Homemade body scrub - 5 best recipes. How to make body scrubs at home.


Modern fashion dictates to women many standards that they supposedly must adhere to: to be thin, without excessive vegetation on the body and with perfectly smooth skin. Since these same standards are greatly exaggerated and "polished" through the program Adobe Photoshop, it would not be worth focusing only on them.

However, most ladies torture their body with diets, and their face with all kinds of chemical procedures in order to look like girls from glossy covers. All sessions in the beauty parlor, peels, lifts and body wraps, as well as classes with a personal trainer in the gym, take a lot of time and effort.

And we want to tell you how to make your skin smooth, clean and toned using a simple homemade body scrub. At the same time, you will essentially save your time, and your wallet will not become noticeably thinner, because any of the proposed scrubs is considered a fairly budgetary recipe for caring for your own appearance.

Homemade body scrub: pros and cons

Before advising lovely ladies any recipe, it is worth noting the possible advantages and disadvantages of scrubs for home use. In most cosmetic products for face and body care, you can create from simple and affordable ingredients that are likely to be found at home for every woman. These can be scrubs using:

• ground coffee,

• Sea salt,

• Brown or white sugar,

• Oatmeal,

• Citrus zest,

• Ground seeds (grape or apricot).

Everything except the last item can often be found on the shelves of kitchen cabinets of any lady. Ground bones, which perfectly exfoliate the stratum corneum of the epidermis, can be stored in advance, for example, in the summer, drying them in the sun. After the components of the future body care product have dried, you can grind them first in a mortar with a kitchen nipper, and then in a coffee grinder.

So, what are the advantages of a home body scrub:

1. Firstly, this product perfectly cleanses pores and eliminates any impurities,

2. Secondly, a homemade body scrub will be an excellent method of dealing with annoying cellulite,

3. Thirdly, this tool tones the skin, improves blood circulation even in the smallest vessels and capillaries,

4. By using body scrubs, a wonderful lifting effect is achieved. The skin is tightened and smoothed, it becomes silky and clean,

5. The operation of a body scrub will prepare the skin for applying various products that relieve cellulite. So you can achieve a deeper penetration of effective creams, masks or wraps.

Like any other skin care method, scrub also has disadvantages and contraindications:

1. Cleaning abrasives will not work for ladies with too sensitive skin. Such an impact easily injures her, thereby you get the opposite effect, that is, instead of cleansing and removing dead parts, you can simply scratch the delicate cover. Accordingly, the skin in sensitive areas will have to be treated with special means for a long time.

2. Of course, the use of scrubs under no circumstances should be allowed if the skin has lesions, wounds, signs of atopic dermatitis, eczema and other dermatological problems.

3. It is highly undesirable to do deep cleansing of the skin of pregnant girls and nursing mothers, as well as women undergoing treatment for serious diseases.

Recipe for homemade body scrub based on sugar and coconut

A body cleanser using sugar and coconut flakes very gently removes the top layer of the epidermis, taking care of the skin and without irritating it. Even if you have a sensitive skin type, try to prepare a homemade body scrub and apply it 1-2 times a week. You will see how smooth the cover becomes. In addition, this scrub is amazingly suitable for facial skin.

To create it, take:

• 2 tbsp. l brown sugar

• 3 tbsp. l sour cream

• 1 tbsp. l grated coconut pulp.

Combine all parts of the scrub in one container, optionally add a couple of drops of essential oil of orange or lemon to the emulsion. It is necessary to apply the product carefully, with massaging movements, rubbing it into the skin of the body. After that, take a shower and cover the cleaned areas with moisturizer. This product is also allowed for girls with dry skin, as sour cream miraculously nourishes and moisturizes it.

Homemade body scrub based on coffee and applesauce

One of the most famous means for home peeling is considered a scrub with ground coffee. Why is he so popular? Everything is simple: it gives the skin an incredible smoothness and freshness, actively fights against the manifestations of cellulite and prepares it for applying anti-cellulite creams or masks. And coffee scrub is the cheapest and most natural tan. With its help, the body will acquire a unique bronze hue.

To make a homemade body scrub with your own hands, you need to prepare:

• Brewed ground coffee - 3 tbsp. l

• An Apple,

• 1 tbsp. l olive oil.

While natural coffee is brewing, you need to peel the apple from the apple and grate it on a fine grater. Then combine the mashed potatoes with olive oil, strain the coffee and add the thickening to our mixture. Now you can scrub the desired parts of the body, massage and rinse.

In addition to the apple, try adding puree from fresh peach to the scrub. These ingredients will make your skin perfectly smooth and silky.

Homemade oatmeal body scrub with cinnamon

A scrub based on oatmeal will allow you to achieve the effect of soft skin. It can be prepared more to cleanse also the skin on the face. The beneficial properties of oatmeal are known to almost everyone, so cereals are part of most popular masks or scrubs. Girls with sensitive, thin and too delicate skin may not be afraid to use this remedy: oatmeal scrub is suitable for any type of skin, it does not damage it and does not contain abrasive particles with sharp edges.

To recreate the recipe yourself, you need to take:

• 4 tbsp. l warm milk

• 1-2 tsp cinnamon

• 3 tbsp. l oatmeal

• 1 tsp almond oil.

In milk, first it is necessary to steam the oatmeal, keep them on the order of 10 minutes, and after the allotted time to mix with the rest of the components. Now you can scrub the skin of the body and massage the problem areas. Cinnamon is considered a fairly effective tool designed to combat body fat and cellulite. It perfectly stimulates blood circulation, and, therefore, will prepare the skin for applying anti-cellulite products.

Homemade body scrub with orange zest and yogurt

The main condition that should be observed during the preparation of this tool: hurry to apply a scrub on the skin before you want to eat it. The stunning aroma of the cleansing composition will certainly be appreciated by those who decide to cook it with their own hands. So what you need to prepare:

• Orange,

• Natural yogurt,

• Brown sugar.

On a grater you will need to grate the zest of orange and squeeze a few tablespoons of juice. If a little pulp gets into the mixture, it will be even good. Mix the resulting ingredients, adding a tablespoon of cane sugar and 5-6 tablespoons of yogurt. Now you just need to do body peeling, including the neck, décolleté, stomach and legs.

After using the scrub, you will notice how softer and more tender the skin has become. It will smooth, become silky and toned.

Homemade body scrub based on sea salt and lemon

Sea salt not only cleanses the epidermis, but also saturates the body with useful substances, for example, iron, magnesium and iodine, penetrating through open pores. Thanks to the lemon, which is part of the product, you can whiten the skin, make its color uniform and relieve inflammation.

To make a scrub at home yourself, you will need:

• 1-2 tbsp. l sea ​​salt previously crushed in a coffee grinder or blender,

• 3-4 tbsp. l cream

• 1 tbsp. l oils (as an option, you can use almond or vegetable oils).

Peeling with this product should be done especially carefully, since sea salt is rather coarse. Massage the skin gently, otherwise you can damage it and make it even more inflamed than before the procedure.

If you want to make a homemade body scrub yourself, you do not need to make much effort. Agree, it’s nice to save money without buying ready-made scrubs, especially since any woman can create it with her own hands. In addition to the components that we offer you, the use of:

- Vitamins A and E,

- Honey

- Lemon (zest, juice or pulp),

- grapefruit juice

- Various oils (almond, tea tree, jojoba and others),

- Yogurt,

- Juice and mashed cucumber,

- The yolk.

To achieve the best result, it is worthwhile to steam the skin before applying the scrub, and after using it, moisturize with special means.


Watch the video: DIY: All Natural Body Sugar Scrubs. Kendra Atkins (July 2024).