Carbonara with bacon and cream is a great idea for a hearty dinner. Recipes for Carbonara with Bacon and Cream from Italian Gourmet


Carbonara is a relatively young Italian dish, but it has already become popular.

Despite its satiety and high calorie content, it is respected and revered in many restaurants.

And even the most notorious supporters of healthy food are not averse to try a plate of deliciously tasty carbonara with bacon and cream.


Carbonara with bacon and cream - the general principles of cooking

Spaghetti. The basis of the dish. Basically, you can use any spaghetti durum wheat. Pasta is boiled until cooked in salted water. It is better not to cook spaghetti in advance so that they do not get very cold and stay warm.

Bacon. Ideally, the peritoneum (pancetta) or pork cheeks (guanchale) is used for this dish. But you can use any bacon that is. The product is usually just fried in a pan.

Cream. Fat does not matter much, but remember that the rest of the products are quite heavy and high-calorie. Therefore, it is undesirable to take cream more than 15%.

Cheese. Frequent ingredient carbonara. In the classic recipe used pecorino novel - a product of sheep milk. But now mostly Parmesan or any hard cheese is added due to their availability and more universal taste.

Also frequent guests in the Carbonare are: onions, garlic, basil, mushrooms. Tomatoes, olives, paprika and other vegetables are sometimes used as supplements. So where do without spices? Here is a matter of taste. Italians prefer to add fragrant herbs, you can simply use the mixture of the same name from a romantic country.

Recipe 1: Classic spaghetti carbonara with bacon and cream

In this recipe, carbonaras with bacon and cream sauce and spaghetti do not wait for each other and prepare at the same time, which saves a lot of time.


• 120 grams of bacon;

• 200 grams of spaghetti;

• olive oil;

• egg;

• 100 grams of cream;

• 50 grams of parmesan;

• spices;

• fresh basil.


1. Put a saucepan with water and boil spaghetti until cooked. The exact preparation time is indicated on the product packaging, do not forget to salt.

2. Cut the bacon into thin strips, fry in a griddle, add a little olive oil.

3. Smash the egg in a bowl, interrupt with a fork and pour in the cream. Percentage of fat can be taken any. Then add grated parmesan, at the end add chopped basil. Mix all the ingredients of the sauce, salted.

4. Boiled spaghetti is sent to the pan with the already fried bacon, cook together for another 2-3 minutes, so that the pasta warms up well and becomes fiery hot.

5. Fill the prepared sauce, mix and immediately turn off. Cover with a lid and leave for a moment. Boil the sauce is not necessary, the eggs are rolled up, and the cheese will melt from the heat in the pan.

Recipe 2: Carbonara with bacon and spicy cream

A special feature of this recipe is the addition of garlic and egg yolks. For carbonaras with bacon and cream, cooked according to this recipe, characterized by a rich, sharp taste and spicy aroma.


• 200 grams of spaghetti

• 100 grams of bacon;

• ½ cup of cream;

• 4 cloves of garlic;

• Red pepper;

• basil;

• 3 yolks;

• ½ spoon of Italian herbs;

• some oil;

• Parmesan.


1. Boil until cooked spaghetti, but do not give boil soft. Pasta should remain solid, washed and set aside.

2. Cut bacon in thin strips, send it to the pan with butter and fry until done.

3. Peel and chop finely the garlic cloves, send to bacon.

4. Add spaghetti and fry together.

5. Whip cream with three yolks until smooth, add red pepper and dried Italian herbs. Pour everything into the pan, mix everything, warm up for a minute.

6. When serving, sprinkle with grated parmesan and decorate with basil leaves.

Recipe 3: Carbonara with bacon and cream "Mushroom"

Option mushroom carbonara with bacon and cream, for which we will use common champignons. But you can take any other mushrooms, to your taste.


• 400 grams of spaghetti;

• 180 grams of bacon;

• 6-7 champignons;

• basil;

• salt;

• 2 spoons of butter;

• 250 ml of cream;

• 80 grams of parmesan.


1. Cooking spaghetti in salted water, as usual.

2. Pour butter into a frying pan, put champignons into shredded plates, fry.

3. As soon as all the water has evaporated from the mushrooms, they will begin to brown, add chopped bacon. The shape and size of the pieces is arbitrary, at its discretion, but it is better to make thin slices.

4. Parmesan three, mix with cream, salt and add chopped basil.

5. Pour cream sauce to mushrooms with bacon, warm well until cheese melts.

6. Spread spaghetti, warm up again and turn off the fire. Serve mushroom carbonara with bacon and cream hot, richly flavored with fresh herbs.

Recipe 4: Carbonara with Bacon, Cream and Cherry Tomatoes

Another version of the favorite Italian carbonara with bacon and cream, which is best to add tomatoes. Cherry But if they are not available, you can put ordinary tomatoes, but dense, fleshy, not overripe, which can be neatly cut.


• 400 grams of pasta;

• 150 grams of bacon;

• 15 cherry tomatoes;

• 2 cloves of garlic;

• one onion;

• a glass of cream;

• 3 eggs;

• Parmesan optional;

• black pepper, salt, basil.


