The benefits and harm of chicken and beef broths: who is cooler? We get maximum benefit from broths, reveal the harm of broth


In all the cuisines of the world in one form or another there are recipes of broths.

Their benefits and harms have long been known to people of different nationalities, so they use broths not only as a tasty delicacy, but also as a medicine.

It is important to know when the broth will benefit, and when it can harm.

Broth: composition, caloric content, as used

If the basis of meat broth is one - gelatin and calcium, then the caloric content may differ by two or more times. For example, in low fat broth 15 kcal, and in beef - all 30. The ratio of fats, proteins and carbohydrates can also vary dramatically, and depends directly on the type and fat content of the meat, as well as on a part of the animal carcass.

Reduce fat content while maintaining all the beneficial properties of the broth can be, if you cook the meat in the "second water". The technology of cooking low fat broth is as follows: prepared meat is poured with cold water, put in a pan on the fire, brought to a boil, and water is drained; After that, add “second” (clean, hot) water to the meat pot and boil the time required by the recipe.

There are also broth cooling method - then the fat "seizes" on the surface and can be easily removed with a slotted spoon or a spoon. In one serving of such broth no more than two grams of fat.

The benefits of broths are not only in the saturation of the body with gelatin and calcium, but also by an almost complete set of vital micro and macronutrients and vitamins. Selenium, phosphorus, riboflavin, silicon, potassium, magnesium, iron, niacin, choline, amino acids and vitamins B12, A, C, D, E - these are only the most popular and bright representatives, only the "tip of the iceberg" of all the useful properties of the broth.

Broth is used in the composition of dishes, and independently. It warms, nourishes and is very quickly and easily absorbed.

Broth: what is the use for the body?

First of all it is worth noting broth nutritional value. He plays the role of energy, regardless of whether beef or chicken. In countries with a harsh cold climate, people can’t do without a day without meat broth.

In connection with the global tendency to a sedentary lifestyle and gaining excess weight, the benefit of broth for the body is revealed only with the proper preparation and use of high-quality and dietary meat. This broth calorie has a low, but the nutritional value does not lose.

The greatest benefit from consuming broth is people with dehydration due to diseases (especially colds and flu). The moderate use of broths contributes to the speedy recovery, rehabilitation after acute respiratory viral infections and strengthening the immune system.

Other beneficial properties of broths:

• establish the work of the digestive tract, are useful for digestion;

• restore fluid balance in the body;

• reduce hemoglobin levels;

• normalize metabolism and promote tissue regeneration;

• reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol;

• strengthen the immune system;

• participate in the construction of bone, nerve tissue;

• improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails, preventing the aging of the body.

Chicken broth: who cares?

Delicious and healthy chicken broth is made from a set of chicken bones, different parts of chicken, carrots, celery, onions and other roots. These ingredients are boiled for several hours until the desired taste and aroma is reached. Broth is filtered and used in many recipes or drunk as an independent food product.

In order to get the maximum benefit from chicken broth, salt it as little as possible! Consider the main beneficial properties of broth cooked in chicken.

Easy digestibility

Chicken broth is simple and easy to digest. For any bowel disease (diarrhea or irritable bowel syndrome), chicken broth is prescribed first of all, since it is neutral and does not irritate the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. Such a liquid diet is often prescribed after surgery, or in preparation for it.

Mineral saturation

Since chicken broth is derived from bones, it is rich in a number of important minerals. A glass of chicken broth contains more than 200 milligrams of potassium, and is 10% of the recommended daily intake. Potassium is necessary for a healthy heart, muscles and skeleton.

Phosphorus is another vital mineral in chicken broth. In a glass of broth about 70 milligrams of phosphorus, promoting metabolism, the formation of protein and healthy bones and teeth.

