What is it - "Diet forever", its effect. Secret principles, sample menu, restrictions and indications of "Diet forever"


When the word "diet" causes depression or nervous laughter, because it does not work to lose hated kilos, it’s just right to think about the correctness of the chosen path.

Thousands of women torment themselves, not getting any results on any of the tried diets.

It also happens that instead of getting rid of kilograms, the opposite happens: a significant gain appears after the end of a hard marathon. And sometimes fat just builds up during the diet.

All this means that there is simply no point in the diet. The only thing that can help in this case is development of an individual food option and maintaining it constantly.

It is no accident that this type of diet was called the "Diet Forever". It allows you to gradually get rid of excess fat and maintain harmony and health throughout your life.

"Diet Forever": effectiveness and advantages

The proposed food option is a special the systemwhich needs quite strictly stick for two to three months. "Diet forever" promises stable plumb and weekly weight loss of two to three kilograms.

There is no strict prohibition on longer use "Diets Forever". If such a diet will please a slimming lady, she will not cause discomfort, and most importantly, will bring real results, you can eat as long as you like according to a strict but effective scheme.

The safety of the diet is due to its balance. All the nutrients the body needs are saved, the amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates is enough for the normal functioning of all body systems. That is why the diet is tolerated very easily, does not cause discomfort, can be used as a very long-term diet without damage to health.

The undoubted advantage of "Diets Forever" is low calorie diet. This allows, without prejudice to satiety, to use the golden rule of losing weight: spend more calories than comes with food. At the same time, products that can be consumed fully comply with the principles of a healthy diet.

What is the bottom line? We summarize.

Advantages of "Diets Forever":

• balance (although taking a multivitamin complex twice a year will not hurt);

• health-improving effect (herbal teas, natural vitamins in food, lack of load on the pancreas);

• the possibility of prolonged use;

• allowed "pampering": once a week, losing weight can, with a clear conscience, violate all prohibitions and treat yourself to something very tasty, but harmful and unprofitable for losing weight. Favorite food is the best incentive to continue the marathon;

the simplicity of the diet, the lack of the need to invent something or cook yourself separately;

• frugality: the diet is designed in such a way that extra spending on your beloved is not expected. No expensive exotic, only healthy, affordable products.

"Diet Forever": the basic principles of nutrition

How to eat on a "diet forever"? The bottom line is to take the best, useful, effective from different power systems. In the described food scheme, you can find the principles of the most popular diets:

• separate power supply system;

• diet by blood type;

• Separate meals in Montignac;

• diet of dancers;

• Niche diet;

• partly a diet according to Mirimanova;

• proper nutrition system.

What is meant? If we talk about separate nutrition, including according to Montignac, the basic principles are as follows:

• protein foods should never be consumed with carbohydrate;

• do not combine two concentrated proteins or two carbohydrates in one meal (that is, do not eat fish at the same time as meat or potatoes with bread);

• do not combine acidic fruits and sugars;

• milk is food, and not compatible with any other;

• a strict ban on sugar and confectionery;

• You can eat bread, but only with vegetable salads.

Having got used to the menu of separate meals, you can easily pick up excellent, tasty options for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Blood Type Diet further details the permitted diet. Let's say the list of allowed and prohibited products for the first, second and third blood groups looks like this:

• 1 blood group. To reduce weight, seafood, red meat, liver, brown seaweed, spinach, cabbage are recommended. Lentils, wheat, cabbage, women, corn and others contribute to weight gain;

• 2 blood type. To reduce weight, soy products, vegetable oils, pineapples, leafy vegetables, carrots, and some types of river fish are good. Weight increase dairy products, meat, wheat, beans;

• 3 blood type. Green vegetables, meat, egg, dairy products with a low percentage of fat, liver, and liver will help reduce weight. The opposite effect is possessed by corn, lentils, peanuts, wheat, buckwheat;

• 4 blood type. Dairy products, seafood, green vegetables, pineapples are useful for weight loss. Red meat, beans, and wheat are prohibited.

Diet Dancers prescribes to drink a glass of water after awakening, and after half an hour to have breakfast with fruit.

Niche Diet combines separate meals with other requirements:

• drink at least 2.5 liters of clean water daily;

• eat mainly fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, herbs;

• eat only when there is real hunger (not appetite);

• water is considered food;

• early dinner and brunch - the key to health;

• last meal at six in the evening. For dinner, fermented milk products, seeds, fruits or vegetable salads are preferred.

All other power systems from the above one way or another repeat the details of the main systems given. From here a harmonious system is born that has a beneficial effect on the health of “Diet Forever”, which perfectly affects weight loss.

Forever Diet: Daily Menu

The menu below is an example. This or that type of product should be chosen not only with orientation to the blood group, time of day, but also taking into account the requirements of the body. This is the greatest appeal of the system: to listen to the desires of your body. It is very similar to the principles of intuitive nutrition, which today can be reckoned with fashion diet trends.