• Boil the paste. Rinse the spaghetti is not necessary, just drain the water. They should stay hot.

• Fold the cherry tomatoes in a baking tray, send it to the oven, cook at 180 degrees. Tomatoes should shrivel a little, darken.

• Fry bacon in the pan, as soon as a little fat is released, add diced onion. Cook together.

• Add minced garlic.

• Whip cream with eggs, salt, season with black pepper. Optionally, at this stage, you can add parmesan or any other cheese, but only hard varieties.

• Pour the sauce into the pan with bacon and onion, warm it up.

• Pour the contents of the pan into the pan for spaghetti, mix well and add the tomatoes from the oven. Give the paste to infuse under the lid of a quarter of an hour.

Recipe 5: Carbonara with bacon and cream in a slow cooker

A simple recipe for popular Italian pasta. The slow cooker reduces the active cooking time as well as the amount of dirty dishes in the kitchen. Spaghetti does not need to separately boil, rinse, mix ingredients for the sauce. Everything is cooked together in a bowl. But for the result to be successful, strictly observe the amount of ingredients, especially for liquids.


• 250 grams of spaghetti;

• 100 grams of bacon;

• 240 grams of cream;

• pinch of dried basil;

• 120 grams of parmesan;

• onion;

• a pair of garlic cloves;

• 550 grams of water;

• yolk;

• salt, spoon of oil.


1. Pour a spoonful of butter into the multicooker container, add chopped onion, bacon, garlic and simply fry all together for 10-15 minutes in the appropriate mode. You can also do this on a baking program, cook as convenient, taking into account the capabilities of your assistant.

2. Add cream, hot water, mix, salt, pepper. Break the spaghetti in half so that they fit into the bowl of the slow cooker. We send, mix it so that the cream sauce completely covers the pasta.

3. Close the lid, cook in the "rice / spaghetti" mode.

4. Mix the grated cheese with the yolk.

5. 3 minutes before the end, open the lid. Add the cheese mass, put the dried basil. If desired, its amount can be reduced or use other herbs and spices. All thoroughly mixed and complete the cooking process.

Recipe 6: Carbonara with bacon, chicken and cream

The chicken in this dish dilutes the calorie content, reduces the amount of bacon and makes the dish more useful. It is better to use breast for cooking, but if you wish you can take the fillet from the legs, but it is better not to use the skin.


• one breast;

• 400 grams of spaghetti;

• 100 grams of bacon;

• onion;

• 2 spoons of butter;

• 350 grams of cream;

• 4 eggs;

• 100 grams of parmesan;

• salt, basil.


1. Cut bacon into cubes, fry in a frying pan with butter until crisp. Then take out in a separate bowl, leaving the fat in place.

2. Cut chicken breast finely, fry in a frying pan after bacon for 10-15 minutes, add chopped onion and cook together. At the end, bring back crispy bacon slices.

3. Separately boil spaghetti, drain water. We send the finished pasta in a pan with bacon and chicken, warming up.

4. Smash the eggs in a bowl, stir with a fork or lightly whisk.

5. Three finely Parmesan cheese, mix with cream and whipped eggs. To taste with salt, add fresh or dried basil, pepper, you can add a clove of garlic.

6. Pour the sauce into the heated spaghetti, mix well, cover the pan and turn off the fire. Give the dish a brew for a quarter of an hour and serve until it has cooled.

Recipe 7: Carbonara with Bacon, Cream and Paprika

Italian dish that has a special, bright color and fresh aroma. For carbonara with bacon and cream, you will need dried paprika, as well as Bulgarian peppers. It is better to use vegetables of red color, juicy and fleshy.


• 200 grams of dry spaghetti;

• 130 grams of bacon;

• a glass of cream;

• 2 peppers;

• 1 tsp. paprika;

• basil;

• salt;

• 70 grams of parmesan.


1. As usual, boil spaghetti separately.

2. Fry diced bacon to a ruddy state.

3. Cut into cubes pepper, after removing the core with the seeds and the stem. Shipped in a pan with bacon, simmer together under the lid until the pepper is soft.

4. Mix the grated cheese with cream, add salt, dried paprika and chopped basil. All mix and pour into the pan with bacon and pepper. Heat the sauce for a minute.

5. Add the fire to the maximum, put the boiled spaghetti in the pan, quickly stir, cover and turn off. After 10 minutes you can take a sample.

Carbonara with bacon and cream - tricks and tips

• Don't like fatty bacon? Its amount can be reduced by half. And in the carbonara with bacon and cream you can also put boiled chicken, any meat, carbonate, ham and other meat products.

• Do not focus on the spaghetti cooking time indicated in the recipe. Not every type of paste it is the same and not all manufacturers use only durum wheat, often there is a mixture. Therefore, it is better to look at the product on its packaging and always follow the process.

• Basil is a favorite ingredient of Italian carbonara with bacon and cream. Ideally, fresh greens are used, but if one is not available, then you can take dried leaves or frozen ones. And with a complete shortage of the product, you can simply use a mixture of Italian herbs, the taste is also decent.


Watch the video: 10 Creamy & Satisfying Pasta Dishes (June 2024).