The benefits and harms of the rope for health. How to deal with a rope without harm to the joints, but with health benefits


The jump rope is one of the best simulators because of its accessibility and effectiveness.

Athletes of different categories use it in their training - mainly those who need improve leg strength and speed.

Training with this wonderful projectile is necessarily included in the program of all football players, a basketball player, athletes and even boxers.

Despite the fact that since childhood, people have a very biased attitude to the rope, we will ask you to forget about it and carefully read this article. It can help not only professional athletes, but also anyone.

Jump rope: what is it and how is it used

A jump rope is an impossibly simple sports equipment, which is a cord, with handles at the ends. For the production of this rope, rubber, plastic or ordinary fabric is used. But, science does not stand still, and so now you can meet ropes equipped with an electronic calorie counter, jump counter and other lotions.

It is used not only by professional athletes, but also by ordinary people. Jumping rope, or skipping, are part of so many weight loss training programs, and this is no accident. If you use it for weight loss, the rope many times superior to other cardio loads. It is more effective than swimming, cycling, and even running. For an hour of intensive exercises with a skipping rope, you can lose about 1000 calories.

In addition, you can do this anywhere, anytime. You do not have to additionally attend gyms, go outside or into the pool. But her it is important to choose the right, otherwise classes will bring unnecessary discomfort. With her arms extended forward, she should only lightly touch the floor. If it is shorter, then you will often beat it on your legs. If it is longer, then it will drag along the floor, and you can hardly train normally.

Most of us are already familiar with this simulator from childhood memories. However, if earlier you could freely jump at a fast pace and not even get tired, you should understand that now everything will be different. Especially if you are overweight. There are some simple rules, which should be observed when exercising with a skipping rope:

• Never land in full foot. This overloads the knee joints, and they can be injured;

• Do not bounce too high. If you have chosen a skipping rope for weight loss, then speed plays a key role in this moment. It is enough to tear 2-4 centimeters from the floor;

• For starters, you can try jumping without a jump rope. So you can adapt faster;

• Must be engaged during rotation only brushes. The elbows are pressed to the body and do not twitch.

If you have not been in contact with sports for a long time, then you can start classes from 5-10 minutes. As the body gets used to the load, increase the time and speed of the jumps. The optimal time for losing weight is 30-40 minutes of intense jumping.. But, one should not consider this an unshakable dogma - some people will not be able to stand so much time purely physically. Focus on your own condition, during the exercise, make small stops and restore breathing.

Skipping rope: what are the health benefits

Each of us would like to have a beautiful body, but due to employment, not many have the opportunity to change ourselves. But, about thirty minutes a day for sports, each person can allocate, regardless of his situation. Skeptics will say loudly: "What can change from these thirty minutes?" The answer is one - a lot.

• The very first useful property of the rope is that it allows improve body coordinationas well as speed. When jumping, very many muscles of our body are involved - starting from the shoulder girdle, and ending with the calf and buttock areas. As you continue, you will feel it becomes easier for you to maintain intensity while jumping.

Development of the cardiovascular system and muscle frame. Like any other cardio load, jumping rope has a positive effect on the work of your entire heart apparatus. It will pump blood through the body in a larger volume, and thanks to this you will be able to feel a general improvement in your physical condition. In addition, when jumping, the main work is done by the calf muscles. Long exercises will strengthen these muscles and make them more resilient.

Slimming. Despite the apparent simplicity of such a movement as jumping, the body needs a very large amount of energy to carry this out. Judge for yourself - your legs need to quickly throw up your own weight, and moreover, do it at a fast pace and repeatedly. Jumping also helps to cope with cellulite and muscle sagging, especially useful for girls, because they often notice this phenomenon in the area of ​​their hands. As a result, we can say that if your goal is weight loss, then the jump rope will become your indispensable companion on the way to this goal.

• Skipping rope exercises also help not only to support, but also adjust posture. The load on it during the lesson is minimal, but you can get enormous benefits.

But it is worth noting that with degenerative diseases of the spine, and any other problems in this area, you should first consult a doctor, and only then headlong to run to the store for a skipping rope.

Jump rope: possible harm from jumping

Like any other physical exercise, the rope can be harmful. But this will only happen if you ignore the simplest contraindications. These include:

• Cardiovascular diseases;

• problems with the spine;

• Phlebeurysm;

• In women - during pregnancy, on the days of menstruation;

• Any problems with joints, especially injuries and inflammation of the knee joints;

• Obesity over the second degree;

• hypertension;

• Also, you can’t jump on a full stomach.

In other cases, rope exercises will only bring health benefits.

Jump rope for children: useful or harmful

A jump rope can be a great start for children to get acquainted with the world of sports. The best part is that it can be positioned not as a difficult exercise, but as a game. Thus, you will once again motivate children to classes.

• Most contraindications that prohibit jumping rope appear with age.

• At a young age, children are very rarely obese, so jumping rope can be used to improve overall physical development.

• The lower body, abs, and shoulder area will strengthen.

• In addition to this, your child will be able to become more durable and easier to tolerate long-term stress.

• These activities will also have a positive effect on posture.

• The cardiovascular system will be strengthened.

• Skipping rope will allow the child to jump better and run faster.

I also want to note that in children at an early age, the skeletal framework is just beginning to form, and is too strong. If the child has pain in the joints, which previously was not, it is worth visiting a doctor immediately. This can be a signal of problems in the joints or cartilage, and therefore it is better to find out the cause of the problem right away.

How to lose weight with a rope

The first thing I want to say in this section is classes should be regular. Exactly. Allocate at least half an hour for this every day. Only in this case you can see the first changes. And if you follow this very first, and at the same time the most important instruction, then the results will become noticeable in two months. Love this exercise and then you will get a double effect from it.

And now we will analyze more specifically. There are many tricks that you can perform with a skipping rope. The basis of each of them is jumping, but there is a huge variety of different variations. You can jump on one leg, alternate legs, cross your arms while rotating the rope, etc. Each of these separate exercises has its own affected area. Some of them are needed to burn fat at the waist, others help tighten the hips better. Below will be listed the best exercises for complex weight loss.

1. Single jumps. This exercise is a classic version of one revolution - one jump. As your physical performance improves, you can repeatedly increase your initial speed. The higher your pace, the more calories burned - remember this fundamental rule.

2. Jumping with a change of legs. During this exercise, you create an imitation of a normal run, and at the same time you have to have time to jump over a rotating rope. It is one of the simplest tricks and helps beginners very well. Its key feature is the fast pace of execution.

3. Double jumps. This exercise implies that you make two jumps in one revolution. Already a more difficult exercise, it should be performed at a not too fast pace, otherwise you will quickly lose your breath.

4. Jumping to the sides. When jumping over a rope, you must jump not just up, but also setting the direction to the left and right, forward and backward.

5. Throwing legs back and forth. While jumping over a projectile, take your straight leg a little back or forward, depending on the direction you choose. The key point is that the legs should alternate, that is, one leg in the air, the other on the ground.

6. Jumping on one leg. During this exercise, lift one leg and bend it slightly at the knee. The second at this time jumps directly through the rope. As you complete, you can repeatedly change the leg.

In conclusion, I want to say that the jump rope is one of the best home exercises. In terms of its effectiveness, it surpasses expensive simulators, and at the same time it is distinguished by its availability. With proper use, in addition to adhering to a healthy lifestyle, you can not only quickly lose weight, but also improve the general physical condition of the body!


Watch the video: 5 Dumbest Forms of Cardio DONT LOOK STUPID! (July 2024).