Turkey cutlets - recipes for every day. The secrets of cooking steamed turkey cutlets in a pan and oven


Poultry meat is low in calories, an abundance of vitamins and protein. It is used as a complementary food for children, starting from a year and a half, is included in the diet menu.

Turkey cutlets can be a daily or festive dish, depending on the filling, design and method of serving. Experiment and surprise relatives and guests!

Turkey cutlets - general principles of preparation

Turkey is a gentle diet poultry often used in children's menus. Dishes come out of it low-calorie, tender, with a minimum cholesterol content. Turkey cutlets - a dish for every day and to the festive table. Very juicy, resilient and delicious.

Product selection:

  1. Stuffing is best done at home in a meat grinder. Minced meat may contain skin, cartilage.

  2. To roast turkey cutlets, fillet and breast are used. Choose a wet turkey, with fair skin, without obvious extraneous odors.

  3. Cutlets are fried in any odorless vegetable oil. Suitable sunflower, olive, corn. In the diet, you can use steam cutlets, cooked without the use of fat.

  4. Ground breadcrumbs are ground breadcrumbs. But you can replace them with flour, sesame seeds, oatmeal, grated cheese and even batter.


  1. Preheat the pan in advance. Pour so much oil that the maximum level reaches the middle of the height of the cutlets.

  2. Be sure to fry the patties on both sides, turning them several times for even cooking.

  3. Directly in the oil at the stage of its heating, you can add 2 sprigs of rosemary, thyme, and then remove and fry the meatballs. This will saturate them with the aroma of herbs.

  4. Keep in mind that turkey meat is tougher than chicken and requires longer cooking time. To add juiciness, fried turkey cutlets can be folded into a thick-walled form, pour warm water or broth and simmer in the oven for about 20 minutes with the lid open.

Turkey minced meatballs (for every day)

The classic recipe for juicy and soft meatballs as an ordinary dish. Cooking takes a minimum amount of time and effort; all products can be purchased in a regular store. Tender turkey cutlets will perfectly complement even a children's and dietary diet.


  1. Turkey meat is half a kilo.

  2. Olive oil - 80 ml.

  3. Fine bread crumbs - 100 g.

  4. Milk - half a glass.

  5. Onions - 120 gr. (2-3 onions).

  6. One large egg.

  7. Garlic to taste.

  8. White roll of stale - 350 gr.

  9. Dried ground ginger - 10 gr.

  10. Fresh herbs (parsley or dill) - half a bunch.

  11. Pepper, salt - to taste.

  12. Dried marjoram - 5 gr.

Cooking method:

  1. Remove the crusts from the roll and soak in warm milk for 3 minutes.

  2. Wash the turkey meat in running water, cut into small pieces.

  3. Squeeze the bread lightly with your hands and pass along with the poultry meat through a meat grinder.

  4. Peel the onion and garlic, wash, chop finely.

  5. Heat a high frying pan with oil and fry the onions first until golden brown, and then add spices and minced garlic, mix quickly and turn off the heat.

  6. Put this roasting in minced meat, pepper and salt to taste.

  7. Stir the mass.

  8. Pour crackers into a deep plate. Form oval cutlets with wet hands, roll in breadcrumbs on all sides, press with your palm.

  9. Pour olive oil into the pan, heat for 3 minutes, until bubbles appear on its surface.

  10. Put the patty in the center of the pan, then immediately push it to the edge.

  11. Fry on each side without covering.

  12. Add oil as needed. Sprinkle the finished cutlets with herbs, serve immediately.

Turkey minced meatballs (with cheese)

Inside each turkey cutlet is a flavored melted cheese. Such a dish would be even tastier if you rub a little cheese into the breading. A great idea for a children's breakfast is a minimum of calories and fat, maximum benefits.


  1. Turkey fillet - 650 gr.

  2. Hard cheese (Russian, Dutch) - 170 gr.

  3. Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.

  4. Salt, pepper - optional.

  5. Ground crackers - 7 tbsp. l

  6. Refined sunflower oil - 70 ml.

  7. Parsley - half a bunch.

  8. Onion - 1.5 pcs.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the fillet, dry with a paper towel, twist in a meat grinder.

