Argan oil for hair. How to use the beneficial properties of argan oil for the beauty and health of your hair.


There is not a single lady on the planet who does not care for her hair and does not want them to look wonderful. It is already established that a chic hair is considered a huge advantage of a girl. Just a few smiles, a couple of waved hairs - and the man who you liked will be immediately fascinated by you.

To make your hair look well-groomed and beautiful, you need to spend a great deal of time on a variety of masks and lotions, which you need to use almost every day. If the hair is not very long, then this is nothing. But for girls with hair to the waist, hair care can turn into a real torture. There are a lot of tools that can help make your hair as magnificent as healthy. One of these magical remedies is argan oil for hair.

What is argan oil and how is it obtained?

Many of those who want to buy argan oil for hair are faced with the fact that it is too expensive and rarely sold in its purest form. Basically, it is simply added to cosmetics, but it does not bring less benefit from it. The fact is that argan trees can be found only in Morocco. Interestingly, local law categorically prohibits the export of this plant abroad. This means that argan trees are very valuable and, accordingly, since this is the case, then argan oil for hair simply can not be cheap, because it is considered a rarity and is extracted with great difficulty.

Argan trees bear fruit infrequently - only once in two years. The fruits are not very large in size. Slightly larger than olives. Inside each fetus there is a bone with a fairly hard shell. If the shell is broken, then several small nucleoli will appear, resembling almonds in shape. Argan seeds can be squeezed carefully so as not to lose a drop of this valuable product. Ripe fruits are carefully harvested. Then, they must be carefully cleaned of all unnecessary, without damaging either the seeds or the pulp. All this is done by people. The work is quite painstaking and monotonous. Great effort is needed to get to the seeds and squeeze them out well. In order to get only 2 liters of pure argan oil, you need to peel about 100 kilograms of fruits from argan trees and get about 5 kilograms of seeds from them, which will ultimately be squeezed. That is why argan oil for hair can not be cheap.

The color of argan oil can be light golden or dark yellow. You should not pay special attention to this, because the quality of the mask in no way depends on its color. If you smell the oil, you can immediately feel the pronounced nutty notes. The unpleasant smell of argan oil for hair indicates that it has deteriorated or is a fake.

The healing properties of argan oil for hair:

• no product can moisturize hair as well as argan oil for hair, because it nourishes them along their entire length and saturates them with useful vitamins without missing a centimeter of damaged hair;

• able to repair damage of any type, which is very important, because modern girls often use hair straighteners and curling irons that violate their structure;

• helps keep hair smooth for the longest possible time, and helps to ensure that your hairstyle will be in perfect shape even in inclement and rainy weather;

• helps to permanently get rid of annoying dandruff by constantly moisturizing the scalp;

• gives hair the strength to fight the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays;

• strengthens the hair follicles as much as possible so that the hair falls out less and is thick and strong;

• will return the lost shine to the hair and help restore the former splendor and density of your hair, emphasizing the natural beauty of the hair.

How to apply argan oil for hair?

Finding and purchasing this magic oil is only half the battle. It is very important that you know exactly how to use it correctly, so that the result does not make you wait too long, and you are satisfied with it. I don’t want it to turn out that the money and time were simply wasted.

Take some argan oil for hair and pour it on the palms of your hands. Slowly rub it into your scalp as if you were making yourself a massage. There should be enough oil so that you can evenly distribute it through your hair without missing a single strand. Now you need to take the polyethylene and wrap their hair in such a way that air can not get under it. Hair should be completely saturated with argan oil and absorb the most useful from it as much as possible. Before wrapping your hair with polyethylene, make sure that you spread the oil well over your hair.

It is very important that you correctly calculate its amount, because if there is too much oil, then it will drain on your neck for as long as you will stand on yourself a mask of argan oil. This will give you one discomfort. And pay attention to the fact that it is better not to leave the mask for an hour or two, but for the whole night. Or at least for three hours. If you put an insufficient amount of oil on your hair, then this is also not good. Then not all hair will receive a portion of vitamins and, accordingly, you will not get a good result. After holding the mask on your hair for a sufficient amount of time, wash your hair with shampoo.

If you are one of those women who often have problems with the ends of their hair, then there is one effective way that will help you solve them. Take a little argan oil and carefully apply on the ends of your hair. It should be noted that the hair should be clean and dry. No need to pre-wet them. As soon as the ends of your hair are well covered with argan oil, dry them and style as you like without washing off the oil. Being on the hair all day, the oil can protect them from damage and give them the necessary elasticity so that the hairdo does not lose its shape for as long as possible.

Beauticians are increasingly calling for the use of argan oil for hair, not only in its pure form, but also to use various products that are based on it. The fact is that the oil itself can be applied only 2-3 times a week, while cosmetics with this component can be used at least every day.

Argan oil for hair in masks

Hair Growth Mask

The recipe is useful to all girls who are too impatient to wait for something for many months and wish to become happy owners of lush and long hair as soon as possible. To prepare such a mask, you will need to take one teaspoon of argan and castor oil. Now pour all this into a separate container and add the contents of five ampoules of vitamin E, stirring everything thoroughly. Pipette exactly ten drops of vitamin A with a pipette, and also add to the rest to the rest. Take one large lemon, cut it and squeeze the juice. Add one small spoon of juice to the remaining ingredients of the mask. And, the finishing touch is a teaspoon of honey.

Stir again and your mask is completely ready. Put it on the hair, wrap it with some kind of towel, which is not a pity, and heat the hair dryer for a couple of minutes. Soak the mask on your hair for no more than two hours and rinse without using shampoo. This procedure can not be done more often than once a week. After a month, you will already notice that your hair has grown noticeably. Argan oil for hair as part of this mask is a growth stimulator and strengthens hair follicles.

Dry hair mask

Argan oil for hair promotes maximum hydration of the hair, saturating them with the necessary components. In order to prepare the mask, you need to take a little almond, argan and burdock oil. Mix them in a separate container and heat for a couple of minutes. A mixture of these oils should be actively rubbed into the scalp and the roots themselves, after which you should wrap your head in a towel and soak for one hour. When time runs out, you can wash off the mask.

It is difficult to find a more useful hair product than argan oil. Yes, you will have to look for it well and you will need to get a little more out of the wallet than originally intended, but believe me, the result will please you.


Watch the video: Argan Oil - Benefits and Ways to Use (June 2024).