Strengthening joints

Although it seems incredible to many, chicken bone broth can actually improve the condition of the joints in the body. Gelatin is the edible form of collagen, which makes up about half of the total protein in the human body. For people with arthritic changes, doctors prescribe a "gelatinous diet." One of the main dishes in this diet is broth.

Gelatin also contains glycine, an amino acid that supports the health of cartilage, and prevents pain.

Increase bone density

Calcium, which the human body gradually washes out of its own bones in the absence of it in the diet, is found in large quantities in chicken broth. People with osteoporosis or other bone problems are shown broths, which even accelerate the healing of fractures.

Acceleration of digestion

Gelatin in chicken broth promotes the most efficient digestion of "heavy" foods such as meat, milk, beans, and some cereals. The gentle bouillon diet is also effective for overeating.

Anti-stress properties of broth

The human body is able to synthesize glycine, so its presence in food is not given special attention. However, the body does not always synthesize substances in sufficient quantities, especially if there is an imbalance in food. As a result, sleep, memory and behavior disorders, reduced cognitive functions. Oddly enough, chicken broth for dinner is able to calm and adjust the work of the nervous system, even to overcome insomnia.

Mucolytic and anti-inflammatory properties of chicken broth

With all diseases of the respiratory system (bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia, asthma, and even tuberculosis), after a few chicken broth mugs drunk throughout the day, there is a clear relief. The effect is achieved due to the amino acid cysteine, which dilutes the sputum.

Beef broth: good or bad?

If you think about which broth is more useful - chicken or beef - there is no definite answer. Each has unique essential substances that are vital to the human body.

The benefits of beef broth in the saturation of macro - and microelements, in an easily digestible form. Calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, silicon, sulfur and other trace elements from beef broth are absorbed by the human body in full.

Beef broth is useful in the presence of chondroitin and glucosamine sulfate, derived from beef cartilage and tendons. These substances are now sold in pharmacies as expensive supplements for the treatment of arthritis and joint pain.

Traditionally, beef broth was used to treat various ailments, and, primarily, due to the presence of gelatin in the composition. The use of gelatin as a therapeutic agent goes back to the ancient Chinese. Everywhere he was recognized as the most nutritious food.

Gelatin in beef broth is useful for the treatment of:

• peptic ulcers;

• tuberculosis;

• diabetes;

• muscle diseases;

• infectious diseases;

• jaundice.

Scientists have found that infants have reduced digestive problems after adding gelatin to milk. The mechanism is as follows: this hydrophilic colloid attracts and holds fluids, transferring more gastric juice to the intestines. As a result, the food is digested better, bloating and colic disappear.

High-grade beef broth with fat also contains fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K, and does not increase cholesterol levels.

Broth: what is the possible harm to health?

By itself, pure meat broth cannot harm the human body (if used in moderation, of course). But, unfortunately, we cannot assert that the meat we have chosen does not contain extraneous substances harmful to the human body. Both cattle and poultry grown for sale are not fed by the owners with the healthiest and most natural feeds, many people add even growth hormones.

When growing, animals are vaccinated against various parasites and infections, and the overwhelming majority of drugs leave an imprint on the quality of the raw materials we buy from store shelves. The benefits and harms of the broth from such an ingredient raise serious doubts. But there is a way to partially protect yourself from the harmful effects of chemicals and use a healthy broth.

In the first half hour of cooking the broth from chicken or beef meat, harmful substances have time to stand out in the water. Doctors believe that if this water is drained and the meat is poured with fresh water, then only benefit will remain in the resulting broth.

Note: salt greatly reduces the beneficial effect of consuming broth, moreover, exerts pressure on the kidneys. Salt the broth to a minimum.

As for contraindications, the rich broth is not recommended for patients with diseases of the gallbladder and liver, as well as gastritis with low acidity. Dietary chicken broth can be made by removing the skin and fat from the chicken carcass. Such a broth will give strength to the body and help overcome fatigue and many diseases.


Watch the video: Bone Broth: Gut-Healing Superfood! (June 2024).