  2. Grind cheese on a coarse grater, set aside 50 gr. and mix with breadcrumbs.

  3. In the minced meat, chop the garlic and onions, salt, add the black pepper.

  4. Break the eggs into a deep plate and beat with a whisk.

  5. Preheat the pan by pouring oil 1 cm high.

  6. Put about 2 tbsp on a wet palm. l minced meat, mash it into a flat cake.

  7. Put about 20 grams in the center. grated cheese, a pinch of chopped parsley, wrap and pinch the edges carefully so that the cheese does not leak when frying.

  8. Form so all cutlets, dip in breadcrumbs mixed with cheese.

  9. Fry over low heat, otherwise the cheese will start to burn.

  10. As the oil is absorbed, add one spoonful of it before laying out the next portion of cutlets.

Oven turkey cutlets (with vegetable filling)

Excellent cutlets with minced vegetables will be your favorite dish. They have a rich taste and delicious aroma, they are very juicy, and thanks to baking - healthy and dietary. Turkey cutlets baked in the oven are served with any side dish.


  1. Turkey drumstick - 1 kg.

  2. One egg.

  3. Toast white bread - 250 gr.

  4. Carrots, onions - one each.

  5. Garlic - 4 cloves.

  6. Fresh parsley - 30 gr.

  7. Sweet red pepper - 1 pc.

  8. Salt - 10 gr.

  9. Black pepper - 5 gr.

  10. Dried paprika - 5 gr.

  11. Oregano - 5 gr.

  12. Olive oil - 65 ml.

  13. Sunflower oil - 40 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. We peel the onion and garlic from the husk, and pepper - from the stalk and seeds, rinse and dry.

  2. In the blender bowl we add the broken pieces of bread without a crust, one clove of garlic, 2.5 tbsp. l oils. For pungency and piquancy, you can add half the pod without seeds of red hot pepper.

  3. Grind the mixture to a large crumb, put the mass on a baking sheet and put in a preheated oven for 7 minutes. Bake until golden crust appears on the surface.

  4. In the blender bowl, put the remaining garlic, chopped bell peppers, onions and carrots. Grind, without bringing to a state of mashed potatoes.

  5. Pour the mixture into a pre-heated pan and lightly fry in oil, cool.

  6. Remove the meat from the bone, wash and cut it into small pieces, grind it in a meat grinder.

  7. Mix the resulting stuffing with dried crumbs.

  8. Add the egg, parsley, salt, pepper, seasonings and vegetable mixture beaten with a fork.

  9. Knead with your hands.

  10. Grease a baking sheet (or other baking dish) with sunflower oil and spread tightly formed round patties. Top also grease with oil.

  11. Bake in the oven at 190 degrees for at least 30 minutes.

  12. If the patties are dry, during the baking process you can spray them several times with water or broth.

Oven turkey cutlets (with white sauce)

Cutlets are a versatile dish that can be fed to all family members. Turkey cutlets, cooked in the oven, cook very quickly, can be included in the daily menu as a light dinner with salad or side dish. White sour cream based sauce will be a great addition.


  1. Skinless turkey meat - 900 gr.

  2. Onion - 2 heads.

  3. Eggs - 2 pcs.

  4. White stale roll - 300 gr.

  5. Garlic - 3 (or more) cloves.

  6. Milk -1/3 cup.

  7. Sour cream, mayonnaise - 100 g each.

  8. Salt, pepper, ground paprika - to taste.

  9. Processed cheese - 1 pc.

  10. Vegetable oil - a third of a glass.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the meat, pass through a meat grinder along with peeled garlic and onions.

  2. Add the egg, crush the bread crumb into the crumb between the palms, add milk, put salt, pepper.

  3. Stir everything.

  4. Pour oil into a pan and heat.

  5. Form cutlets, dip each in a beaten egg.

  6. Place on a large greased baking sheet.

  7. Stir in sour cream and mayonnaise, pepper a little, grate finely-processed cheese and whisk with a whisk.

  8. Pour turkey cutlets with sauce and bake for 20-25 minutes. The temperature is 180 degrees.

Steamed turkey cutlets (with oatmeal)

Everyone who follows their figure, is guided by the principles of a healthy diet or cooks for kids, especially those prone to allergies, will like a universal dish - steam cutlets from turkey. Turkey meat is lean and dry, so steaming is the best option to give the dish a juiciness and airiness.


  1. Turkey (breast) - 750-800 gr.

  2. Oatmeal - 6 tbsp. l

  3. Onion - 1 pc.

  4. Salt is a pinch to taste.

  5. Garlic - 1 clove.

  6. Fresh or dried herbs - 1 tbsp. l

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the breast, dry and grind in a meat grinder twice.

