for okroshka on ayran in the best traditions of the Caucasus

Ayran is a drink that is much appreciated by Caucasians and Asians. Okroshka is a native Russian product. The combination of okroshka on ayran will be a good decoration on your table, which will also give the body a lot of strength and vitality.


  • quarter kg of minced ham

  • half a liter of mineral water with gas

  • 3 fresh cucumbers

  • liter of ayran

  • 4 home-made chicken eggs

  • dill and parsley, cilantro, basil

  • 5 radishes

  • green onion

  • salt


  1. Prepare the greens. Rinse and dry parsley, cilantro, dill, basil. Cut as small as possible, pour into a deep saucepan.

  2. Also chop the onion very finely, add to the already chopped greens.

  3. Wash the radishes and cut into small circles.

  4. Cut the ham into strips, only thin and short.

  5. Cucumbers should be identical in form to ham. Do not forget to wash them.

  6. Hard-boiled eggs and grate.

  7. Mix well and salt.

  8. Stir Ayran with mineral water, pour okroshka.

Okroshka on ayran: a bold combination of products - you lick your fingers

This recipe for okroshka on ayran is very interesting and unusual. In addition to the fact that some ingredients are not boiled, as is customary, but fried, beans are part of okroshka.


  • jar of canned beans

  • smoked sausage stick quarter

  • half onion

  • liter of ayran

  • 2 small tomatoes

  • greens, dill, parsley

  • salt

  • vegetable oil


  1. Cut the onions into small half rings.

  2. We wash and cut tomatoes into medium-sized cubes. It is better to peel them first.

  3. In a deep frying pan, heat the vegetable oil and put tomatoes and onions in it. Fry a couple of minutes.

  4. Shred the sausage with a very fine straw and fry in another pan, but do not add oil.

  5. In the pan we spread the cooled frying of onions and tomatoes, sausage, beans. Mix, salt.

  6. Fill everything with ayran. Mix again.

  7. We leave in the cold for a couple of hours. Before serving, decorate with herbs, parsley and dill.

Ayran and kvass: more freshness and satiety of any okroshka

Okroshka on ayran and kvass is quite simply prepared and eaten in five minutes. Carrots are added to the ingredients, the rest is a standard set of products.


  • liter of ayran

  • 2 fresh cucumbers

  • half a liter of dark kvass

  • 4 home-made chicken eggs

  • 1 carrot

  • rather big bunch of green onions, dill

  • 250 gr ham

  • several medium potatoes

  • salt

  • 2 radishes


  1. Boil potatoes and carrots early. Peel them and cut into not very thick straws.

  2. Cut the ham into cubes, and they should not be very small, but not too large.

  3. Cool the boiled eggs and rub on a fine grater.

  4. Cut the radish into half rings. Do not remove the peel, it will give okroshka on ayran more color.

  5. Stir all products, salt and mix again.

  6. Pour okroshka first with ayran, then add kvass.

Armenian okroshka on ayran: minimum products, maximum benefits

This okroshka recipe excludes meat or sausages, as well as most of the usual vegetables. The main ingredients are airan and cucumbers. Okroshka on Ayran of "Armenian origin" is low in calories, therefore it is suitable for losing weight and dieting.


  • one and a half glasses of ayran

  • salt

  • parsley, basil, dill, cilantro, Provence herbs

  • half a glass of water

  • 2 medium fresh cucumbers


  1. Finely chop the washed and dried greens very finely.

  2. Wash the cucumber, remove the "butt", cut into cubes. It is better to remove the peel, then the taste will become softer.

  3. Salt, mix well.

  4. Pour the prepared foods with water, mix.

  5. After add ayran.

  6. Finished okroshka can be decorated with crackers.

Bulgarian okroshka on ayran: nut abundance

Okroshka according to this recipe has a piquant taste, thanks to the little-known asafoetida spice. Instead of traditional potatoes and eggs, nuts are used.


  • glass of ayran

  • a glass of boiled water

  • a couple of fresh cucumbers

  • half a glass of walnuts

  • dill, parsley

  • salt, black pepper

  • paprika

  • asafoetida


  • Rinse the cucumbers, remove the "butt", cut into not very large cubes.

  • Peel the walnuts, chop with a blender.

  • Finely chop dill and parsley.

  • Beat Ayran and water with a whisk.

  • Salt and pepper, add spices.

  • Arrange the mass of cucumbers and nuts with herbs on plates and pour in the water-ayran mixture.

Okroshka on ayran: curd will give sweetness

Okroshka on ayran with cottage cheese refers to the type of sweet okroshka. It is perfect for breakfast for kids - whims. In addition to the sweet taste, okroshka on ayran with cottage cheese is very useful. Standard calcium and minerals alternate with protein and vitamins.


  • half kg of ripe strawberries, currants and raspberries

  • half a glass of cottage cheese

  • a couple of spoons of honey

  • litere of water

  • raisins

  • liter of ayran

  • whole cloves


  1. Boil half a liter of water. When the water boils, add a couple of pieces of cloves. We close the pan with a lid, and the lid should fit very tightly so that the clove can brew well. Leave for 20 minutes.

  2. The broth should cool. After we have cooled it, mix it with cottage cheese. Rub well through a sieve.

  3. The remaining water is mixed with ayran, add berries to the mixture. Mix.

  4. The resulting berry-ayran mix is ​​added to the curd, mix.

  5. Leave in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

  6. Before serving, decorate with raisins.

Crab sticks and ayran: okroshka in five minutes

Okroshka with a sea note will be an unpretentious and tasty snack for your guests. It can be cooked in just five minutes. This recipe does not require cooking vegetables, the whole process consists in cutting and crumbling products.


  • salt pepper

  • a couple of fresh cucumbers

  • a couple of homemade eggs

  • liter of kvass

  • 3 radishes

  • 5 tablespoons airan

  • dill and parsley

  • mustard spoon

  • crab stick packaging


  1. Defrost crab sticks and cut into small cubes.

  2. Rinse the cucumbers, remove the "butt", cut into cubes identical to the cubes from the crab sticks.

  3. Cut the washed radish into circles.

  4. Clean hard-boiled eggs. Proteins cut into small cubes. Mix the yolks with ayran, salt and pepper, add mustard.

  5. Pour cold vegetables with vegetables and crab sticks, add mustard sauce.

  6. Finely chop the dill and parsley and decorate the okroshka, poured on plates.

Tricks and tips for cooking okroshka on ayran

  • If you use tomatoes in okroshka, you need to peel them. To do this as accurately as possible, you need to pre-pour the tomato with boiling water.

  • Ayroshka okroshka is best consumed with black or gray bread.

  • When cooking okrosha on ayran, use only boiled water.

  • If airan is mixed with kvass according to the recipe, it is preferable to use dark kvass with a sweetish flavor. Then the color and taste of okroshka will become much richer.

  • Of the sausages, it is most desirable to use chopped ham, but many housewives are inclined to smoked sausage. The ideal option is to use chicken fillet or brisket meat as a meat ingredient.

  • The more diverse the greens, the tastier the okroshka. Use all that is in your gardens. From dill to garlic feathers. If at the moment you do not have fresh herbs on hand, use dried.

  • A large number of various seasonings are suitable for okrosha on ayran: cardamom, rosemary, black and red pepper, garlic.


Watch the video: Okroshka on Ayran (July 2024).