Jeanne Friske frankly spoke about her pregnancy


It has long been no secret that the sex symbol of domestic show business Zhanna Friske is pregnant. The long-awaited baby should be born in late March. After conscientiously practicing New Year's corporate parties and filming, Jeanne flew to Miami. Recently, a popular performer finally opened the curtain of secrecy and frankly told about her interesting situation and about relations with the child’s father Dmitry Shepelev.

“I am happy that the baby will be born in Miami. It has a surprisingly mild climate, so after birth you do not even need to wrap it up. They are bathed very small in the ocean, ”said the star in an interview. According to Jeanne, she transfers her condition quite easily, only recovered by almost 15 kilograms. And even this singer does not care. “I have the feeling that I am walking with a large, warm backpack. At times I feel slight discomfort: my legs get tired, something tingles, something hurts. But in principle, pregnancy is funny and the reaction of those around you, who take you for being weak and give increased attention, also makes you laugh: “How is your mood?” Did you have lunch today? How are you feeling? ”- Zhanna smiles.

The actress said what caused her decision to give birth in America. “I wanted to avoid gossip and attention of annoying journalists. Anyway, in Moscow it’s hard because of the climate and the rhythm of life. Now I need to think not only about myself, but also about a more precious load. ” By the way, Zhanna didn’t say exactly who she and Dmitry were waiting for - a girl or a boy, but she hinted that she was dreaming of a son.

The singer is supported by the closest and dearest people, her mother and younger sister Natasha, in the happiest period of her life. On the eve of childbirth will arrive in America and Dmitry Shepelev. When asked about the marriage, Jeanne Friske answered this: “We do not plan a wedding yet. In order to be together, stamps, registry offices and other tinsel are not needed. The main thing is that Dima and I are absolutely happy. ”


Watch the video: Senators, Governors, Businessmen, Socialist Philosopher 1950s Interviews (June 2024).