  2. Pour oat flakes with a small amount (about 50-70 ml) of boiling water and let them swell slightly. Then mix with minced meat.

  3. Chop the onion and garlic with a knife or skip in a meat grinder, then add to the minced meat.

  4. Salt and pour finely chopped greens.

  5. Shuffle everything until smooth. Form small cutlets with your hands and add them by hand.

  6. Pour up to half the volume of water into a large pot, boil. Place a regular colander on top, into which cutlets are placed. Cover, reduce heat.

  7. Steaming is longer than frying: on each side of the patties it is necessary to process about 15-20 minutes, depending on their thickness.

Steamed turkey cutlets (with mustard and spicy Mediterranean herbs)

Quite fresh turkey cutlets can be varied with aromatic, fragrant additives: mustard, oregano, marjoram. Use a tomato paste for a bright color. Breadcrumbs, in which cutlets are rolled, will create a pleasant crisp during processing. Even a diet dish can be very tasty!


  1. Turkey fillet - 400 gr.

  2. Garlic - 1 clove.

  3. Coarse bread crumbs - 3 tbsp. l

  4. Onion - half.

  5. The egg is one.

  6. Mustard - 2-3 gr.

  7. Salt to taste.

  8. Tomato paste - 1 tbsp. l

  9. Oregano and marjoram - half a tsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the fillet in running water, dry, cut into pieces and chop the minced meat.

  2. Crush the garlic in a mortar, chop the onion with a knife as finely as possible or use a blender.

  3. Mix the egg, crushed garlic, onion, spices, salt, mustard and tomato paste with a fork.

  4. Pour this mixture into minced meat and mix thoroughly.

  5. Form the cutlets. It should turn out about 10-12 pieces.

  6. Put the steamers in the bowl. Cooking time - at least half an hour. In the middle of cooking, cutlets should be turned over.

Steamed turkey cutlets (with rice)

Cutlets with boiled rice from poultry meat - an easy and tasty lunch for children and adults. Sprinkled with fragrant greens, generously flavored with fragrant spices, turkey steak cutlets will become your signature dish.


  1. Turkey - 700 gr.

  2. Rice - 80 grams.

  3. One onion (about 100 gr.).

  4. One egg yolk.

  5. Half a glass of water.

  6. Salt, black pepper powder.

  7. A mixture of Provencal herbs - 1 tsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse and boil in slightly salted water. Cool it down.

  2. Make mincemeat: rinse the meat, dry it with a towel and pass through a meat grinder, adding chopped onion into pieces.

  3. Pour salt, pepper and herbs into it.

  4. Separate the yolk from the protein, stir with a fork and pour into the meat mixture.

  5. Add chilled rice.

  6. Blind small round patties, put them in the pan of a double boiler and cook for 60 minutes, turning several times during cooking.

Chopped turkey cutlets (low-calorie)

Diet small meatballs with kefir and bran useful for the stomach can be included not only in the diet of those who are losing weight, but also for children who are likely to be interested in the filling - a quail egg. Can be served with rice, buckwheat or salad.


  1. Quail eggs - 15 pieces.

  2. Turkey fillet - 400 gr.

  3. Fat-free kefir - half a glass.

  4. One chicken egg.

  5. A small onion.

  6. Oat or wheat bran - 30 gr.

  7. Ground salt and pepper - to taste.

  8. Sunflower oil (odorless) - 2-3 tbsp. l

Cooking method:

  1. Boil the eggs for 5 minutes, peel.

  2. Wash the fillet and chop with a knife as small as possible. Pour salt and pepper into the resulting meat mass, beat in the chicken egg, put finely chopped onions and bran. Pour in kefir and mix. For greater juiciness, you can separately fill in bran with kefir, let them swell for 20-40 minutes and only then enter into the stuffing.

  3. Make 15 balls of the same size from the minced meat. Press each of them with your palm and put one quail egg in the resulting “pancake”. Pinch the edges and form oval-shaped small patties.

  4. You can roll them in flour or breadcrumbs, but even without them they turn out to be quite satisfying and tasty.

  5. Fry the patties in preheated vegetable oil for 4 minutes on each side.

Chopped turkey cutlets (in a slow cooker)

Low-fat dietary turkey meat is extremely beneficial. Cutlets from it are obtained low-calorie, rich in proteins, with a minimum content of fat and cholesterol. A slow cooker greatly facilitates the cooking process.


