Why dream about walking barefoot in a dream?


Dreams are often realistic pictures with a variety of plot variations. In a dream, a person falls into some specific situations, is happy or sad, trying to act.

Unusual for everyday life, but quite understandable from the point of view of the work of the subconscious are dreams in which the dreamer walks barefoot. The lack of shoes on one side can be interpreted as losing it.

On the other hand, it is through the feet, according to numerous teachings, that a person connects with the outside world.

It is the barefoot given to receive water from the universe. In order to understand whether it is good or bad to walk loose in a dream, it is necessary to consider all the details of the dream.

Dreamed of walking barefoot in a dream what does it mean

Green grass or sharp stones, dirt, broken glass, clear stream, asphalt - these are just a few of the options that can be imagined.

To figure out what means walking barefoot in a dream, it is important to take into account the circumstances of the dreamer.

There are dream books according to which see yourself without shoes, means to break the relationship with someone from the inner circle.

But it also happens that barefoot man, does not feel the loss of shoes at all and does not feel any discomfort.

Walking barefoot in the snow

Not only the circumstances in which a person had to walking barefoot in the snow in a dreammay be different.

Much will also depend on the quality of the snow cover. Opening the dream book, you can sit, that walking barefoot in the snow means feel their own powerlessness and lack of support from the side.

In the same time snowy snow, virgin and untouched promises calm and luck, foreshadows a good period in life.

Dirty spots or snow and other people's footprintsWe are the difficulties, overcoming which, you can achieve success.

If you have to go not on snow, but on ice, the dream foreshadows that some mistakes of the past may emerge in reality.

Barefoot walking on the ground in a dream

Various interpretations will give the dream book to the question of what it means to walk in a dream barefoot on the ground. The options here can be many:

  • go barefoot for plowing to a well-established intimate life, to a possible marriage;
  • walk barefoot on bare ground - to gain a sense of confidence in affairs, literally feel the earth under their feet;
  • the presence of juicy grass on earth promises deliverance from oppression and a feeling of depression;
  • walk through a blooming field - to a favorable period in life. Such a dream before the wedding will mean a marriage that is happy in every respect.

Walking in the mud what dreams

But wander in a dream barefoot through the mud not very good. In reality, someone can find out about your wrongful deed.

Also such a dream can mean the collapse of hope and will postpone the fulfillment of a dream for a long time. Especially if besides the dirt, the dreamer sees torn clothes or bleeding wounds.

May such a dream mean and unforeseen difficulties and complications in matters that seemed practically solved.

What dreams about walking barefoot down the street

Walking on the street with barefoot - a good sign that means getting rid of a burden and some obligations.

This dream has another meaning. - the dreamer needs to be careful in making decisions, otherwise it is easy to make a mistake and go astray.

See yourself on the street without shoes, begging for trouble or disease.

Go barefoot on asphalt in a dream

Much in the dream will depend on the purity of the asphalt.

Walk barefoot on dirty asphalt - Gossip, jealousy of the dreamer and conflicting rumors.

Clean asphalt symbolizes the city life full of troubles and anxieties, the need to defend one’s point of view, to protect one’s own interests and to contact a large number of people.

In a dream walk barefoot on the water

Much here will depend on the state of the water.

Clear water means getting answers to many questions, including those not asked. Also a dream promises gaining confidence.

Finding yourself without shoes in a raging stream - lose a sense of confidence, feel weak.

Be piled in dirty water - to annoyance, petty quarrels and troubles.

Walk on wet sand foreshadows profit, including bribes.

A dream is considered to be favorable, in which the dreamer could walk without shoes along the seashore - a sign of good change and a happy streak in life.

If the dreamer sees someone barefoot, it means victory over the opponent.


Watch the video: . u200eWalking Barefoot. u200e Dream Interpretation (June 2024).