So, how to eat on the system "Diet forever"?

The first rule is to divide the meal time into three time periods:

• until 12 noon;

• until 4 p.m.

• until 7 p.m.

The menu is as follows.

Until 12 p.m. (first half of the day):

Breakfast: after waking up, you need to drink one or even two glasses of clean drinking water at room temperature. The bottom line is to clear the airways and esophagus of mucus accumulated overnight, remove toxins, wake the body, and stimulate the gastrointestinal tract. It is allowed to diversify the water diet after waking up with lemon juice, tincture of healthy herbs, apple cider vinegar.

• Half an hour or an hour after drinking water, have breakfast with fruit or squeezed fruit juice. In this case, you need to pay attention to what fruits (sour or sweet) are suitable for your blood type. The difference between sweet dogs, persimmons, sour apples, oranges or pomelo is huge. However, within the same group you can diversify breakfast, eating it with pleasure. The only limitation is swinging bananas and melons. These fruits should be eaten separately from other foods, not mixed with either yogurt, nor with bread, or with other fruits.

• Half an hour or an hour after a fruit breakfast, you need to eat carbohydrate foods: porridge from whole (preferably) grains, rye bread with herbs. Cereals should be selected by type of blood, tolerance, susceptibility, desire. The ideal option is to soak the cereal in water without boiling or boil it in water, without milk, cream, broths. Salt porridge with a minimum amount of iodized salt is allowed.

Until 4 p.m. (afternoon):

• Drink green tea, take a multivitamin complex (the presence of groups A, B, E is mandatory). After tea, no earlier than an hour, you can have lunch.

Dinner: a portion of the acceptable protein for the blood group (chicken, lean meat, egg, seafood, beans, mushrooms, nuts, soy, bean products). Garnish can be selected according to the separate food system: green leafy or non-starchy vegetables, fresh and stewed without oil. Particular importance should be given to one's own feelings. They will help determine the perfect daily menu.

• Salad needs to be given special attention. Coleslaw will not work for everyone. Beets, carrots and lettuce are contraindicated for some. All individually! However, do not forget: it is forbidden to season the salad with mayonnaise or sour cream. Apple (natural) vinegar, lemon juice, vegetable oil (olive, flax, sunflower, soybean) are ideal for dressing. If you really want fermented milk dressing, you can use natural yogurt instead of sour cream. There is no ban on the amount of fresh vegetables eaten. Eat as much as you want! Ideally, you need to try a different salad every day or change the dressing. So vegetables never get bored.

Up to 19 hours (evening)

Brew herbal or one kind of herbs or spices of Indian cuisine. You can sweeten it with a spoon of natural honey. Be sure to find out for yourself what is more useful: chamomile, ginger, linden, cinnamon? ... Together with tea, you should take multivitamins, always with magnesium and calcium. All other groups appointed by the doctor will also come in handy.

• One hour after tea from herbs or spices should be twisted: from one to three glasses of kefir, natural yogurt or other fermented milk product. You can add dried apricots to the drink.

It's all. At the reception of fermented milk products, the meal is completed. After seven in the evening on the "Diet forever" you can not eat anything. For a change and disruption prevention Change products belonging to the same category as often as possible. This will help to avoid breakdowns and increase the comfort of the diet.

"Diet Forever": an approximate calculation of calories

An approximate nutritional plan could be this.

1. Water intake.

2. Fruit breakfast: three hundred grams of bananas (270 kcal).

3. Second breakfast: 70 grams (two slices) of brown bread with herbs (150 kcal).

4. Lunch: three hundred grams of fresh cabbage, seven grams of vegetable oil (teaspoon), one hundred grams of boiled turkey (340 kcal).

5. Snack: herbal tea with a spoon (55 grams) of honey - 170 kcal.

6. Dinner: one hundred grams of fat-free cottage cheese, 250 grams of grapefruit (170 kcal).

7. The total daily calorie intake is 1100 kcal.

Reviews of women who have tried on themselves "Diet forever", clearly indicate its effectiveness. The main thing is to set the motion vector as the basis, because everything ingenious is really simple. Everything else will follow.

"Diet forever": how long to apply?

Exit from the diet is not required. From any day you can switch to your usual diet. The only problem may be non-compliance with a separate diet. Severity, disruption of the digestive tract may occur. However, if a sufficient amount of plant fiber, water, high-quality protein, vitamins continues to enter the body, the transition to a mixed diet will not be noticeable.

Diet is very flexible. A losing weight woman can vary the diet, based on an individual calculation of the calorie corridor. In fact, the proposed "Diet Forever" is an approximate diet of a healthy diet that brings not only satiety, but also health.


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