  1. Fillet - 800 gr.

  2. Carrots and onions - 1 pc.

  3. Sweet pepper - 1 pc.

  4. Ground black pepper - half a teaspoon of tea.

  5. Salt is a pinch.

  6. Cooking oil - 1 tbsp. l

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the skinless fillet and chop as finely as possible with a knife.

  2. Add salt and pepper as you wish.

  3. Pass carrots and onions through a meat grinder and transfer to minced meat.

  4. Cut bell pepper into small strips and lightly fry in oil until golden crust appears, put in minced meat.

  5. Stir the mass with your hands, after moistening them with water.

  6. Shape small flat cutlets.

  7. Grease the bowl of the multicooker and put it on the bottom of the patty in one layer. Turn on the "Frying" mode for 14 minutes, leave the lid open. After 5 minutes of cooking cutlets turn over. Then close the lid and set the mode "Extinguishing" for 40 minutes.

Chopped turkey cutlets (with feta cheese)

Lean poultry can be easily beaten in meatballs if you experiment with toppings. Salted feta cheese, a finished brisket and an abundance of seasonings and greens - and before you is not a dietary fresh dish, but a spicy, spicy meat snack, which may well become central on the festive table.


  1. Turkey meat - 900 gr.

  2. Parsley leaves - about 30 gr.

  3. Half a stale loaf.

  4. Garlic - 2 cloves.

  5. Butter - 120 gr.

  6. Salt, black pepper - optional.

  7. Lemon juice - 10 ml.

  8. Brynza - 150 gr.

  9. Cooked smoked brisket - 120 gr.

  10. One large onion.

  11. Eggs - 3 pcs.

Cooking method:

  1. With stale rolls, peel, cut into slices approximately 0.5 cm thick and dry in the oven for about 4 minutes.

  2. With a rolling pin or in a mortar, crush crackers into crumbs (not very small).

  3. Rinse the parsley and remove the leaves, chop them.

  4. Peel the garlic, chop very finely.

  5. Soften butter, add garlic and parsley to it, salt, pepper. Add finely chopped feta cheese and mix. At the end, pour lemon juice into the filling.

  6. Lay out a sheet of cling film, in the center - the filling. Screw the bag in the form of a cylinder, tie it at the ends and put it in the freezer for 3 hours.

  7. Chop the turkey meat and brisket with a sharp knife into small pieces.

  8. Chop the onion in a meat grinder and put in the minced meat.

  9. Add salt, pepper, 2 egg yolks there.

  10. Knead the minced meat with your hands.

  11. Beat the whole egg and the remaining two squirrels with a fork. Pour the lezon into a deep plate, pour crackers in a bowl.

  12. Wet hands on a board, form flat cakes of minced meat, put a piece of filling in the center, wrap, roll in an egg, and then - in breadcrumbs. The deboning procedure can be carried out twice - then the dish will have a delicious crisp.

  13. Fry them in oil until half-cooked.

  14. Put all the cutlets in a roasting pan and bake in the oven for 15 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. For greater juiciness, when baking, you can pour the patties into 100 ml of broth.

Turkey cutlets - tricks and tips

To diversify simple everyday patties, experiment with toppings.

Can be used:

  • chopped fried mushrooms with onions;

  • butter with fresh or dried herbs;

  • fried bell peppers with onions;

  • boiled green beans;

  • hard or cream cheese;

  • walnuts with mushrooms;

  • smoked cheese with fried tomatoes.

As a side dish for turkey cutlets, it is recommended to serve:

  • boiled rice;

  • mashed potatoes;

  • pasta;

  • vegetable stew;

  • Bean Lobio.

You can roll cutlets not only in store breadcrumbs.

As a breading, use:

  • raw potatoes grated on a "garlic" grater;

  • crackers mixed with grated hard cheese;

  • beaten egg with chopped walnuts;

  • finely ground oatmeal;

  • bran.

Use imagination when serving: cutlets can be sprinkled with sour cream with herbs and garlic, white Tartar sauce, store-bought tomato sauce or your own. The dish is sprinkled with greens of parsley, cilantro, dill, grated hard cheese.


Watch the video: Turkey Chops in Pan Gravy recipe (July 2024).